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Cover image for Hacktoberfest
Lokesh Bolisetty
Lokesh Bolisetty

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I came to know about Hacktoberfest in mid September and I was so excited that I thought I would start it on the first of October itself. But then when Hacktoberfest started, I was so packed with my academics that I could not find any time for Hacktoberfest. And then thankfully my college declared holidays for 4 days. In these four days I completed my Hacktoberfest. I searched for websites which needed help. Then I found a repository of an ed-tech startup which had some issues. I took them, solved them and made pull requests and finally made it... It was an amazing experience to work for some open source projects. I came to know about many projects going around. Hacktoberfest has motivated me to contribute more to open source whenever I find time.

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