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Martin Krause
Martin Krause

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5 Articles every WebDev should read this week (#08)

A curated list of the top five web development must-reads from last week. Don't miss out on the latest web development stories and insights. Read all about the cutting edge in web development, working in tech and the new tools and frameworks while learning a few new tricks.

State of JavaScript 2021

The 2021 State of JS survey ran from January 13 to February 2 2022, and collected 16,085 responses. It was created to identify upcoming trends in the web development ecosystem in order to help developers make technological choices. As such, these surveys are focused on anticipating what's coming over the next few years rather than analyzing what's popular now, which is why the features or technologies that are currently most widespread are not always included. They should also be taken as a snapshot of a specific subset of developers, and are not meant to speak for the entire ecosystem.

Comparing Node JavaScript to JavaScript in the Browser

If you’ve mainly written JavaScript that runs in the browser and you’re looking to get more of an understanding of the server side, many articles will tell you that Node JavaScript is a great way to write server-side code and capitalize on your JavaScript experience.

The Basics of Package.json

In this chapter, we'll give you a kickstart introduction to effectively using package.json with Node.js and npm.

Hello, CSS Cascade Layers

One of the most common causes of confusion in CSS is facing specificity while writing styles. For example, changing the display value for an element never works because another element in the cascade overrides it due to having a higher specificity. Or when another element has !important That usually happens when the codebase is growing and we’re not organizing CSS in a way that prevents (or reduces) such problems.

Inside look at modern web browser (part 1)

In this 4-part blog series, we’ll look inside the Chrome browser from high-level architecture to the specifics of the rendering pipeline. If you ever wondered how the browser turns your code into a functional website, or you are unsure why a specific technique is suggested for performance improvements, this series is for you. As part 1 of this series, we’ll take a look at core computing terminology and Chrome’s multi-process architecture.

Follow me on Twitter: @martinkr.

Photo by Alex Kulikov on Unsplash

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