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PAGINATION in pieces


Instead of dumping and confusing the END USER with all the data we have on the server at once, we can use concept of pagination.

Here we will present data in chunks, so basically we will feed small piece of pizza slice instead of the 12' pizza at once.


We can reduce the end point API response time as we are requesting only small piece of data. Consider the server has users list of 43,890 records instead of pumping all the records at once, we will pass the EXACT needed slice of record based on the where the user is.

Show the logic

Here are few things we need to keep in mind while designing pagination concept.

  1. Number of records we need to show on each page (5,10,15)
  2. How many number of pages you want to show the end user (<,1,2,3 > or <1,2,3,4,5)

Here i'm taking JavaScript as my coding language, consider the data is residing inside the huggeeeee array. To extract piece of data at specific place from an array can be done by using SLICE

Array.slice(startIndex, endIndex), this will provide you the data at that frame.

Now how to calculate startIndex & endIndex

dataLimit = the number of records we want to show on the page!

endIndex = startIndex + dataLimit;


Now what about startIndex

startIndex = (pageNumber * dataLimit) - dataLimit

consider dataLimit = 10 records per page.

so for the first page startIndex = (1 * 10) - 10 = 0

now the endIndex will be = 0 + 10 = 10;


Also to get the paginationGroup, ie how many pages we want to show on the UI


consider pageLimit = 5, we show atleast 5 pages eveytime

let start = Math.floor((currentPage - 1) / pageLimit) * pageLimit;

return new Array(pageLimit).fill().map((_, idx) => start + idx + 1);

hey future you, i hope that makes sense.

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