Discover the world of Ruby in this week of Short Ruby News.
Find code samples, community updates, gems, resources, and thought-provoking discussions.
Here are some samples from the newsletter 👇
Community Updates:
Adarsh announced an update from RubyCentral.
Amanda Brooke Perino shared the LeWagon Online Job Fair invitation.
Evil Martians announced a new guest for their Bootstrapping & Fundraising Meetup.
Jason Swett announced the keynote speaker at Sin City Ruby Conference, along with two more speakers.
Women In Tech Cluj announced their support for Friendly.rb - Ruby conference.
Ruby Conf India announced the dates for their confere​nce
đź’» All about Code and Ruby:
Joel Drapper shared a gist on using Paquito to encode Sidekiq job parameters.
Karl Oscar Weber showed off the beauty and flexibility of Ruby through a code sample.
Julian Rubisch published a new challenge for the Hotwire Club.
Hanami Mastery shared a new layout for their snippets.
Benito Serna shared a thread about truncating strings in Rails.
Keith Pitt shared BuildKite engineering principles to work with Rails monolith.
Nick Schwaderer announced a new theme color Spinel Light part of VSCode Shopify Ruby package.
Ruby Cademy shared a code sample showing how to use Hash#default_proc to create nested hashes
🧰 Gems, Libraries, Tools, and Updates:
Kevin Newton announced that YARP had been merged.
Andy Maleh announced a new update of Glimmer.
Kuba Suder announced a new tool for extracting Twitter data: bad_pigeon.
Mario Alberto Chávez announced a new application: llm_server and its client llm_client.
Karl Oscar Weber announced the release of version 3.1 for camping
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