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Lokendra Kushwah
Lokendra Kushwah

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Tailcall API Gateway: A Beginner’s Guide


What do you think of when the term “Tailcall” is mentioned? Tailcall is often associated with tail call optimization (TCO), but TCO and Tailcall are actually very different things. TCO is a compiler optimization that takes a function call and turns it into a plain old jump, while Tailcall provides first-class primitives designed to interact with business entities directly without burdening the developer with the underlying protocol.

Introduction to Traditional API Gateways

Traditional API Gateways (“TAGs”) are essential for efficient API management, handling tasks such as routing, authentication, and monitoring. However, they often lack the flexibility to provide access to custom abstractions specific to a business’s needs, leading to limitations as companies scale.


Tailcall API Gateway: A New Approach

Tailcall API Gateway offers a paradigm shift by focusing on an enterprise’s business entities, providing first-class primitives to interact with these entities directly. This approach transcends protocol constraints and emphasizes the nature of the API’s data, granting significant power and flexibility.

Key Features of Tailcall

  1. Entity-Centric Approach: Tailcall allows developers to work around their business entities, specifying which parts of an entity should be public or private, and enabling the obfuscation of sensitive fields.

  2. DSL Support: Tailcall’s Domain-Specific Language (DSL) facilitates complex operations efficiently and with minimal latency, supporting sophisticated API Orchestration beyond mere request routing.

  3. API Orchestration: Tailcall’s DSL enables the definition of the expected API structure and provides guidance on resolving each component within the entity type. It automates the process of resolving and populating details, eliminating the need for manual coding.


Getting Started with Tailcall

Developers can set up Tailcall instantly via npm and unlock the power of high-performance API orchestration. The platform is designed for high availability and fault tolerance, ensuring uninterrupted service and reliability at scale. Tailcall’s plugin-centric extendability empowers enterprises to craft custom solutions that precisely fit their unique requirements.


To install Tailcall, you can follow the steps below based on your preferred method:

Using NPM

If you have Node.js and NPM installed, you can use the following command to install Tailcall:

npm i -g @tailcallhq/tailcall
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After the installation, you can verify that Tailcall is installed correctly by running:

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Using Yarn

If you prefer Yarn, you can install Tailcall with the following command:

yarn global add @tailcallhq/tailcall
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You can then verify the installation by running:

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Using Homebrew

If you use Homebrew, you can add the Tailcall repository and install it with the following commands:

brew tap tailcallhq/tailcall
brew install tailcall
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To verify the installation, you can run:

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After the installation, you can launch the Tailcall server using the appropriate command with the full path to your GraphQL, YML, or JSON file. For example:

tailcall start ./yourfile.graphql
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If the command succeeds, you will receive a URL to access the Tailcall Playground, where you can interact with your GraphQL API.For more detailed information, you can refer to the official documentation at Tailcall Installation.

Community Feedback

Feedback from the community emphasizes the importance of building and operating APIs independently, with GraphQL positioned as a client-side abstraction. Tailcall’s DSL allows consumers of the API to configure the schema, while behind the scenes, Tailcall automatically orchestrates the APIs to generate a unified GraphQL endpoint.

By incorporating these key points, the blog can provide a comprehensive introduction to Tailcall for beginners, highlighting its unique approach and features in the realm of API management.

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