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Lotfi Jebali
Lotfi Jebali

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Coding's New Best Friend: How GitHub Copilot Chat Transformed My Developer Journey

I feel incredibly privileged to have had the opportunity to be among the first to experience the transformative power of GitHub Copilot Chat. Being at the forefront of this revolutionary tool has not only enhanced my coding efficiency but also given me a sneak peek into the future of developer collaboration.
And now, I'm excited to share my firsthand experience with you. The journey with GitHub Copilot Chat has been nothing short of remarkable, and I can't wait to dive into the details of how this game-changing tool has reshaped the way I approach coding and development.

Ever had that coding buddy you wish you had during those long nights of debugging and coding? Well, let me introduce you to my new favorite sidekick: GitHub Copilot Chat. This thing has turned my coding world upside down, and I'm here to tell you all about my journey with it.

Say Hello to GitHub Copilot Chat

Picture this: you're deep into your code, and suddenly, Copilot Chat jumps in like, "Hey, need a hand?" It's like having a coding genie at your service, ready to offer code suggestions, explanations, and more – all right within your trusty IDE.

Making Sense of the Code Maze

We've all faced it – diving into someone else's code like it's an alien language. But guess what? Copilot Chat is here to decode it for you. It breaks down those intricate algorithms and tricky logic bits into plain English. Suddenly, I'm not just nodding along; I'm actually understanding what's going on.

Tests That Test Themselves

Now, unit tests are my jam, but even I have to admit they can be a pain to set up. Well, Copilot Chat's got your back there too. I'm adding a new function, and boom! It whips up a unit test, making this whole test-driven development thing a breeze.

Bashing Those Bugs

Bugs – the arch-nemesis of developers everywhere. But with Copilot Chat, debugging feels less like a battle and more like a collaborative brainstorm. I hit a roadblock with a sneaky bug causing havoc? Copilot Chat swoops in, pinpoints the issue, and throws a fix my way. It's like having a personal bug-slaying assistant.

Your IDE's New BFF

What's super cool is that Copilot Chat doesn't force me to hop between a dozen tabs. Nope, it's right there in my IDE, making sure I stay in the coding groove. It's like having a conversation with your code – a conversation where your code talks back, helps out, and occasionally even tells jokes.

Revolutionizing the Way I Code

Seriously, Copilot Chat is changing the game. It's like coding has gone from a solo mission to a dynamic duo thing. Whether I'm starting a project, unraveling complex logic, or squashing bugs, Copilot Chat is my partner in crime.

The Future Looks Exciting

As my project comes together, I'm thinking about the days before Copilot Chat. It's not just a tool; it's a coding companion that gets me, supports me, and helps me level up my coding skills.

So there you have it – my journey with GitHub Copilot Chat. It's not just a tool; it's a friend that’s got your back in the world of coding. With Copilot Chat, coding isn't just lines of text; it's a collaborative adventure that's more exciting, more efficient, and more human.

Oldest comments (6)

respect17 profile image
Kudzai Murimi • Edited

Its 100% amazing, l am enjoying using it too
It really types the whole code next for you and then you accept whether that's code you want or not, but it most cases it does the magic!!!!

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lotfijb profile image
Lotfi Jebali

That is Github Copilot and that is awesome too, it saves a lot of time and in 99% of the cases it gives you what you want, the post is about Github Copilot Chat which is a chat interface that lets you ask and receive answers to coding-related questions directly within a supported IDE.

respect17 profile image
Kudzai Murimi

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respect17 profile image
Kudzai Murimi

Here you go l use both!

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lotfijb profile image
Lotfi Jebali

most powerful combo

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respect17 profile image
Kudzai Murimi

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It can even type a command for you in terminal or type the code in the file too