”Building in public as a woman founder can transform your visibility and expand your network.” Sarah Anto posted. I’ve heard this earlier so I decided to try.
Here is part one:
I was working as a freelance consultant and my previous gig had finished and I didn’t have a new one yet. Time was just before corona started. I spent my working days learning Angular and other tools that interested me.
I developed some customer application and an invoicing thing just for fun, nothing too serious. I thought that I could deploy my software to AWS cloud to try it out, because it’s so cool and I wanted to know more about it.
I created an AWS account, that was easy. Hmm, I could create a virtual machine to run my software. But when I started to do that, I couldn’t do anything. What! I didn’t know that everything is denied. You must give permission for yourself to do even smallest thing. This is good, it’s safe. But if you don’t know that, you must start learning. I started to read about AWS account, permissions, S3, EC2…
My next gig started and I forgot my own project…
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