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Matheus Martinello
Matheus Martinello

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Introduction to WebClient in Java 17: A Modern Way to Handle HTTP Requests

Java 17 brings a wealth of improvements and features, making it a compelling choice for developers working with modern web applications. One standout feature is the WebClient class, a reactive and non-blocking alternative to the traditional HttpURLConnectionor third-party libraries like Apache HttpClient. In this post, we’ll explore the power of WebClient, how it simplifies HTTP communication in Java, and how you can use it effectively in your projects.

Why WebClient?

The WebClientis part of the Spring WebFlux module, but it can also be used independently to handle HTTP requests. Compared to older approaches, WebClient offers:

  • Reactive support: Non-blocking I/O operations make your applications more efficient, especially under high load.
  • Simplicity: The API is easy to use and eliminates a lot of boilerplate code.
  • Flexibility: Whether it's synchronous or asynchronous calls, WebClient can handle both effectively.
  • Advanced customization: You can easily configure timeouts, headers, and error handling.

Setting Up WebClient

To use WebClient in Java 17, start by adding the dependency to your project:

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Once you have the dependency set up, initializing a basic WebClient instance is straightforward:

import org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.WebClient;

public class WebClientExample {
    private final WebClient webClient;

    public WebClientExample() {
        this.webClient = WebClient.builder()

    public String getPosts() {
        return webClient.get()
                        .block(); // Blocks the call for simplicity in this example

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In this example, we're creating a basic WebClient instance, configuring it with a base URL, and making a GET request to retrieve a list of posts from a JSON placeholder API. The block() method is used to wait for the response in a synchronous manner.

Making Asynchronous Calls

The real strength of WebClient lies in its ability to handle asynchronous calls easily. Instead of blocking the call, you can chain reactive operators to handle the response when it’s ready:

import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;

public Mono<String> getPostsAsync() {
    return webClient.get()
                    .bodyToMono(String.class); // Non-blocking call
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The Mono returned by bodyToMono() can be used in your reactive pipeline, allowing you to handle the result asynchronously and efficiently. This is particularly useful in applications that need to handle a large number of concurrent requests without blocking threads.

Handling Errors

Error handling in WebClient is flexible and can be managed using the onStatus() method:

public String getPostWithErrorHandling() {
    return webClient.get()
                    .uri("/posts/9999") // Assuming this post does not exist
                    .onStatus(status -> status.is4xxClientError(), clientResponse -> {
                        System.err.println("Client Error!");
                        return Mono.error(new RuntimeException("Client error occurred"));
                    .onStatus(status -> status.is5xxServerError(), clientResponse -> {
                        System.err.println("Server Error!");
                        return Mono.error(new RuntimeException("Server error occurred"));
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In this example, we handle both 4xx client errors and 5xx server errors gracefully.

Java 17 offers powerful features, and using WebClient in your projects can significantly simplify your HTTP communications. Whether you're making simple requests or handling complex, reactive operations, WebClient is a versatile and modern choice for your Java applications. Try it out, and see how it can make your web applications more efficient and easier to maintain.

Stay tuned for more posts on advanced use cases of WebClient and other exciting features of Java 17!

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