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Madhav Ganesan
Madhav Ganesan

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SQL Complete guide for Interview

Structured Query Language or SQL is a standard database language that is used to create, maintain, destroy, update, and retrieve data from relational databases like MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, etc.

Entity Relationship Model (ER)

It is a conceptual framework used to describe the structure of data within a database. It was designed to represent real-world entities and the relationships between them in a more abstract way. It is similar to how Object Oriented programming is for programming language.

Entities: These are objects or "things" in the real world that have a distinct existence, such as a customer, product, or order.

Relationships: These define how entities are related to one another. For example, a "Customer" entity might have a relationship with an "Order" entity


Create Database

create database <database_name>;

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List Database

show databases;

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Use Database

use <database_name>

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Display structure of table

DESCRIBE table_name;

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Sub-languages of SQL

Data Query Language (DQL):

Language used for performing queries on the data. This command is used to retrieve data out from the database.


1) Select:

select * from table_name;
select column1,column2 from table_name;
select * from table_name where column1 = "value";

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Data Definition Language (DDL):

Language used to define the database schema. This command is used to create,modify and delete database but not data.


1) Create:

create table table_name(
column_name data_type(size) constraint,
column_name data_type(size) constraint
column_name data_type(size) constraint

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2) Drop:
This command removes the table/database completely.

drop table table_name;
drop database database_name;

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3) Truncate:
This command removes the data only.

truncate table table_name;

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4) Alter:
This command can add, delete or update columns of the table.


alter table table_name
add column_name datatype;

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alter table table_name
modify column column_name datatype;
--ALTER TABLE employees

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alter table table_name
drop column_name datatype;

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Data Manipulation Language (DML):

Language used to manipulate the data present in the database.

1) Insert:
This command is used to insert only new values.

insert into table_name
values (val1,val2,val3,val4); //4 columns

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2) Update:

update table_name set col1=val1, col2=val2 where 
col3 = val3;

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3) Delete:

delete from table_name where col1=val1;

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Data Control Language (DCL):

GRANT: allow specified users to perform specified tasks.
REVOKE: cancel previously granted or denied permissions.

Transaction Control Language (TCL):

It is used manage transactions in a database. It manages the changes done by DML commands.

1) Commit
It is used to save all the changes made during the current transaction to the database


UPDATE employees
SET salary = salary * 1.1
WHERE department = 'Sales';


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2) Rollback
It is used to undo all the changes made during the current transaction


UPDATE employees
SET salary = salary * 1.1
WHERE department = 'Sales';


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3) Savepoint

begin transaction;

update customers
set first_name= 'one'
WHERE customer_id=4;


update customers
set first_name= 'two'
WHERE customer_id=4;



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This command is used to filter results based on aggregate functions." We cannot use aggregate functions in WHERE statement so we can use in this command"
Note: This can be used when we need to compare using made up column whereas WHERE command can be used to compare using existing column

select Department, sum(Salary) as Salary
from employee
group by department
having sum(Salary) >= 50000;

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This command is used when they ask to exclude any two/more particular items

select * from table_name
where colname not in ('Germany', 'France', 'UK');

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This command is used to retrieve only unique data based on the field chosen.

Select distinct field from table;

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FROM orders; 

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Correlated Query

It is a subquery (a query nested inside another query) that references columns from the outer query

SELECT EmployeeName, Salary
FROM Employees e1
WHERE Salary > (
    SELECT AVG(Salary)
    FROM Employees e2
    WHERE e1.DepartmentID = e2.DepartmentID

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Normalization is a database design technique used to organize tables in a way that reduces redundancy and improves data integrity. The primary goal of normalization is to divide a large table into smaller, more manageable pieces while preserving the relationships between the data

First Normal Form (1NF)
All the values in the columns are atomic (indivisible).
Each column contains only one type of data.

EmployeeID | EmployeeName | Department | PhoneNumbers
1          | Alice        | HR         | 123456, 789012
2          | Bob          | IT         | 345678

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After 1NF:

EmployeeID | EmployeeName | Department | PhoneNumber
1          | Alice        | HR         | 123456
1          | Alice        | HR         | 789012
2          | Bob          | IT         | 345678

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Second Normal Form (2NF)
It is in 1NF.
All non-key attributes are fully functionally dependent on the primary key (no partial dependencies).

EmployeeID | EmployeeName | DepartmentID | DepartmentName
1          | Alice        | 1            | HR
2          | Bob          | 2            | IT

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After 2NF:

EmployeeID | EmployeeName | DepartmentID
1          | Alice        | 1
2          | Bob          | 2

DepartmentID | DepartmentName
1            | HR
2            | IT

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Third Normal Form (3NF)
It is in 2NF.
All the attributes are functionally dependent only on the primary key (no transitive dependencies).

EmployeeID | EmployeeN | DepartmentID | Department | DepartmentLocation
1          | Alice     | 1            | HR      | New York
2          | Bob       | 2            | IT      | Los Angeles

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After 3NF:

EmployeeID | EmployeeN | DepartmentID
1          | Alice        | 1
2          | Bob          | 2

DepartmentID | DepartmentName | DepartmentLocation
1            | HR             | New York
2            | IT             | Los Angeles

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This command is used to combine results of two or more SELECT statements

Select *
from table_name
WHERE (subject = 'Physics' AND year = 1970)
(SELECT * FROM nobel_win WHERE (subject = 'Economics' AND year = 1971));

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This command is used to limit the amount data retrieved from the query.

select Department, sum(Salary) as Salary
from employee
limit 2;

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This command is used to skip the number of rows before returning the result.

select Department, sum(Salary) as Salary
from employee
limit 2 offset 2;

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Order By:

This command is used to sort the data based on the field in ascending or descending order.


create table employees (
    id int primary key,
    first_name varchar(50),
    last_name varchar(50),
    salary decimal(10, 2),
    department varchar(50)

insert into employees (first_name, last_name, salary, department)
    ('John', 'Doe', 50000.00, 'Sales'),
    ('Jane', 'Smith', 60000.00, 'Marketing'),
    ('Jim', 'Brown', 60000.00, 'Sales'),
    ('Alice', 'Johnson', 70000.00, 'Marketing');

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select * from employees order by department;
select * from employees order by salary desc

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This command is used to test for empty values

select * from tablename
where colname IS NULL;

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Group By

This command is used to arrange similar data into groups using a function.

select department, avg(salary) AS avg_salary
from employees
group by department;

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This command is used to search a particular pattern in a column.

Image description

FROM employees
WHERE first_name LIKE 'a%';

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FROM salesman

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Characters used with the LIKE operator to perform pattern matching in string searches.

% - Percent
_ - Underscore

How to print Wildcard characters?

SELECT 'It\'s a beautiful day'; 

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SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE column_name LIKE '%50!%%' ESCAPE '!'; 

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The CASE statement in SQL is used to add conditional logic to queries. It allows you to return different values based on different conditions.

SELECT first_name, last_name, salary,
    CASE salary
        WHEN 50000 THEN 'Low'
        WHEN 60000 THEN 'Medium'
        WHEN 70000 THEN 'High'
        ELSE 'Unknown'
    END AS salary_category
FROM employees;

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Display Text

1) Print something

Select "message";

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select ' For', ord_date, ',there are', COUNT(ord_no)
group by colname;

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2) Print numbers in each column

Select 1,2,3;

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3) Print some calculation

Select 6x2-1;

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4) Print wildcard characters

select colname1,'%',colname2
from tablename;

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5) Connect two colnames

select first_name || ' ' || last_name AS colname
from employees

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6) Use the nth field

select *
from orders
group by colname
order by 2 desc;

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1) Not Null:
This constraint is used to tell the field that it cannot have null value in a column.

create table employees(
    id int(6) not null

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2) Unique:
This constraint is used to tell the field that it cannot have duplicate value. It can accept NULL values and multiple unique constraints are allowed per table.

create table employees (
    id int primary key,
    first_name varchar(50) unique

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3) Primary Key:
This constraint is used to tell the field that uniquely identifies in the table. It cannot accept NULL values and it can have only one primary key per table.

create table employees (
    id int primary key

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4) Foreign Key:
This constraint is used to refer the unique row of another table.

create table employees (
    id int primary key
    foreign key (id) references owner(id)

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5) Check:
This constraint is used to check a particular condition for data to be stored.

create table employees (
    id int primary key,
    age int check (age >= 18)

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6) Default:
This constraint is used to provide default value for a field.

create table employees (
    id int primary key,
    age int default 28

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Aggregate functions


select count(*) as members from employees;

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select sum(salary) as total_amount
FROM employees;

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select avg(salary) as average_amount
FROM employees;

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select max(salary) as highest_amount
FROM employees;

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select min(salary) as lowest_amount
FROM employees;

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select round(123.4567, -2) as rounded_value;

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Date Functions

1) datediff

select from weather a join weather b on datediff(a.recordDate,b.recordDate)=1 where a.temperature > b.temperature;

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2) date_add

select date_add("2017-06-15", interval 10 day);


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3) date_sub


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Inner Join

This is used to combine two tables based on one common column.
It returns only the rows where there is a match between both tables.

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create table employees(
employee_id int(2) primary key,
first_name varchar(30),
last_name varchar(30),
department_id int(2)

create table department(
department_id int(2) primary key,
department_name varchar(30)

insert into employees values (1,"John","Dow",10);
insert into employees values (2,"Jane","Smith",20);
insert into employees values (3,"Jim","Brown",10);
insert into employees values (4,"Alice","Johnson",30);

insert into department values (10,"Sales");
insert into department values (20,"Marketing");
insert into department values (30,"IT");

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select e.employee_id,e.first_name,e.last_name,d.department_name
from employees e
inner join department d
on e.department_id=d.department_id;

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Left Join

This type of join returns all rows from the left table along with the matching rows from the right table. Note: If there are no matching rows in the right side, it return null.

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select e.employee_id, e.first_name, e.last_name, d.department_name
from employees e
left join departments d
on e.department_id = d.department_id;

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Right Join

This type of join returns all rows from the right table along with the matching rows from the left table. Note: If there are no matching rows in the left side, it returns null.

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SELECT e.employee_id, e.first_name, e.last_name, d.department_name
FROM employees e
RIGHT JOIN departments d
ON e.department_id = d.department_id;

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Self Join

This type of join is used to combine with itself especially for creation of new column of same data.

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SELECT e.employee_id AS employee_id, 
       e.first_name AS employee_first_name, 
       e.last_name AS employee_last_name, 
       m.first_name AS manager_first_name, 
       m.last_name AS manager_last_name
FROM employees e
LEFT JOIN employees m ON e.manager_id = m.employee_id;

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Full Join/ Full outer join

This type of join is used to combine the result of both left and right join.

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SELECT e.employee_id, e.first_name, e.last_name, d.department_name
FROM employees e
FULL JOIN departments d
ON e.department_id = d.department_id;

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Cross Join

This type of join is used to generate a Cartesian product of two tables.

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SELECT, d.department_name
FROM Employees e
CROSS JOIN Departments d;

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Nested Query

A nested query, also known as a subquery, is a query within another SQL query. The nested query is executed first, and its result is used by the outer query.
Subqueries can be used in various parts of a SQL statement, including the SELECT clause, FROM clause, WHERE clause, and HAVING clause.

1) Nested Query in SELECT Clause:

SELECT e.first_name, e.last_name, 
       (SELECT d.department_name 
        FROM departments d 
        WHERE = e.department_id) AS department_name
FROM employees e;

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2) Nested Query in WHERE Clause:

SELECT first_name, last_name, salary
FROM employees
WHERE salary > (SELECT AVG(salary) FROM employees);

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SELECT pro_name, pro_price
FROM item_mast
WHERE pro_price = (SELECT MIN(pro_price) FROM item_mast); 

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3) Nested Query in FROM Clause:

SELECT department_id, AVG(salary) AS avg_salary
FROM employees
GROUP BY department_id;

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4) Nested Query with EXISTS:

SELECT customer_name
FROM customers c
    SELECT 1
    FROM orders o
    WHERE o.customer_id = c.customer_id

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This command is used to test the existence of a particular record. Note: When using EXISTS query, actual data returned by subquery does not matter.

SELECT customer_name
FROM customers c
    SELECT 1
    FROM orders o
    WHERE o.customer_id = c.customer_id

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SELECT customer_name
FROM customers c
    SELECT 1
    FROM orders o
    WHERE o.customer_id = c.customer_id

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The COALESCE function in SQL is used to return the first non-null expression among its arguments. It is particularly useful for handling NULL values and providing default values when dealing with potentially missing or undefined data.

CREATE TABLE employees (
    first_name VARCHAR(50),
    middle_name VARCHAR(50),
    last_name VARCHAR(50)

INSERT INTO employees (first_name, middle_name, last_name) VALUES
('John', NULL, 'Doe'),
('Jane', 'Marie', 'Smith'),
('Emily', NULL, 'Johnson');

    COALESCE(middle_name, 'No Middle Name') AS middle_name,

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PL/SQL(Procedural Language/Structured Query Language)

It is Oracle's procedural extension to SQL. If multiple SELECT statements are issued, the network traffic increases significantly very fast. For example, four SELECT statements cause eight network trips. If these statements are part of the PL/SQL block, they are sent to the server as a single unit.


They are the fundamental units of execution and organization.

1) Named block
Named blocks are used when creating subroutines. These subroutines are procedures, functions, and packages. The subroutines can be stored in the database and referenced by their names later on.


CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE procedure_name (param1 IN datatype, param2 OUT datatype) AS
   -- Executable statements
END procedure_name;

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2) Anonymous
They are blocks do not have names. As a result, they cannot be stored in the database and referenced later.

   -- Declarations (optional)
   -- Executable statements
   -- Exception handling (optional)

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It contains identifiers such as variables, constants, cursors etc

v_first_name varchar2(35) ;
v_last_name varchar2(35) ;
v_counter number := 0 ;
v_lname students.lname%TYPE; // takes field datatype from column

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v_student students%rowtype;


select * into v_student
from students
where sid='123456';


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It contains executable statements that allow you to manipulate the variables.

v_regno number;
v_variable number:=0;
select regno into v_regno from student where regno=1;
dbms_output.put_line(v_regno || ' '|| v_variable);

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Input of text

v_inv_value number(8,2);
v_price number(8,2);
v_quantity number(8,0) := 400;

v_price := :p_price;
v_inv_value := v_price * v_quantity;

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If-else loop

      IF rating > 7 THEN 
         v_message := 'You are great'; 
      ELSIF rating >= 5 THEN 
         v_message := 'Not bad'; 
          v_message := 'Pretty bad'; 
      END IF;  

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Simple Loop

    for i in 1..5 loop
        dbms_output.put_line('Value of i: ' || i);
    end loop;

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While Loop

    counter number := 1;
    while counter <= 5 LOOP
        dbms_output.put_line('Value of counter: ' || counter);
        counter := counter + 1;
    end loop;

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Loop with Exit

    counter number := 1;
        exit when counter > 5; 
        dbms_output.put_line('Value of counter: ' || counter);
        counter := counter + 1; 
    end loop;

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A series of statements accepting and/or returning
zero variables.

--creating a procedure
create or replace procedure proc (var in number) as

--calling of procedure

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A series of statements accepting zero or more variables that returns one value.

create or replace function func(var in number)
return number
is res number;
select regno into res from student where regno=var;
return res;

--function calling
var number;
var :=func(1);

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All types of I/O

p_name IN VARCHAR2
p_lname OUT VARCHAR2
p_salary IN OUT NUMBER

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It is a data structure that improves the performance of queries by allowing MySQL to find and retrieve data more efficiently. Normally, MySQL scans each row in the table. But now with indexing, it is faster than scanning the entire table.

create index student_index on student(name);
create index second_index on student(name,year);
select * from student where name = 'Madhav';

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It is a database object that generates a sequence of unique numbers.

create sequence testing
start with 1
increment by 1;  

insert into student values(student_id.nextval, 'name','age');

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It is a database object that provides an alternative name for another database object, such as a table, view, sequence, or stored procedure.

create synonym std for student;
select * from std;

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It is a virtual table that provides a way to present data from one or more tables in a customized format. Unlike a real table, a view does not store data. Instead, it is a stored query that can be queried just like a table.  

create view view_name as
select * from school;

select * from [view_name];

drop view view_name;

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DML (Data Manipulation Language) triggers are fired in response to INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE operations on a table or view.

BEFORE Triggers:
Execute before the DML operation is performed.
AFTER Triggers:
Execute after the DML operation is performed.
INSTEAD OF Triggers:
Execute in place of the DML operation, typically used for views.

Note: :new represents the cid of the new row in the orders table that was just inserted.

create or replace trigger t_name
after update on student
for each row

--after updation
update student
set name='name'
where regno=1;

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Window function

order by gender
) AS row_number
FROM student;

PARTITION BY department_id
) AS salary_rank
FROM employees;

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ACID Properties:

All operations within a transaction are treated as a single unit.
Ex. Consider a bank transfer where money is being transferred from one account to another. Atomicity ensures that if the debit from one account succeeds, the credit to the other account will also succeed. If either operation fails, the entire transaction is rolled back to maintain consistency.

Consistency ensures that the database remains in a consistent state before and after the transaction.
Ex. If a transfer transaction reduces the balance of one account, it should also increase the balance of the receiving account. This maintains the overall balance of the system.

Isolation ensures that the concurrent execution of transactions results in a system state that would be obtained if transactions were executed serially, i.e., one after the other.
Ex. Consider two transactions T1 and T2. If T1 transfers money from account A to account B, and T2 checks the balance of account A, isolation ensures that T2 will either see the balance of account A before the transfer (if T1 has not committed yet) or after the transfer (if T1 has committed), but not an intermediate state.

Durability guarantees that once a transaction is committed, its effects are permanent and survive system failures. Even if the system crashes or restarts, the changes made by the transaction are not lost.

Data Types

1) Numeric Datatype
decimal(p,q) - p is size, q is precision

2) String Datatype
char(value) - max(8000) && immutable
varchar(value) - max(8000)
text - largest size

3) Date Datatype

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Top comments (7)

martinbaun profile image
Martin Baun β€’

Very well written and put together :)
For intermediaries and experts, I created a whole series here, hope you like it!

madgan95 profile image
Madhav Ganesan β€’

Thanks for your compliment mateπŸ₯°
Checked out your videos on different topics, I absolutely loved your crisp content πŸ’―

martinbaun profile image
Martin Baun β€’

Thank you so much! I appreciate that massively :)

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev β€’

Great post! Well done πŸ‘

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Madhav Ganesan β€’

This suits very well for beginners to start SQL πŸ’―

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Amohammadi2 β€’

It was literally a comprehensive SQL course. Thank you bro

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Madhav Ganesan β€’

Thanks for your compliment broπŸ₯°

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