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Here are 50 potential Angular interview questions:

  1. What is Angular? How does it differ from AngularJS?
  2. Explain the key features of Angular.
  3. What are the building blocks of an Angular application?
  4. How do you create a new Angular project using the Angular CLI?
  5. What is the purpose of AppModule in Angular?
  6. Explain the component-based architecture in Angular.
  7. What is data binding in Angular? Differentiate between one-way and two-way data binding.
  8. What are directives in Angular? Provide examples of built-in directives.
  9. How do you create a custom directive in Angular?
  10. Explain the difference between structural and attribute directives.
  11. What is Angular CLI? How does it simplify development?
  12. How do you handle HTTP requests in Angular? Provide an example of using the HttpClient module.
  13. What is a service in Angular? How do you create a service?
  14. How would you share data between components in Angular?
  15. What is a module in Angular? Why is it used?
  16. What is dependency injection in Angular? Why is it important?
  17. How do you handle errors in HTTP requests in Angular?
  18. Explain Angular's component lifecycle hooks.
  19. What is Angular routing? How do you set up routing in an Angular application?
  20. How do you lazy load modules in Angular?
  21. What is Angular's template syntax? Provide examples of structural and attribute directives in templates.
  22. What is AOT (Ahead-of-Time) compilation in Angular?
  23. How do you use reactive forms in Angular? Provide an example.
  24. What are Angular guards? How are they used in routing?
  25. What is Angular Interpolation? How does it differ from property binding?
  26. How do you perform unit testing in Angular? Mention testing tools used in Angular.
  27. What is Angular Universal? What problem does it solve?
  28. How can you optimize an Angular application's performance?
  29. Explain the role of NgModule metadata properties.
  30. How do you use pipes in Angular? Provide examples of built-in pipes.
  31. What is Angular animation? How do you create animations in Angular?
  32. What is NgZone in Angular and what is its significance?
  33. How do you handle forms in Angular using template-driven forms?
  34. What are Angular decorators, and how do you use them?
  35. Explain the use of ng-container in Angular templates.
  36. How can you achieve component communication in Angular other than using services?
  37. What is Change Detection in Angular? How does it work?
  38. How do you use content projection (ng-content) in Angular?
  39. Explain Angular's HttpClient Interceptors and their purpose.
  40. How can you secure routes in Angular applications?
  41. What is the purpose of the async pipe in Angular?
  42. How do you use the ngFor directive in Angular?
  43. What are Angular Schematics? How do they enhance development?
  44. How can you handle localization and internationalization in Angular?
  45. What is the Angular ngIf directive used for, and how does it work?
  46. How do you deploy an Angular application to production?
  47. Explain the concept of Zone.js in Angular applications.
  48. What are template reference variables in Angular, and how are they used?
  49. How do you use Angular services for cross-component communication?
  50. How does Angular support server-side rendering (SSR)? Keep in mind that the actual questions you may encounter in an interview can vary depending on the company, the specific role, and the interviewer's preferences. It's essential to have a good understanding of the core concepts of Angular to answer these questions effectively.

This Answers are in next post.

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