Install Linux from a running Windows system, without need for a live USB.
Meet Tunic ...
What Tunic Does:
-Validates your system meets Tunic requirements.
-Asks all questions at beginning (so you don't have to babysit the install).
-Offers full disk overwrite or dual boot arrangement.
-If dual boot, shrink C: volume to make space for Linux.
-Provides tools to assist with freeing up space for Linux.
-Disables Windows fast start.
Provides Linux Mint, Ubuntu and most official Ubuntu flavors.
-Downloads the Linux .iso file for you.
-Installs Grub with Secure Boot support.
-Calculates Linux equivalent values for your Windows locale and user account.
-Reboots and runs the Ubiquity installer, automated, (fully in RAM with mounts to the iso removed).
-If custom install type choosen, will provide Ubuntu's Ubiquity disk partiton GUI.
Reboots into your final installed Linux!
You can get repo here
Install Linux from a running Windows system, without need for a live USB.
Install Linux over or alongside an existing Windows install, straight from Windows without requiring to boot from external media like a flash drive or making BIOS configuration changes.
What Tunic Does
- Validates your system meets Tunic requirements.
- Asks all questions at beginning (so you don't have to babysit the install).
- Offers full disk overwrite or dual boot arrangement.
- If dual boot, shrink C: volume to make space for Linux.
- Provides tools to assist with freeing up space for Linux.
- Disables Windows fast start.
- Provides Linux Mint, Ubuntu and most official Ubuntu flavors.
- Downloads the Linux .iso file for you.
- Installs Grub with Secure Boot support.
- Calculates Linux equivalent values for your Windows locale and user account.
- Reboots and runs the Ubiquity installer, automated, (fully in RAM with mounts to the iso removed).
- If custom install type choosen, will provide Ubuntu's Ubiquity disk partiton GUI.
- Reboots into your final installed…
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Imagecredit: pixabay
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