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Mabwa Charles
Mabwa Charles

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How to Build Bots Via APIs with ElectroNeek

What Are Bots?

Bots are intelligent software programs designed to optimize business processes. These programs may be designed to perform one or more automated tasks or even simulate human interaction with customers and users. Bots can be used to automate repetitive tasks performed by humans

What is Automation?

Automation is the technique of performing tasks and processes with minimal human assistance. The objective of automation is to achieve a greater level of productivity and quality in human work. Automation has evolved from a mere job to a critical business tool that allows you to do more with less. The art of automation applies to most sectors. With automation, you set up the system to do predictable things automatically, enabling people to focus on more important activities like creating new ideas or building relationships with customers.

You can use automation to automate your organization's tasks, from automating your email activities to your Excel activities. If you would like to learn how you can automate your email activities, you can navigate to this article that I did recently.

There are many types of bots for businesses. For example, bots can be built to automate any repetitive tasks in your business. Your bot is going to be used to save you time and revenue while improving your ROI, so think about what services and tasks you want the bot to perform for your business.

Building your first bot on the ElectroNeek platform is simple. There are multiple ways to build a bot on our platform. Learn how you can build bots via APIs using ElectroNeek here:

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Happy Automation!!

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