Overview of My Submission
A place to find/connect with developers
This is an open-source project.
Submission Category:
This project belongs to MEAN/MERN Mavericks category
Video to overview of my project.
Language Used
I used JavaScript for my entire project.
Link to Code
Link to frontend -
A place to connect/find developers
Findev-app: A place to find/connect developers
A place to find/connect developers
Overview video
Here's a short video that explains the project.
Tech Stack
It is a MERN RERN Stack project
R - Redis
E - Express Js
R - React Js
N - Node Js
For styling i used Tailwind CSS
How it works
How the data is stored:
UserData are strored as hashtable format
UserData has
- Username
- Id
- ImageUrl
Skills are stored as list
Country is stored in hashtable with value and label
Developers are stored in list format with the value as userId
How to run it locally?
✅ You need to have nodejs ✅ You need to have an account in redis and installed redisinsigts
Local installation
To work on this application follow bellow:
git clone https://github.com/lmas3009/findev-app.git
Make changes in the application
git add
Commit the changes
git commit -m
…Link to backend -
A place to connect/find developers
Findev-app: A place to find/connect developers
A place to find/connect developers
Overview video
Here's a short video that explains the project.
Tech Stack
It is a MERN RERN Stack project
R - Redis
E - Express Js
R - React Js
N - Node Js
For styling i used Tailwind CSS
How it works
How the data is stored:
UserData are strored as hashtable format
UserData has
- Username
- Id
- ImageUrl
Skills are stored as list
Country is stored in hashtable with value and label
Developers are stored in list format with the value as userId
How to run it locally?
✅ You need to have nodejs ✅ You need to have an account in redis and installed redisinsigts
Local installation
To work on this application follow bellow:
git clone https://github.com/lmas3009/findev-app-server.git
Make changes in the application
git add
Commit the changes
git commit -m
…Additional Resources / Info
The screenshots of the pages
How to run it locally?
✅ You need to have nodejs
✅ You need to have an account in redis and installed redisinsigts
Local installation
To work on this application follow bellow:
git clone https://github.com/lmas3009/findev-app.git
Add .env file for Frontend with
Add .env file for Backend with
REDIS_HOST=<Redis hostname>
REDIS_PORT=<Redis port>
REDIS_PASSWORD=<Redis Password>
Make changes in the application
git add .
Commit the changes
git commit -m "<Changes>"
Create a new branch and checkout
git branch <name>
git checkout <name>
push to git
git push -u origin <name>
Developer - Aravind Kumar Vemula
- Check out Redis OM, client libraries for working with Redis as a multi-model database.
- Use RedisInsight to visualize your data in Redis.
- Sign up for a free Redis database.
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