I'm Liviu, and I work as a Solutions Architect at Endtest.
You can easily find advice on what to do to be a better tester.
Here is a list on what not to do:
1. Not knowing enough about the product.
Testers can be the bridge between the business side and the technical side.
A good tester is also a power user and is familiar with all the workflows and the corner cases.
2. Not testing on all major browsers.
Not everyone is using Chrome, I can't stress this enough.
Safari has an 18% market share and lots of folks are still using Internet Explorer.
It doesn't matter if your product is built with React, Vue or Angular, there is no library or framework that can eliminate cross-browser issues.
3. Not automating.
Relying only on manual testing is unacceptable.

Automated tests are the best way to make sure that everything is working as expected, without breaking a sweat.
Don't know where to start? Start here:
4. Not showing empathy.
Finding a bug doesn't have to turn into a blame game.
Don't be arrogant or patronizing.
Bugs are a normal byproduct of software development.
5. Not casting a wide net.
Even the smallest change applied to a software product can cause a ripple effect and break functionalities which might seem completely unrelated.

Don't test only around the change, go beyond that.
6. Not testing all the way.
You're familiar with mocks, drivers and stubs, but you should never have complete faith in them.
If you're testing a workflow that sends an email or a text message, make sure that you test them as well.
7. Not providing enough details in the reports.
No one likes to read a vague bug report.
Always include the following items:
• description
• steps to reproduce
• the expected result
• the actual result
Don't hesitate to include:
• screenshots
• video recordings
• logs
8. Not brushing up on the latest tools.
For example, an intelligent test automation tool can make your life easier.
Don't reinvent the wheel.
Familiar with the KISS principle?
It stands for Keep it simple, stupid.
You can check out this video where I compare Selenium with Codeless Automation:
I'm comparing them by using the following criteria:
• ease of use
• flexibility
• collaboration
• cross-browser capabilities
• implementation cost
• end to end capabilities
• reliability
9. Not wanting to learn more.
Even if you're not writing code, that doesn't mean that you shouldn't be familiar with the basic concepts.
A good tester should be familiar with:
• JavaScript
• HTTP Request Methods
• Linux Commands
A good place to start learning those is W3Schools.
Your turn.
Which one of these are you currently doing?
Write a comment below and tell me all about it.

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