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How to localize Angular app with angular-i18n and Localazy

We live in a fast-developing IT era. There are many and many applications - web, mobile, desktop - being released/updated every day. I optimistically assume that most application creators would like to impact the world (and spread application usage worldwide).

That means that in most cases, translating an app is inevitable. Localizing an application is indeed a real challenge. Luckily, thanks to Localazy, we can localize with ease, effectivity and blazing speed.

Localazy features a pro-active review process, highly accurate translation memory supported by community-shared translations, and a simple, very intuitive UI. Thanks to that, managing translation strings, even with open-source projects where anybody can contribute (with varying quality), is a piece of cake 🍰.

Together, in this article, we will make a demo app showing how to localize an Angular app using Localazy. We’re going to use Angular 11 to create the demo app, although this approach is applicable for Angular version 9 (included) and newer with minimal variance.

πŸ™„ TL;DR

  • set up an Angular project
  • install @angular/localize package
  • prepare templates for translations
  • extract a source language file using ng extract-i18n command
  • sign up for Localazy
  • install Localazy CLI
  • create localazy.json file in project root and fill in the configuration
  • upload extracted language files by running localazy upload
  • in Localazy, add any language(s), translate, review…
  • update your project of new locales with localazy download
  • update angular.json to support multiple locales
  • serve the app

You can download the repository with this example project at GitHub.

⭐ Set up a new Angular project

Setting up

Let’s create a new angular project at any desired location. Open a terminal and run the following command:

ng new angular-i18n-localazy-demo
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For demonstration purposes and to keep our project simple and focused mainly on localization, choose not to add Angular routing. Also, use CSS stylesheet format.

Angular Project Setup

To make sure that the project initiation finished without any issues, run serve command in the project folder:

ng serve --open
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Angular Project Served

The command above should open a browser window with the application running. Everything went well; let’s stop the server for now and install an @angular/localize package.

Adding the localization package

ng add @angular/localize
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This package was introduced in Angular 9 and adds internationalization support to an app. You can find detailed information about the internationalization in Localazing your app section of the official Angular documentation.

Note that if the @angular/localize is not installed, the Angular CLI may end up with an error when you try to build a localized version of the app.

πŸ”§ Preparing templates for translations

Our project structure should follow a standard Angular project structure. We’ll do some work on our app component template. The app.component.html file placement is shown in the tree below.

β”œβ”€β”€ src
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ app
β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ app.component.css
β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ app.component.html
β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ app.component.spec.ts
β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ app.component.ts
β”‚   β”‚   └── app.module.ts
β”‚   .
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Open the file and replace its content with our very basic boilerplate.

<!DOCTYPE html>

  <title>`{{ title }}`</title>
  <meta charset="UTF-8" />

  <!-- a place to put some playful string resources -->

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To translate our templates, we need to prepare the text for a translator by marking translation subjects with i18n tag. To discover a piece of power that Localazy offers, let’s define some strings we would like to translate.

  1. Static text message
<h1 i18n>Hello there! We're thrilled that you've decided to use Localazy for translating your app!</h1>
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  1. Text not for display
<ng-container i18n>I am free, wrapped just by the body element</ng-container>
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  1. Element attributes
<div i18n="merged div translation" i18n-data-title="merged div translation"
  data-title="Can we also translate this? Awesome!">
  Can we also translate this? Awesome!
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Angular localization supports using i18n-attribute with any attribute of any element. This groups translation subjects with the same meaning. You can find more detailed information on this topic in Mark element attributes for translations section.

  1. Plurals
<span i18n>Updated </span>
<span i18="icu_plural">
  {minutes, plural, =1 {one minute ago} other {{{ minutes }} minutes ago}}
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Different languages abide by diverse pluralization rules. Following these rules is one of the most demanding tasks when localizing apps. For instance, English has pretty straightforward rules. A word can have either singular or plural form (also knows as β€œone” and β€œother”). Czech language, however, is quite complicated as it distinguishes β€œone”, β€œfew” and β€œother” forms. You can get familiar with the list of possible forms for common world languages on Language Plural Rules of Unicode Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR). The best thing is that Localazy covers the entire specification automatically!

The code snippet above respects CLDR rules and, therefore, will be parsed in Localazy. If we wouldn’t respect the rules, we do not lose a phrase, don’t worry. It will be transferred to Localazy and kept as-is.

To better demonstrate the Plurals behaviour in the app, add an input to change the minutes component property value using the two-way data binding.

Firstly, we need to import FormsModule into our app.module.ts file and add it into the imports section of @NgModule. Otherwise compilation errors will occur. Modify the file so it looks like this:

import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';

import { AppComponent } from './app.component';

  declarations: [
  imports: [
  providers: [],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }
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Then add minutes property into component (app.component.ts file). Because we will use one other property named user in our next string resource example, we can define it as well.

import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'app-root',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
export class AppComponent {

  title: string = 'angular-i18n-localazy-demo';
  minutes: number = 0;
  user: string = 'localazy';
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Finally, add the input into template including two-way binding.

<input type="number" min="0" [(ngModel)]="minutes">
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After compiling the project, we should be able to change rendered information regarding β€œupdated” section dynamically.

  1. Drop-down List
<select [(ngModel)]="user">
  <option value="male" i18n>Male</option>
  <option value="female" i18n>Female</option>
  <option value="you" i18n>In love with Localazy!</option>
<span i18n>The author is {{ user }}</span>
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For similar reasons as in the previous example, we may add a selectbox to switch between the options easier. A code is already included in the snippet above.

This is how our app.component.html file should look like:

<!DOCTYPE html>

  <title>{{ title }}</title>
  <meta charset="UTF-8" />

  <!-- a place to put some playful string resources -->
  <h1 i18n>Hello there! We're thrilled that you've decided to use Localazy for translating your app!</h1>

  <ng-container i18n>I am free, wrapped just in a body</ng-container>

  <div i18n="merged div translation" i18n-data-title="merged div translation"
    data-title="Can we also translate this? Awesome!">
    Can we also translate this? Awesome!

    <input type="number" min="0" [(ngModel)]="minutes">
    <span i18n>Updated </span>
    <span i18="icu_plural">
      {minutes, plural, =1 {one minute ago} other {{{ minutes }} minutes ago}}

    <select [(ngModel)]="user">
      <option value="male" i18n>Male</option>
      <option value="female" i18n>Female</option>
      <option value="you" i18n>In love with Localazy!</option>
    <span i18n>The author is {{ user }}</span>

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πŸ“‹ Extracting a source language file

Our template is prepared and ready to be translated. Now we need to define a source language in angular.json project config file. Open the file and add:

"projects": {
  "angular-i18n-localazy-demo": {
    "i18n": {
        "sourceLocale": "en",
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To assure that we have a correct setup, a sourceLocale value should be equal to Localazy project’s source language code (in our case β€œen”).

Next, we use the Angular CLI command to extract the marked text in the template into the source language file. Open a terminal window in the project root directory and run:

ng extract-i18n --output-path src/locale --out-file en.xliff --format=xlf2
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This command creates en.xliff file in ./src/locale directory.

🚩 Integration with Localazy

This is a part where the real fun begins. In any project, we certainly do not want to handle things that can be automated, manually. Manual approach is error-prone, boring and takes a long time. And localization is undoubtedly one of the things that can be automated.

Create a new app

Go to Localazy signup, join our community by creating an account, then create a new app. We can leave it as public so other contributors can freely help with translating our app. Select English as a source language (generally, of course, you can use any other). Also, enable Use community translations (ShareTM) option, so some app parts can be translated automatically.

Create a New App

The app is successfully created. On the integration screen, choose Angular.

Select Angular integration

Integrate & Upload

After clicking on Angular button, we see integration instructions. Let’s dig into the process more deeply.

First, install Localazy CLI by running a command in our app’s terminal.

npm install -g @localazy/cli
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Afterwards, create a configuration file localazy.json in the root folder of our project. Also, paste writeKey and readKey from step 2 of the integration guide page.


  "writeKey": "<your-write-key>",
  "readKey": "<your-read-key>",

  "upload": {  
    "type": "xliff",
    "files": "src/locale/en.xliff"         

  "download": {
    "files": "src/locale/${lang}.xliff"

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As we will use some additional features, modify localazy.json file a bit. As we know, we have defined some β€œplurals” string resources in ICU message format earlier. To add parsing support, fill in a features key array value:

"upload": {
  "features": [
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All of the supported features regarding XLIFF are described in detail in File Format - XLIFF 2.0 Localazy Documentation section.

Now it’s finally time to upload our source language phrases to Localazy. Navigate terminal to the project root folder and run the following command:

localazy upload -s
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Great! We’ve just simulated (-s stands for simulate) the upload without actually uploading anything. It is a good practice to test out the configuration to make sure that nothing unexpected occurs. For example, having writeKey or (and) readKey pasted incorrectly would output lines similar to the following (depends on CLI version).

Localazy CLI, v1.3.0
Command-line tool for the Localazy platform.

Read more information at

  - deprecate missing: false
  - import as new: false
  - force current: false
  - filter source: true
  - app version: 0
  - groups: (default only)
  - folder: .

Processing files...

(file: file.xliff, lang: inherited, type: xliff, features: use_project_lang)


Authorization failed! Check your read and write keys.
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Keys are fixed now, and the second simulation proceeded without any issues. Let’s upload language phrases for real!

localazy upload
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Files are successfully transferred. In the Localazy app, hit NEXT STEP button to proceed. Our app is ready! According to the instructions, refresh your browser window.

Translate & Download

Select Angular integration

Click on SOURCE PHRASES button. List of uploaded source phrases should be displayed as we can see below.

Source phrases list

Go back, click ADD LANGUAGES, look up some of your favourite languages and add the translations. Let me demonstrate this on the Czech language. Add Czech and either start translating or browse the phrases and translate one by one; it is entirely up to you.

Start translating

Translate phrase

When we look at the other, similar phrase in the Czech phrases window, we can notice that the Untranslated button has changed to Waiting for review. This means that the phrase has been already recognized as translated and can be only reviewed in order to confirm the correctness of the translation. In this particular case, there are slight nuances regarding trailing whitespaces.

Translate phrase

The review screen is shown below.

Translate phrase

Let me also show you the pluralization example. As we can notice, Localazy automatically recognizes and highlights a phrase markup, which should not be modified. Clicking on a highlighted phrase causes copying it into an active plural form field, which helps translate even faster. A screen below also proves my statement (mentioned earlier in the article) - that Localazy automatically recognized the language plural rules. How great is that!

Translate plural phrase

Let’s finish translating our app and get back to our Angular project; it’s time to download our translated phrases.

localazy download
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This command downloads/updates all the freshly added languages and newly accepted phrases. There is a new cs.xliff file in our locales folder containing translated phrases. Let’s build the project!

πŸ”₯ Build project in a different language

Due to the deployment complexities of i18n and the need to minimize rebuild time, the development server only supports localizing a single locale at a time. For these reasons, let me show you an angular.json project configuration that allows serving more locales at distinct ports at the same moment.

Firstly, we need to define locales in the build configuration. Use the i18n project option to define a map of locale identifiers to translation files. The following code snippet from angular.json shows it all:

"projects": {
  "angular-i18n-localazy-demo": {
    "i18n": {
        "sourceLocale": "en",
        "locales": {
          "cs": {
            "translation": "src/locale/cs.xliff"
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Next, we need to apply specific build options per each locale. To do that, we can create a custom locale-specific configuration by specifying a single locale as shown in the following example:

"projects": {
  "angular-i18n-localazy-demo": {
    "architect": {
      "build": {
        "configurations":  {
          "cs": {
            "localize": ["cs"]
          "en": {
              "localize": ["en"]
      "serve": {
        "configurations": {
          "en": {
            "browserTarget": "angular-i18n-localazy-demo:build:en",
            "port": 4200
          "cs": {
            "browserTarget": "angular-i18n-localazy-demo:build:cs",
            "port": 4201
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Great! Our locale specific project configuration is ready. Use two terminal windows pointing into project root and run a command respectively in each:

# 1st terminal window
ng serve -c=en

# 2nd terminal window
ng serve -c=cs
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Note: -c is an alias and stands for --configuration parameter.

Congratulations, we should now see (we are able to open) two web browser windows, one of them displaying the English version, second serving the Czech version of our app.

Translated App EN Translated App CS

βœ”οΈ Closing words

In this article, I demonstrated how to use Localazy and angular-i18n library to localize an Angular App. Localazy truly is a powerful tool that makes translating Angular (not only!) applications faster, easier, error-proof and more fun.

Now, you can download the repository with this example project to explore it or start localizing Angular apps on your own!

Feel free to join us at . Share ideas with other developers, discuss feedback and new concepts, and comment on new features of Localazy as we add them. πŸ˜‰

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