DEV Community

Mateo Silguero
Mateo Silguero

Posted on

Styling your RN app, easily

Recently i've published Consistencss, an utility first style toolkit for React Native, inspired by tailwindcss.

Consistencss has not css at all, but is a JS library used to style your RN apps. how it works ?

Consistencss generates a dynamic object of styles like this:

C.m4 -> returns { margin: 16 },

and so:


import { View } from 'react-native';
import C, { apply } from 'consistencss';

const App = () => {
  return (
    <View style={apply(C.m4, C.p2, C.bgRed)}>
      <Text style={C.textRed}></Text>
      <Text style={[C.textBlue, C.m6]}></Text>
      <Text style={styles.subtitle}></Text>

// apply also accepts strings
const styles = {
  title: apply(C.font6, C.uppercase),
  subtitle: apply('capitalize', C.mt2),

Take a look !

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