It has been a while since my goals for my 100days of code. I lowkey forgot that I said I would keep this devlog type thing. To catch you guys up with my progress up to today:
- I finished coding my 108 Card Game.
I finished the final updates to my card game and it is finally finished. It is a basic terminal game, but I am proud to say that it is my first baby that I built. It was very difficult to do because the game I was trying to code, was never coded before, so there weren't many tutorials I could follow. I could only catch tidbits of people coding Blackjack or UNO to understand how certain functions could be programmed or what kind of classes I could use. But I am glad to say that I am ready to move on to my next step in my journey to becoming a full fledged game developer.
How it started:
How it is now:
It is available to play on replit -
From that experience I learned a lot about the importance of clear coding and also commenting. I think my comments to myself saved my life for a lot of my coding as I would take days breaks in between my coding sessions due to school. In the beginning, I was overcomplicating my code and that is where a lot of my original bugs were coming up. Now, I feel as though I have a better grasp on my coding skills. At least in Python.
- I bought a course for learning how to work with Unity.
I really want to start using C# and make games outside of the terminal and Python. So I bought a Unity course from and have learned a lot.
Two things I am really proud of is these two basic prefabs I made when I started the course.
We made a basic obstacle course with simple shapes and then we went to make a rocket game where we learned a lot more about making games such as inputing audio files, making levels, particle systems and such. It was a lot of fun and while I was learning all these things, I was also watching YouTube videos to learn more about other things I wanted to do.
Now I have joined a game jam to challenge myself. I don't think I know enough to be even top 50, but I think it gives me a nice chance to push myself and participate in a fun environment and meet new people. The game jam started yesterday, but then my period started haha, so I have only sketched out and wrote out a lot of my plans and ideas. Today is the day I truly begin coding the game and working on the mechanics and level design.
What have I done:
I first got started with my game idea and tried to think about what I wanted to start with. To have a prototype working, I wanted to at least have my character and an environment for her to run around in. This led me to question whether I should try to buy assets or try my hand at making illustrations. Due to not being able to find any assets that matched the vibe I was going for, I decided to try my hand at it.
This was a lot of work because I have never tried pixel art before, but after some sketches on some paper and then several different drafts on Photoshop and then eventually moving to Aseprite, I got my character.
Trying to do her animations was tough. I had to go through several different drafts of spritesheets to get the animation looking how I wanted it. But here is the end result.
Then I spent some hours working on the background. (After giving up on trying to learn tilesets and a top down game).
Then came the hardest part - the actual coding lmao.
I wanted to do a parallax background, but didn't know where to start. So, I decided to start with YouTube. There were many videos on how to do it, but the most helpful ones for me where these:
This is the one that helped me with making my background and understanding the concept of parallax:
The Perfect Pixel Art Parallax Tutorial [and Unity script!]
This is the one that helped me set up the script for my background and help me understand why we put certain things where in the coding
PARALLAX & INFINITE BACKGROUND IN UNITY ๐ฎ | Create A Endless Background In Unity | Unity Tutorial
What I learned:
I kind of don't like how much time I "wasted" on the aesthetic of the game. As much as I enjoy the art I was able to create, I feel like the look of the game should come second after making the game work. But I am such an unorganized person that once I get distracted by something or an idea, I just run with it.
But I definitely want to make sure that I focus more on the mechanics and functionality of the game going forward.
What I plan on doing next:
Now I am going to move on to programming Zoe to move through the world and having objects for her to interact with. I really want her to have an inventory system to help her get through different levels. Then afterwards, I want to get started on creating an UI with having the player make choices for her. However, that part will have to come after I finish writing the script and storyboard for the game.
This was day 2 of my game jam. If anyone has any advice or feedback for me, please let me know in the comments <3
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