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Cover image for A News PWA website using GitHub Codespaces
Manali Biswas
Manali Biswas

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A News PWA website using GitHub Codespaces

What I built

I made a PWA news website using React with GitHub Codespaces.

Category Submission:

Phone Friendly

App Link


Page loading


Business news

An article

More news


Website that displays top headlines on various topics and their description. Built using GitHub Codespaces! ❤️

Link to Source Code

Permissive License

MIT License

Background (What made you decide to build this particular app? What inspired you?)

It was quite a while since I had done a personal hands-on project. One random day I landed on the GitHub+DEV hackathon page, and boom! Motivation flowed to learn more about GitHub while building something new and quick for myself. Currently the website is not in a very polished state, but I intend to keep working on it and improving it!

How I built it (How did you utilize GitHub Actions or GitHub Codespaces? Did you learn something new along the way? Pick up a new skill?)

While going through the GitHub+DEV hackathon article, I noticed something called GitHub Codespaces. I had never tried this before, so I quickly started going through its docs to satisfy my curiosity and get started on a project.
GitHub Codespaces was incredibly easy to use, and it got me started for my React app in no time! I wanted to build something quacky and fun for myself, so I decided to go for a news website, which I can use all the time and keep adding features which I like.
I really had fun participating in the hackathon, and I am going to keep using GitHub Codespaces for more projects, as it requires much less time and overhead than setting up a project environment locally!

Additional Resources/Info

The project uses a news api with limited number of API requests, will plan to improve the UI in this case in future!

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