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Introducing Lithe SwissHelper: Simplifying PHP Development

Introducing SwissHelper

Meet Lithe SwissHelper, a lightweight yet powerful PHP utility library designed to simplify your development process. Whether it's string manipulations, array operations, data validations, or formatting tasks, SwissHelper has you covered. With a focus on developer experience and clean, readable code, SwissHelper is here to make common programming tasks easier.

Why Use SwissHelper?

  • Convenience: A comprehensive set of helper functions for everyday programming tasks.
  • Efficiency: Reduce code repetition and save development time.
  • Clarity: Write cleaner, more readable, and maintainable PHP code.


Getting started with SwissHelper is easy. Install it via Composer:

composer require lithephp/swisshelper
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After installation, include the Composer autoloader in your project:

require 'vendor/autoload.php';
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Key Features

1. Simplified String Manipulation

SwissHelper offers intuitive methods for processing strings. Here are a few examples:

  • Creating Slugs:
  $slug = str('Hello World!')->slug(); // Output: "hello-world"
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  • Extracting Numbers:
  $numbers = str('Phone: (123) 456-7890')->onlyNumbers(); // Output: "1234567890"
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  • Applying Masks:
  $masked = str('12345678901')->mask('###.###.###-##'); // Output: "123.456.789-01"
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2. Powerful Array Handling

Access and manipulate arrays with ease:

  • Nested Access:
  $array = ['user' => ['name' => 'John Doe']];
  $name = arr($array)->get(''); // Output: "John Doe"
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  • Key Filtering:
  $filtered = arr(['a' => 1, 'b' => 2])->only(['a']); // Output: ['a' => 1]
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3. Data Validation

SwissHelper simplifies data validation with a robust set of validators:

  • Email Validation:
  validate('')->email(); // Output: true
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  • Password Validation:
  validate('StrongP@ssw0rd')->password(); // Output: true
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4. Date and Time Utilities

  • Get Current Date:
  $currentDate = now('Y-m-d'); // Output: Current date in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format
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  • Manipulate Dates:
  $yesterday = now()->modify('-1 day'); // Output: DateTime object for yesterday
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5. Money Formatting

Handle monetary values effortlessly with formatting for various currencies:

$formatted = money(1234.56, 'USD'); // Output: "$1,234.56"
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6. Random String Generation

Generate random strings for various use cases:

$randomString = random(10); // Output: A 10-character alphanumeric string
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7. URL Utilities

  • Get Current URL:
  $currentUrl = url()->current();
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  • Generate URLs with Query Parameters:
  $urlWithQuery = url()->to('search')->with(['q' => 'SwissHelper']);
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Testing and Contributions

SwissHelper comes with a robust test suite. Run the tests with:

composer test
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Want to Contribute?

We'd love to have you on board! Fork the repository, create a branch for your feature, and submit a pull request. Follow PSR-12 coding standards to maintain consistency.

Join the SwissHelper Community

Try SwissHelper today and experience smoother PHP development. Share your ideas, report issues, and contribute on GitHub. Let's build something amazing together!

Find SwissHelper on Packagist: Lithe SwissHelper.

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