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Create an NPX professional card

While exploring github for ideas to improve my, I came across a repository where an NPX card was created, so I decided to test my javascript skills and create my own.

For this I used NPN but feel free to use whatever package manager you like.

Final result

By the end of this post, you will have created a card similar to this one.
You can put it however you want.

Setting it up

First steps

To begin with, let's create a new project.
Open a terminal to start the proyect and run the next commands.

mkdir npxcard
cd npxcard
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This will create a directory with the specified name and move inside this new directory.

At this point, we will install some packages that will make it a little easier to make the card.

The packages are as follows: boxen, chalk, clear, open and inquirer.

npm i  boxen chalk clear open inquirer
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Nodemon will also be installed to enable reloading on save.

npm i nodemon --save-dev
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Now we will go to the package.json to enable nodemon

 "scripts": {
   "dev": "nodemon index.js"
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Now we can start with the code!

npm run dev
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Starting with the code

Before we start with the code, let's create the structure.
If we don't have the index.js file, we will create it in the root directory.
Now we will create a src folder and inside this new folder two javascrip files: data.js and content.js

The final structure will be as follows
final structure

Now we can start developing the card.
In data.js, we will import chalk and create an object called data to be used in content.js.

import chalk from 'chalk'

export const data = {
  name: chalk.bold.white('Mario Canales'),
  tagline: chalk.bold.grey('.NET, Azure, Angular and React developer'),
  location: chalk.bold.grey('Madrid, Spain'),
  github: chalk.hex('#0077B5')(''),
  linkedin: chalk.white(''),
  website: chalk.white(''),
  dev: chalk.hex('#0077B5')(''),
  labelWebsite: chalk.white.bold('Website:'),
  labelTwitter: chalk.hex('#08a0e9').bold('Twitter:'),
  labelGitHub: chalk.hex('#0077B5').bold('GitHub:'),
  labelLinkedin: chalk.hex('#F6F6F6').bold('Linkedin:'),
  labelDev: chalk.hex('#F6F6F6').bold('')
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This object will indicate which fields will exist, their colour and the website they reference.

In our content.js, we will import the dependencies we have imported before.

import boxen from 'boxen'
import chalk from 'chalk'
import open from 'open'
import { data } from './data.js'
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With all the dependencies imported, we will create the block with the questions. These questions are the options we will give the user to interact with the card.

export const questions = [
    type: 'list',
    name: 'action',
    message: "What do you want to do?",
    choices: [
        name: 'Send me an email',
        value: () => {
          open('mailto:YOUR EMAIL')
          console.log('\nLet\'s connect and explore the realm of technological possibilities!.\n')
        name: 'Know more about my projects',
        value: ()=> {
            console.log('\nKeep up with my projects.\n')
        name: 'Exit',
        value: () => console.log('Enjoy your day.\n')
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Let's create another new JavaScript object with data about us.

This will show what the card itself is, you should play around with it a bit to get the right spacing to centre the fields and a more harmonious layout.

I'll put mine here, as an example.

export const me = boxen(
    `${data.labelWebsite}  ${}`,
    `${data.labelTwitter}  ${data.twitter}`,
    `${data.labelGitHub}  ${data.github}`,
    `${data.labelLinkedin}  ${data.linkedin}`,
    `${chalk.bold('.NET Developer with experience turning ideas into exceptional experiences.')}`,
    `${chalk.bold('My focus revolves around technical excellence and creativity to deliver products that not only meet needs but also inspire.')}`,
    `${chalk.bold('Passionate about crafting innovative solutions that blend technology and user experience.')}`,
    `${chalk.bold('As Elon Musk says, When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor.')}`
    margin: 1,
    float: 'left',
    padding: 1,
    borderStyle: 'single',
    borderColor: 'white'
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This uses boxen, an npm package that allows you to create a box in the terminal.
The information is obtained from data.js.
At the end you add the styles.

With this, we are done with content.js.

Now, in index.js, we will create a prompt. We can do this whit [inquirer].

console.log(me); //this will show the card

const prompt = inquirer.createPromptModule();
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After creating the prompt, we are going to use an arrow function with recursion so that it does not leave the npx card when selecting an option.

const runPrompt = () => {
  prompt(questions).then((answer) => {
    if (answer.action !== questions[0].choices[2].value) {


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Before running the project, let's add a few changes to package.json


  "main": "index.js",
  "bin": {
    "mariocsan": "./index.js"
  "repository": {
    "type": "git",
    "url": ""
  "scripts": {
    "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1",
    "dev": "nodemon index.js"
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This will add that the binary can be executed when it is published in npmjs.

Now we can execute our local project with npm run dev.

local running

If everything has worked correctly we will be able to publish the package on NPMJS so that anyone can see and use the card.

Publishing the package

If you don't have an account at NPMjs, it's time to create an account.

Now, make sure you are logged in or log in if you don't have an account.

npm add user
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Once done, patch the version.
Remember that every time you want to change the version of the package, you will have to change the version in the package.json.

# Make sure your git working directory is clean!
git commit -a -m "made my npx card"

# Update the version
npm version patch 
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Now it is time to publish the package. Do it in the following way.

npm publish
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If everything went correctly, we can try running the package with npx.

npx your-pkg
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And this will happen!

If you have any problems, feel free to ask me in the comments below.


Next steps

Now it is up to you to improve this card.

Feel free to make any changes you want to adapt it to your needs.

In my case, I will make modifications to add more options like multi lenguage support.


I want to thank the fortune for crossing the repo of anmol098 and, of course, anmol098 for the basic idea of making this mini-project.

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