So I decided to take a bit of a break from coding this afternoon, to relax my mind and create a discussion, where you could share your portfolios a...
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What I liked:
Some ideas I would consider:
Thank you very much for the feedback, Mazda! As soon as I have time I will put your advices into practice :)
Awesome to hear, hope you find something useful 👍😉
Very cool...
Loved your site 🥳
Just a small thing, when hovering over a link, even though it changes colour, it sometimes feels weird and not sure if it is even a link or not.
So maybe adding an underline or changing the mouse cursor or something like that?
Always open to feedback, so thanks in advance! Mine can be found here: charanj.it
What I liked:
Some ideas I would consider:
Thank you for the feedback, I have one question though, is your device set to show dark mode? I wonder if any of the feedback around colours changes when viewed in light mode instead?
Some good points you raise I will definitely look at making some changes based on your feedback. Thank you for taking the time to review my site!
I guess you are using something like this since you ask. Yup, my OS is currently on dark mode. 🌙
You are welcome, hopefully, you find great use of something 😉
There’s no toggle, it just uses your system preference to decide. Your feedback made me think about it differently though... I should look at it in dark mode more often!
Yeah I know 😉 That particular hook uses your system preference to decide as well, that's why I referenced it 😉 I see, you are mostly on light mode and see light mode in your portfolio as well 😀
Overall I like the site, looks very clean and gives great UX.
Glad you liked it. Have been working on it for weeks. My main goal for designing my own portfolio is to show of my backend skills by making it versatile.. my idea is If I wanna add any new section instead of going through html .. I will add a new section from admin panel ( yups there is an admin panel ).. kind of similar thing CMS.
And, I appreciate suggestion you have given will implement them. Also, What should I replace skill percentages with? Stars? Or maybe score out of 10..?
The thing I suggested to avoid the percentages is you will be asked in the interviews how did you measure them and why it is 65%, not 73%, for example. Also, I've seen some devs rating some of their skills as 100%, which means they know everything in that tech, which is impossible.
Stars are not great for that either. You don't have to rate your knowledge. That's the interviewer's part.
Simply listing them is enough for the most part.
Great!! Thanks for suggestions ❤️
And if you still want some visuals for the skills, you can add the visual icons of the tech you know 😉
Exactly what I was thinking to do..!! 😁
Awesome! Best of luck 👍😉
I made this one about two years ago and I will make myself another one later.
Some of the images got disabled for some reason but the links still work.
Also, the contact form is a fake and doesn't work.
I would redo it fully since you have most likely accumulated some new knowledge during those years 😉
Good enough for the start. I see you started with FreeCodeCamp, that's a great resource.
To get inspiration for styling try resources like behance.net, dribbble.com, and Pinterest.
This is not a portfolio site. Just a blog. Not as good as most people here. But I share it anyway.
🕷 epsi-rns.github.io/
After all. Thank you all for giving such comment. Now I know that I need to enhance the looks of my blog.
Good job on laying out the content. HTML side is already there. For CSS I would try to do a full re-design, use dribbble.com, behance.net, and Pinterest to inspire you.
Thank youuuuu..
My pleasure 😉 Hopefully you will find some additional inspiration in those resources 😉🎨
What I liked:
Some ideas I would consider:
Thank you for you review, I will consider your ideas :D
You are welcome 😉
Hopefully, you find a use for something 😉
Awesome. Really Cool.
Thank you :D
after reading a few other feedback, I also like to ask you to take a look at mine: Tobias Nickel
It is a static page made with hexo. I used a theme, but changed lots of stypes for lighthouse score and a11y with axe.
The site can't be reached 😒
Thanks for taking time out of your day to check this! Was in a hurry when I posted yesterday ✌️
Shit sorry! My phone auto corrected with my middle initial 😅
Very clean looking.
The content is well-positioned.
Awesome contrast and easy to read.
Thanks for the feedback! 💜
Awesome you found it useful 😉
Hello. Could you please review my portfolio as well ?
Thank you :)
I liked it, clean and nice animations.
Content loads too slow if I scroll fast.
Thanks !!
Will make the necessary changes.
Happy to help 😉👍
Not really a portfolio site, but I would like to hear your thoughts.
What I liked:
Some ideas I would consider:
I'll definitely implement those features. Thank you.
Awesome, it's among the best I've reviewed today 😉👍
thomasledoux.be => there is also a dark mode available (based on your browser preferences). NextJS + Tailwild used!
Profile image fits well and awesome feel of the site.
Great feedback! I’ll look into implementing this asap!
Awesome to hear! 👍😉
Thank you for taking the time out to do this! Would love to hear the feedback.
What I liked:
Some ideas I would consider:
Thank you so much for such a detailed feedback, will work on it immediately!
No worries, hope you find it useful 👍😉
I'm working on my blog/portfolio: canro91.github.io All comments are welcome. Thanks
What I liked:
Some ideas I would consider:
Thanks Madza for all your comments. Yes, I'm working on a landing page to replace the content of the Home page. I will put your comments into action. Thanks again. Happy coding!
Awesome to hear! 😉👍
We'll I just made this one for a hackathon recently and it's been like a one year since I learnt web development the only thing I'm disappointed is the responsiveness rest do tell me what you like!
It's more of a blog/community than a portfolio but would appreciate your feedback:
I like how clean it looks and the use of animations.
I'll keep this in mind at the next redesign. Thanks so much for the feedback!
Glad to help! 😉👍
Hi @madza , you have thoroughly analyzed the portfolios of people and given a quality feedback. My friend @shunjid created his portfolio and asked me to review it and I loved it. But can you please check it once and give the feedback?
What I liked:
Some ideas I would consider:
Hey thanks!
Will definitely take these in consideration! ✌️
No worries, hope you find something useful 😉
Great white-purple color scheme.
Nice animations on Projects cards.
Thanks 😊
Awesome, happy to help 😉👍
It's good enough to start with.
Appreciate the feedback!
Awesome you liked it 😉👍
Good job on laying out the content. The HTML side is already there. For CSS I would try to do a full re-design, use dribbble.com, behance.net, and Pinterest to inspire you
Thaks bro, I will definitely look into it
Awesome to hear! 😉Hopefully, you find something useful 👍😉
What I liked:
Some ideas I would consider:
Thanks, Mazda, very appreciated. Lots of good suggestions, I'll include some of them.
Awesome to hear, glad you found something useful 👍😉
Thanks a ton on your feedback! Vscode here i come!! :)
Glad to help 👍😉
Great animation across the site.
Best of luck with the content creation!
Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it.
Awesome to hear, you are welcome 😉👍
Thanks in advance! 🙌
What I liked:
Some ideas I would consider:
Great stuff, appreciate the feedback! Will make improvements according =)
No worries, hopefully, you find something useful 👍😉
This is my developer diary plus portfolio site. I hope you like what you see xD
wow, that was fast XD. thank you so much for your thoughts madza.
yeah, I was kinda scared to use accent colors because images in posts and my portrait art dont blend well sometimes/not consistent, so i went with a gray tone instead. I like the preview articles suggestion, sounds nice and I see it a lot too. yeah the validator checks just look retro to me XD
Awesome to hear, hopefully, you find something useful 👍😉
Thank you!
You are welcome 😉👍
i mind changing it but idk really (also i know responsivity is sh*t)
What I liked:
Some ideas to consider:
I like the minimalistic approach.
Thakyou so much for this detailed review. I will work on the mentioned points. I also wanted to add more content to the page like project details, and my art, without breaking the minimalism but I don't have any ideas. Please help
Would love to here your feedback.
Not the first time I've come across this portfolio. And I like it.
I like the clean look and feel of the site.
Thanks for the helpful feedback. Really appreciate it :)
Awesome to hear! 😉👍
The site can't be reached 😒
Sorry about that
Nice dark mode switch.
I like the fonts and overall feel of the site.
Here's mine:
I like the landing and the contacts page.
Also, 3D text and glitch effect goes well with your theme.
Nice one to begin with. Use behance.net and dribbble.com to inspire you in the future and find new ideas for UI.
Articles, when opened are nicely formatted.
Great use of fonts throughout the site.
I'd definitely work on it
You are welcome 😉👍
Made in flutter, not too good but its simple i think. Thanks in advance.
It's good to start with. Make sure you set the footer at the bottom and make cursor pointer when hovering over social media icons, so the user knows they are actually clickable 😉
Moder looking and awesome contrast.
Awesome animations.
Great use of space.
A pleasure to look at.
I would say among the best I've reviewed here.
Thanks for your awesome feedback.
will surely host the blog on my own.
Good job on it mate 😉👍
Thank you :)
I really like that animation around the profile image. Reminds me of Atom's landing page.
Nice fonts and well-positioned content.
Nice feel to the site.
Easy for the eyes.
Thanks, will consider the points :)
Awesome to hear, happy to help 👍😉
Thanks for the opportunity!
Good looking about me section.
Looks clean and I like the font you use.
Well executed More about me and Top technologies section.
Your initiative is really cool, here is my portfolio danielmajor.com.br, I need new ideas to improve
The landing area font looks good.
Nice background color for white and grey text.
The project section looks nicely formatted and clean.
Great that users can open the projects directly on your site to read more about them.
nilmadhab.medium.com/, webtutsplus.com/
The first is just a Medium profile, so it would not be fair to judge. If you are using it for your Blog that's absolutely fine.
About Webtutsplus:
What I liked:
Some ideas to consider:
What I liked:
Some ideas I would consider:
Thanks in advanced! I’m about to do a bit of a redesign/restructure soon, so any feedback before then is much appreciated.
Please don't be too harsh, it's still in development 😀
I'm not really a web developer by trade, so I would appreciate any feedback! Been slowly iterating on this guy for awhile.
Netlify vuejs frontend
Dev.to backend api
Here is mine :- moderboy.wordpress.com
Here is one :- moderboy.wordpress.com
This is very nice of you to offer.
Thanks in advance.
Here's mine terieyenike.github.io/v2
Hey there, would love some feedback on mine too. shuvam.xyz