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Looks up the IP, Nameservers, and CNAME using Go


One of the advantages of using Go is Standard Library, Go has built in library that is already included when installing Go on your machine. There are many libraries you can use to build such as web application, rest API, command line interface (CLI), and many more just using Standard Library.

Today, I'm going to show you how to Lookup the IP, Nameservers, and CNAME for a particular host.

I assume you know a basic understanding of Go and setup GOPATH on your machine. Check this link about GOPATH


We are gonna using Go modules to create the app.

  • Create directory go-lookup.
  • Move to the go-lookup directory and run go mod init go-lookup to initialize the modules.

Then create a new file main.go inside the root directory. We're gonna use main.go to create the function and act as the main application also.

Here is the initial code inside main.go

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    fmt.Println("Hello from APP")
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Build and run the program with go run main.go, make sure you are already in the directory.

$ go run main.go
Hello from APP
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As you can see, the program will print Hello from APP using Println from the fmt package.

Lookup the DNS Records from the given domain name

Open main.go and remove the Println line as before, and now we're going to use the net package to lookup the DNS name. First, create a variable to store the domain name inside the main function.

- import "fmt"
+ import ( 
+     "fmt"
+     "net"
+ )
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- fmt.Println("Hello from APP") 
+ // Define domain name 
+ host := ""
+ fmt.Printf("Domain: %s\n\n", host)
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Then, use LookupNS function from the net package

// Lookup the DNS Records from the domain name 
ns, err := net.LookupNS(host)
if err != nil {
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LookupNS will return the pointer of the NS array, so we have to loop the ns variable to print the Nameserver. If an error occurs, stop the program immediately by using panic.

// Looping the Nameserver and ignore the index 
for _, v := range ns {
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Finally, build and run again. You should see the list of Nameserver for the given domain name, in this case, is my domain.

$ go run main.go
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Lookup the IP addresses

Secondly, we still use the same package to lookup the IP addresses with the LookupIP function.

fmt.Println("Looks up the IP Addresses") 
ips, err := net.LookupIP(host)
if err != nil {
for i := range ips {
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LookupIP will return a slice of bytes, so we just need to use index to get the IP. Here is the result so far when you build and run the program.

$ go run main.go
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode is the IP of the domain.

Lookup the CNAME

Lastly, we will use the LookupCNAME function from the net library to get CNAME (wikipedia).

fmt.Println("Looks up the CNAME") 
cname, err := net.LookupCNAME(host)
if err != nil {

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We don't need looping like the previous one, we just print the cname directly because LookupCNAME returns string. Here is the result:

$ go run main.go
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Finally, we have created a simple application using Go. Based on what we code before, we can refactor the code into several functions, but we're not doing in this tutorial.

package main

import (

func main() {
    // Define domain name
    host := ""
    fmt.Printf("Domain: %s\n\n", host)

    // Lookup the DNS Records from the domain name
    fmt.Println("Looks up the Nameservers")
    ns, err := net.LookupNS(host)
    if err != nil {
    // Looping the Nameserver and ignore the index
    for _, v := range ns {

    fmt.Println("Looks up the IP Addresses")
    ips, err := net.LookupIP(host)
    if err != nil {
    for i := range ips {

    fmt.Println("Looks up the CNAME")
    cname, err := net.LookupCNAME(host)
    if err != nil {

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Full result

$ go run main.go


Looks up the Nameservers

Looks up the IP Addresses

Looks up the CNAME
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