- DATE: 08/02/2022
- DAY: Tuesday
Today,I started at about 10:30 am and started working upon left over components and created various components like block-domain ,hero ,collapsible ,added java script file as it was to be used for animation for toggling the side arrow button as on clicking it arrow points towards down and content is shown otherwise it is hidden.As the instructor guided to only copy-paste script code as it is not a part of html-css course but while using it I got an idea that how basic function of toggling is to be written and today I got to learn various new things like in one of component we have to take image as 100% from one side and partial from another side so to do this we use (clip-path: polygon(attributes)) to clip certain parts from required image. so, this way my day ended by learning new things and enhancing my knowledge.
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