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Definitive edition of "How to Favicon" in 2023

Masa Kudamatsu on January 27, 2021

TL;DR In the <head> element of your HTML document, insert <link rel="icon" href="/favicon.ico" sizes="48x48" ><!-- REV...
bsides profile image
Rafael Pereira

Thank you for all your research!

guitarzan profile image
Doug Waldron

This is an amazing article and definitely the most thorough that I've found!

I have some bad news though 🙁

It looks like Chromium has changed how it scores icons with the sizes="any" attribute and is now using the ICO file instead of the SVG file. See this code review:

My best estimate is that started shipping with version 110.

xcuses profile image

Hi, this works for me:
<link rel="icon" sizes="48x48" href="/favicon.ico">
<link rel="icon" type="image/svg+xml" sizes="any" href="/favicon.svg">

Like this, Chrome and Edge only load the SVG Icon.

masakudamatsu profile image
Masa Kudamatsu

Thanks a lot for your input! (Sorry for this belated reply...)

I myself tried your suggestion for the web app I'm developing, and I can confirm that Safari on Mac OS (and iOS browsers) does use the ICO favicon with this code!

I'm planning to update the article to incorporate your suggestion once a few more people post comments on their experiences with it.

guitarzan profile image
Doug Waldron

Cool, have you had a chance to see how it works on Safari? (I believe Safari is currently the only reason to still include the ".ico" link.)

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xcuses profile image
xcuses • Edited

Yes, that's why I included the ".ico" link. I don't own any Apple device..... if someone wants to check out if this setup works in Safari, this is the site I'm working on:
If someone checks it out, please let us know :)

masakudamatsu profile image
Masa Kudamatsu

Hi Doug! Sorry for my late reply, but thank you for your comment! It has solicited the response from xcuses below, which I can confirm works with Safari.

codewithayan10 profile image
Code with Ayan

Very helpful

darrylnoakes profile image
Darryl Noakes

Seems that as of Chrome 113 at the latest, sizes="any" on the ICO isn't working anymore.

The only solution I can think of is to only link to a PNG and an SVG, based on the fact that pretty much all browsers support PNG favicons.

masakudamatsu profile image
Masa Kudamatsu

Hi Darryl. Thanks for your input! Please see the "Important Notice" section at the top of this article (which is added today). And let me know if the solution it offers works for you.

If you and some other people give positive feedback, I'll update the whole article to reflect this as the 2023 solution.

darrylnoakes profile image

I tested this in Chrome with subzey's test page and chrome-svg-favicon-bug.karlhorky.r..., and it appears to work fine!

I experimented further, to be sure. I saved subzey's test page and icons locally and made six variations. The results are in the table below.

sizes (ICO, SVG) Chrome 114 Firefox 114 Safari 16.3
none, none ICO SVG ICO
none, any ICO SVG ICO
any, none ICO SVG ICO
any, any ICO SVG ICO
32x32, none SVG SVG ICO
32x32, any SVG SVG ICO

Chrome uses the SVG if the ICO has an explicit size specified, else it uses the ICO.
Firefox always uses the SVG, and Safari always uses the ICO.
I tested with various different numbers for the sizes on the ICO, and they didn't seem to make a difference.

The upshot is to that setting an explicit size for the ICO is required for Chrome to use the SVG, no matter what is set on the SVG.
I recommend still setting sizes="any" on the SVG for when proper support is added (see the linked Chromium bugs, especially the second).

Two relevant Chromium bugs:

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masakudamatsu profile image
Masa Kudamatsu

Wow, Darryl. This is amazing!!!

Whenever I have time, I'll update the article by referring to your comprehensive research. I'm sure many web developers appreciate your work!

Just one small question. In the table, why do you go for 32x32 for ICO, not 48x48? I'm aware you mention in your comment that it doesn't seem to matter. But I wonder whether the recommended HTML code for ICO should go with 48x48 or 32x32. Do you have any view on this?

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darrylnoakes profile image

I used 32x32 because that was the size of my PNG favicon, and I was experimenting with that being included. No other reason.

16x16 + 32x32 + 48x48 is the second-most common combination of sizes in ICO favicons (stated in that study of thousands and thousands of favicons...).
I'd probably just put the resolution of the largest size in the ICO. Or 48x48 seems a reasonable value, just because.

Any reason you/@xcuses used 48x48?

On a slightly different line... I'm not sure what exactly Google uses to pick an icon for Google Search results, but the minimum is 48x48. I doubt specifying that size could bias Google toward the ICO instead of the SVG, but you never know. I don't know how anyone could check, other than talking to someone rather directly involved with Search.

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xcuses profile image
xcuses • Edited

Yes there are reasons why I chose 48x48:

  • afaik, some versions of the Chrome browser used to pick the most appropriate size. If the browser tab needs 32x32 (which is likely), depending on the device and Chrome version, the browser might pick a 32 ico instead of the svg
  • at the time of writing the suggested code, with an ico size of 16 or 32, my Chrome sometimes loaded both the ICO and SVG, or just the ICO. In the newest version on my desktop (114.0.5735.134), this doesn't happen with a size of 16 or 32 any more. Haven't checked on Android this time.
  • last not least, afaik, Google uses the .ico for the web search results, so a bigger .ico might scale better
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darrylnoakes profile image
Darryl Noakes

As a note, I am using 48x48 in my project.

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masakudamatsu profile image
Masa Kudamatsu

Hi @darrylnoakes and @xcuses ! Thanks a lot for your contributions. I'm currently rewriting the article to reflect what you have discovered. Writing forces me to think hard about the reason behind the HTML code, and now I'm not very sure why we need sizes="any" for the SVG favicon. Darryl's test suggests it doesn't really matter (at least for now) whether SVG favicon has sizes="any" or not. So is it for making the HTML code future-proof? Why would the SVG favicon without sizes="any" not be chosen if Chromium browsers strictly followed the expected logic?

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page200 profile image
page200 • Edited


I'm not sure what exactly Google uses to pick an icon for Google Search results, but the minimum is 48x48.

Google's article "Define a favicon to show in search results" says "While the minimum size requirement is 8x8px, we recommend using a favicon that's larger than 48x48px".

Old versions of Google Search used to recommend using any multiple of 48, including 48.

I don't know how anyone could check, other than talking to someone rather directly involved with Search.

Make a website whose favicon variants (SVG, the different sizes in the ICO file, etc.) look visibly different, maybe also include some unique text on the page to find the page easily on Google Search, publish the link on websites that Google visits often or ask Google to index your page, and check what favicon ends up on Google Search.

In the favicons, ideally also include an identifier of the setup (combination of HTML code and favicon.ico sizes) that you're testing.

A general recommendation not only for this experiment: You can change the favicon contents, but don't change their URL frequently.

timtorres profile image
Tim Torres

This is an excellent article! Really appreciate the references and reasoning. I've found a few issues with sources like CSS Tricks that I normally trust and you've covered them all.

benblazak profile image
Ben Blazak

Really appreciate this as well!

Possible correction: just did a brief test (macos 10.14: safari 14, chrome 94) and the favicon wouldn't show up when i only had links to the svg and apple-touch-icon. I added a link to the ico (before the svg) and it works now.

masakudamatsu profile image
Masa Kudamatsu

Thank you for your feedback, @benblazak ! On Nov 8, I've revised the article to recommend the inclusion of the reference to the ico file, with the attribute of sizes="any" (which prevents Chrome from picking the ico file). Given your experience, I've come to a conclusion that this method is better than omitting the reference to the ico file.

benblazak profile image
Ben Blazak

Thanks! Tested, this does indeed work with my setup :)

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masakudamatsu profile image
Masa Kudamatsu

Great to hear that! Thanks for your feedback again!

rossangus profile image
Ross Angus

I found this article because it was linked from CanIUse. Thank you so much for putting all of this together. It's clearly been a lot of work.

mtimofiiv profile image

Beautiful article, thanks for writing it, @masakudamatsu!

multiwebinc profile image
Mike Robinson

Boulanger (2020) claims that the type attribute is unnecessary. But Can I Use (2021a) says all the browsers that support SVG favicons (Chrome 80+, Edge 80+, Firefox 41+, Opera 67+) require "the served mime-type to be image/svg+xml".

You're getting mixed up between the type attribute in the HTML and the served mime-type, which is returned by the server when making the request to retrieve the file. The type attribute in the HTML is not needed. However the server needs to respond with a Content-Type: image/svg+xml header when the request is made.

page200 profile image
page200 • Edited

Thank you for the amazing investigation, discussions, solutions, and updates!

There's an alternative approach that makes the page load slightly faster for Safari and IE and very very slightly slower for other browsers, and uses less web traffic in total. If an ICO file, which is used by Safari and IE, has several resolutions (e.g., 16x16, 32x32, 48x48), each of them can require hundreds or even thousands of bytes. Instead of downloading all that, we can put each image size into a separate smaller ICO file, embed each of them with a separate <link> tag, and distinguish them via the sizes attribute. So we add about 100 bytes of HTML code for all browsers, but Safari and IE would then download only one image size, i.e., download less data in total.

IE doesn't understand the sizes attribute. Does it use other sizes than 16x16? If not, the HTML code can be such that IE falls back to 16x16; otherwise, to an additional "normal" ICO file with several sizes. Similarly for browsers and crawlers that require the file name to be favicon.ico.

Another technique is inlining the ICO file as a data URL. That's even more in favor of Safari and IE8+ and disfavor of other browsers. That can also be combined with putting each image size into a separate ICO. Then the browser will parse more HTML tags but skip the parsing of some of the base64 and ICO data - possibly a very tiny runtime advantage.

A related consideration is whether very old browsers require the ICO file to contain a BMP image rather than PNG (and whether different image sizes in the ICO file can use different formats and still be understood by those browsers).

stokito profile image

After tests for all browsers on all platforms I came up with the solution:

<link rel="icon" href="/favicon_48.png" sizes="48x48">
<link rel="icon" href="/favicon.svg" sizes="any">
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

The png 48x8 is used by Safari on both iOS and macOS.
But also it's used by Chrome and Edge when adding the site as an app. Bigger image is not really needed because it will be downscaled.
If you don't care about apps then maybe you can use here just an .ico file. I didn't tested.

If you won't specify the sizes="48x48" then Chrome will download both png and svg but show only the svg.
The mime type="image/svg+xml" is not needed: all servers anyway return a valid mime type (even BusyBox httpd) but also browsers can sniff a correct type themselves.

You can use optipng to compress the PNG file but also you minimize SVG online and even compress it with gzip -kn9 favicon.svg and serve precompressed favicon.svg.gz.

page200 profile image

Maybe you didn't test old versions of browsers and OSs. The article says that (some versions of) Safari and IE use .ico, (some versions of) iOS and Windows Metro tiles in Windows 8 use apple-touch-icon, (some versions of) Android use manifest.

I guess you suggest removing the MIME type in order to reduce the file size. Maybe some servers and old browsers need it.

Don't most servers compress data well at lower OSI layers, so that we don't have to expect the browser to be able to also parse .svg.gz files?

rianmurnen profile image
Rian Murnen • Edited

On Mar 14, 2022, Jen Simmons and Jon Davis posted New WebKit Features in Safari 15.4 to the WebKit blog. Under the heading “Web Apps”:

In addition, declaring icons in a web app manifest file is now supported. Safari and iOS use manifest-declared icons when there is no apple-touch-icon defined in the HTML head, and when the manifest file code for declaring the icons either omits the "purpose" key or includes "purpose": "any". Defining icons by using apple-touch-icon takes precedence over manifest-declared icons in order to provide consistent behavior for web apps that use this technique to define specific icons for iOS, distinct from other mobile platforms.

I’ve had success removing the <link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="/apple-touchicon.png" /> from the <head> and instead including the following in the Web App Manifest "icons" array:

    "src": "/apple-touch-icon.png",
    "sizes": "180x180",
    "type": "image/png"
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Then on Dec. 11, 2023, Jen Simmons and Marcos Cáceres posted WebKit Features in Safari 17.2 to the WebKit blog. Under the heading “Web App icons” it states:

On macOS, users expect app icons to look sharp at a variety of sizes, ranging from 16x16px to 1024x1024px. […]

To provide the best user experience on macOS, supply at least one opaque, full-bleed maskable square icon in the web app manifest, either as SVG (any size) or high resolution bitmap (1024×1024). […]

Its worth reading the two paragraphs in full. Its not clear to me if the mention of “16x16px” in the first sentence means this applies to favicons (finally?!) or only to other use cases like Safari’s “Add to Home Screen” feature. (Update: Ugh. This may only be supported starting with macOS Sonoma.)

// WARNING: Untested.
    "src": "/filename.svg", // is there a filename requirement???
    "sizes": "1024x1024",
    "type": "image/svg+xml",
    "purpose": "maskable"
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

My holiday wish is for the WebKit team to publish an article explaining all web app icons, including favicons, in Safari with code samples and fallback for .

algoorgoal profile image

Dude, your post is awesome!
Meanwhile, I'd like to mention this article:

If you need to pick only one icon size, it should be 512 by 512 pixels. However, providing more sizes is recommended including 192 by 192, 384 by 384, and 1024 by 1024 pixel-sized images, too.
=> When writing manifest for PWA(android), suggests you upload a variety of pixel-sized images!

algoorgoal profile image

Note that maskable icons should be 512x512 at least.

Maskable icons should be 512 by 512 at least. With one created, you can add it to your icons collection to improve the experience for supported devices:

garfieldklon profile image

Thanks for this great article!

I have one question:
<link rel="icon" href="/favicon.ico" sizes="48x48" >

The sizes="48x48" is to fool other browsers than Safari. But which actual resolution should this favicon.ico have? 32x32? Is it also ok if I give it an .ico that contains multiple resolutions like 128x128, 64x64, 32x32 and 16x16?

page200 profile image
page200 • Edited

That seems ok because ICO files with multiple resolutions have been common for decades (I mean not necessarily as favicons because favicons used to be only 16x16, but in general) and because the linked study by Adam, Nathan and Patrick (2021) says that 16x16+32x32+48x48 is the most common combination after only 16x16.

Yes, the article seems to imply that some (older) browsers expect 16x16 and 32x32.

sergevdev profile image
SergeVDev • Edited

Hello Masa,

The code doesn't work locally, if you keep / before favicon.svg and favicon.ico. It makes your browser look for them in the root directory (say, D:\ folder in Windows) instead of your project folder.

page200 profile image
page200 • Edited

In what cases does the SVG file get rendered to a high resolution?

If there are such cases, some icons might require using two different SVG files as shown by Grouchnikov (2011). What sizes attribute values should be used for which of the two SVG files? Use sizes="any" first or last? (Related: "the last one is used" quote above.)

GNOME 3.0 system icon having simpler design at low resolutions for clarity

iA Writer icon having simpler design at low resolutions for clarity

zubb profile image
Vasyl Zuziak • Edited

thanks a lot for the efforts you put into this article. this is literally a lifesaver.

A tiny notice that two tags from above are missing proper version of closing tag: > instead of />

bastienmoulia profile image

What about using svg in the icons manifest? There is some talk about that but not sure if it's working everywhere.

page200 profile image

It won’t pay off to have a higher resolution PNG image instead of a low resolution ICO image.

It will, depending on the size to which the OS and browser scale the image (which may depend on settings etc.). Even if that size is only sligthly different than the ICO resolution, the result would in most cases look worse than scaling a higher-resolution PNG image down to that size.

sun_kanmii profile image
Sunkanmi Fafowora

You did a ton of work with this.
Appreciate the post

userquin profile image
dallinmoak profile image

awesome article, gonna be a long-term reference for me. Thanks for compiling all this!!