Hello! My name is Thomas and I'm a nerd. I like tech and gadgets and speculative fiction, and playing around with programming. It's not my day job, but I'm working on making it a side gig :)
I have two screenshots to show, they're both using the Gruvbox colourscheme. The dark one is my desktop and the light one is my laptop. Due to where in the house I use them and the generally crappy quality of the laptop screen I have to use the light version there because the dark one is nearly unreadable due to being so washed out.
I like to keep things pretty plain and uncluttered, so I mostly use Tim Pope's plugins that enhance existing vim features instead of loading it down with a lot of fancy IDE-like things.
Edited to add
My terminal emulator is the XST fork of the Suckless.org Simple Terminal, and the font is Hermit :)
Hello! My name is Thomas and I'm a nerd. I like tech and gadgets and speculative fiction, and playing around with programming. It's not my day job, but I'm working on making it a side gig :)
Top comments (14)
I have two screenshots to show, they're both using the Gruvbox colourscheme. The dark one is my desktop and the light one is my laptop. Due to where in the house I use them and the generally crappy quality of the laptop screen I have to use the light version there because the dark one is nearly unreadable due to being so washed out.
Dark/Desktop (Full size)

Light/Laptop (Full size)
I like to keep things pretty plain and uncluttered, so I mostly use Tim Pope's plugins that enhance existing vim features instead of loading it down with a lot of fancy IDE-like things.
Edited to add
My terminal emulator is the XST fork of the Suckless.org Simple Terminal, and the font is Hermit :)
Once I tried to create something like this. These types of vims are so beautiful.
My dotfiles are all up at gitlab.com/kungtotte/dotfiles :)
The most relevant one is obviously init.vim.
My terminal gets its configuration from .Xresources. If you use a different terminal, this obviously doesn't apply.
VS Code here!
Here is mine (VIM):
VS Code checking in
The color theme and rainbow parentheses colors are so compatible and beautiful!
(Space)VIM <3

One day I swear I'll clean up the rainbow fest of my color scheme :).
Mine. (Atom):

Neovim + Solarized Dark
Mine: Atom ...