About 7 or 8 years ago, there was a teachers-strike in Denmark, and I had to teach my daughter's class in Math. I made a lot of small "apps" and tasks, which I just uncovered from an old folder.
Here's an updated version of one: "Pascal's Triangle" — for kids of all ages in Lockdown.
Click on all numbers divisible by 5 to see the hidden pattern!
When viewed on larger screens, you can toggle on/off the row explanations and colors. You'll also see the sum of each row at the left side of the screen. This should be a recognizable pattern to developers — tell your kids about the power of two!
If you have kids that are really bored — set the "rows" in the JavaScript-section of the Pen to more than 50 (requires a very large screen!), and have them click on all numbers divisible by 5!
Have a great weekend!
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