Let's say you're like me and you happen to have a project that consists of PHP (🤮)... or an Angular app... or Golang... with some embedded react components... where those react components communicate with backend services.
Your goal is to make sure that changes to the backend don't break the front-end... that "fixing" a line in PHP code doesn't break the embedded applications (angular, react, or whatever) and you don't want to have six different pipelines running the same integration tests!
If you're like me... you also don't enjoy maintaining multiple integration test pipelines. And if you're still like me... you use Codefresh and Cypress already. So let's make the Codefresh pipelines a little more maintainable.

At a high level... we should have the following containers:
- a bundled react app (built and served by nginx)
- a PHP app
- a backend proxy service
- a backend internal service
- (probably a database... auth... could be a lot more stuff...)
- cypress integration tests
The PHP app pulls the react bundle in... the react app communicates with the proxy service... which communicates with the internal service.
And let's say that if you make a change to one codebase you want to run a Cypress test that does full end-to-end testing across all of them.
Tech Used
Codefresh and Cypress are 🔥... go check out their sites... Their docs are well-written and I can't do them justice. I've been using Cypress for a while (this article isn't really about that) and I've been using Codefresh for ~3 weeks.
Codefresh is a CI/CD tool that is very easy to use with Docker/docker-compose (among other things).
Cypress is an end-to-end testing tool that is super-fast and super-easy to use.
Pipeline architecture
The goal is to have each repo build its own image, do its own unit testing and then that "primary" pipeline (the repo with the code change) should then kick off a separate integration testing pipeline that pulls in the other images.
If we were lazy... The easy thing to do would be to have the integration testing pipeline checkout all of the repos... build all the images... and run the tests... and copy-paste the ~100 lines of yaml in X different repos embedding it in the same unit test pipeline. Ultimately you'd have one less pipeline and 100s of lines of yaml duplicated throughout your codebase. It would be insanely slow.
The trick here is to make sure you're not rebuilding every image each time you run your integration tests... and the answer to that is to use the codefresh run command to pass in environment variables that include the tag the integration tests should be using.
Pipeline for the project being tested
Here's a simplified pipeline for the hypothetical react app that has some code changes.
... and the yaml ...
version: '1.0'
# clone step...
stage: build
git: github
title: Cloning main repository...
type: git-clone
repo: '${{CF_REPO_OWNER}}/${{CF_REPO_NAME}}'
revision: '${{CF_REVISION}}'
# Dockerfile bundles the react app
title: Building React app
stage: build
type: build
image_name: '${{CF_REPO_OWNER}}/${{CF_REPO_NAME}}'
dockerfile: Dockerfile
# e2e_test uses the codefresh cli to launch a separate pipeline
title: E2E Tests
stage: test
image: 'codefresh/cli:latest'
# the -v pass in separate environment variables to the next pipeline
command: >-
codefresh run codefresh_project_name/integration_pipeline -v
CYPRESS_TAG=latest -v
PHP_TAG=latest -v PROXY_TAG=latest -v INTERNAL_TAG=latest
# PROBABLY some unit tests / other tests specific to this specific
# project in here... probably done in parallel...
# once the test passes while in master, tag this image with latest
type: push
stage: publish
title: Tag Stable Project
candidate: '${{react_image}}'
image_name: martzcodes/project
- master
- name: e2e_test
- success
- build
- test
- publish
The key here are the environment parameters being passed in to the integration pipeline. The image being tested is tagged with the branch name and short hash... everything else is using the 'latest' tag. See codefresh run docs for more information.
Integration pipeline
The integration pipeline uses those environment variables to pull the tag of the right images. The images that haven't been change use the 'latest' stable code, while the image under test uses the branch-short_hash tagging convention.
version: '1.0'
- test
title: The Actual End-to-End tests
stage: test
type: composition
description: Validate that one projects changes didn't break things
fail_fast: true
working_directory: ./
image: path/to/cypress/tests:${{CYPRESS_TAG}}
# sleep 30 is to wait for services to start up...
# ...could use something like wait-for-it instead
entrypoint: bash -c "sleep 30 && cypress run"
# these are helpful for debugging, but optional
- 'DEBUG=cypress:electron'
- react-app
- php-app
- proxy-service
- internal-service
martzcodes: null
version: '2'
image: path/to/react/app/image:${{REACT_TAG}}
container_name: react-app
image: path/to/php/app/image:${{PHP_TAG}}
container_name: php-app
image: path/to/proxy/service/image:${{PROXY_TAG}}
container_name: proxy-service
image: path/to/internal/service/image:${{INTERNAL_TAG}}
container_name: internal-service
This is just a single step, but if you had other types of tests that you need to do across the entire app (performance testing, whatever)... you could do them in here as well.
One neat thing to note: that composition entry in the integration yaml file... that is the same structure as a docker-compose file. You can even store it separately (with a similar setup I can just do docker-compose -f codefresh-composition.yml up -d
and be good to go... the only thing to be aware of is Codefresh and Docker use different string interpolations
The concept of a separate integration testing pipeline is very easy to extend... if you can logically separate your app (for example... several separate react apps inside a php app)... each could have their own integration chain... but if something in the php app were to change you'd want to test all of them.
A completely random example would be something like...
This example would still be a lot of pipelines, but at least they'd be logically broken up and easier to re-use.
But there's a problem...
This breaks down if you're working on a story / doing multiple Pull Requests that go across several repos that depend on each other... I don't really have a good way around that.
If you have any suggestions for cases like that... let me know!
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