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Writing Self-Documenting Code 🧑‍💻📜

Matt Lewandowski on May 29, 2024

As developers, we've all wasted hours, staring at a piece of code, trying to decipher its purpose, and wondering what the original author was think...
chasm profile image
Charles F. Munat

Other that JSDoc/TSDoc I am in full agreement. Excellent article.

But I would also mention that consistency in naming is important. Establish a style guide and define your terms so everyone is on the same page.

For example, consider these terms. What do they mean and how do you choose between them:
get, find, make, create, choose, select, send, submit, save, etc.

Perhaps get means you are retrieving a single value from an API and list means you are retrieving a set of values. Then every function that retrieves a single value should be named get<noun> and the corresponding multiple values function, list<noun>s, e.g.,

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mattlewandowski93 profile image
Matt Lewandowski

Great point, thanks! I've added a new section that covers this: Establish Consistency and Set Expectations in a Team.

z2lai profile image

Incredible advice. Im currently dealing with a codebase where there are several functions, addItem, saveItem, createItem all in the same app service and they all actually do the same thing with slight variations.

chasm profile image
Charles F. Munat

Yep. The secret to programming is a) to break the problem down into small, easily-solvable mini-problems, then solve those in the simplest, clearest, and most consistent way, then compose the small solutions back into the overall solution. Clear style guides followed faithfully and invariably are essential, but how many companies bother? Save a penny, lose a pound.

All of this boils down to one simple thing: reduce cognitive load. Reduce cognitive load. Reduce cognitive load.

To this end, it pays also to apply design principles to your code. For example: proximity, alignment, contrast, repetition (consistency), whitespace, etc. I discuss this and more on Craft Code as well as here on

thirumalesh profile image


ausmurp profile image
Austin Murphy

Self documenting code is a fine standard to follow, but you should still have code comments. I've worked with multiple developers who said "my code is self documenting so why comment?" 🤣 Then when they leave, nobody knows WHY they were doing the things they did, regardless of how self documenting the code is.

Please comment your code as well.

retakenroots profile image
Rene Kootstra

The need for comments in code is the lack of tests. Comments rot very fast. Uncle Bob has excellent videos on the matter.

chris_sd_b9194652dbd4a1e profile image
Chris S-D

Agreed, but IMHO, only when there is a potential "why?" question that needs to be answered.

I usually use linters as a great way to enforce this. Generally speaking, I only ever set linters to error if the code doesn't follow standards.

If the person has a reason to break standards, they need to put in a linter comment to allow the code that breaks the pattern and they are required to provide a reason that they are breaking the lint pattern. For those that can't be linted, we handle in PR. If you're doing something that is not obvious and you can't make it obvious, then you must provide a comment clarifying the issue and why you're doing it that way.

Otherwise, you should only ever use doc comments.

Comments should never describe what you are doing, nor how, only why and only when it's not obvious.

jamescurran profile image
James Curran

Exactly. The code can only tell you what it does. Code comments are there to tell you what it's SUPPOSED to do.

documendous profile image

Very nice work, Matt! Thanks for the post.

ricardogesteves profile image
Ricardo Esteves

Cool, nice article @mattlewandowski93 !

ghadzhigeorgiev profile image
Georgi Hadzhigeorgiev

Nice one, but I suggest for you to include using of strongly typed IDs.

mattlewandowski93 profile image
Matt Lewandowski

Thanks, great suggestions I'll add it in

shyam_10 profile image
Shyam raj

Wow.. Really interesting, thank u mate❤️

kwoodgmr profile image

Good article, though I would disagree with using Enums in Typescript. The thing is that they are kind of funky and don't translate in and out of the underlying type well. It can better be expressed as:

`export const PaymentStatus {
Pending = 'pending',
Completed = 'completed',
Failed = 'failed',
} as const;

export type PaymentStatus = (typeof PaymentStatus)[keyof PaymentStatus];

gokayburuc profile image

It's a great explanation of the principle of "create a meaningful standard language", which is one of the principles that programmers should follow.

However, there are still missing parts. In particular, there is a need to add meaningful comment statements next to the codes and comment notations.

// TODO :
// FIX :
// TEST :
// NOTE:
// HACK:
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Comment expression notations provide the user with mobility for immediate intervention on faulty points.

jakewilson profile image
Jake Wilson

I would urge caution about breaking a large function into too many smaller functions just for the sake of making it smaller. It can lead to too much abstraction that becomes less readable because you are trying to follow the code around separate, spread out methods and files etc.

itsmeseb profile image

Great article! I think there are a lot of good ideas and valid points. I am not a fan of (2.) though - it seems like taken right out of the "Clean Code" book. It's a pain jumping from function to function to function, and you most likely lose context. I would like a bigger function where the entire context is visible and ready for me to read.

corscheid profile image
Corey Scheideman

Recommending the use of TypeScript Enums is an interesting take I don't often see. 😅

mattlewandowski93 profile image
Matt Lewandowski • Edited

I think Enums have their place in typescript, even if you can use types most of the time. I listed types first, as I do prefer types for most cases. Here is an example of where an enum would shine over a type though.

enum HttpStatus {
  OK = 200,
  BadRequest = 400,
  Unauthorized = 401,
  Forbidden = 403,
  NotFound = 404,
  InternalServerError = 500,
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with a type

const HttpStatus = {
  OK: 200,
  BadRequest: 400,
  Unauthorized: 401,
  Forbidden: 403,
  NotFound: 404,
  InternalServerError: 500,
} as const;

// Define the type
type HttpStatus = (typeof HttpStatus)[keyof typeof HttpStatus];
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With the enum in this case, we can utilize the bidirectional mapping. Which allows us to use the single Enum to determine the status and code of different scenarios.

console.log(HttpStatus[200]); // Outputs: "OK"
console.log(HttpStatus.OK); // Outputs: 200
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Ultimately, I think that enums are a lot more verbose, making them more self-documenting. HttpStatus.OK or HttpStatus.BadRequest is very intuitive.

chris_sd_b9194652dbd4a1e profile image
Chris S-D

I generally make a point to always include js/TS doc comments on any publicly exported code, and consequently public members of publicly exported types of classes.

This is more of an IDE thing than anything else. It helps you include examples that help devs understand the usage without having to navigate to the code itself.

Other than that, my general rule of thumb is that comments should only ever describe "why" your doing something, and usually only when you're breaking a rule or common convention and there's a good reason for doing so.

Great article

lincpa profile image
Lin Pengcheng
neurabot profile image

Nice. A shine perspective.

marcelomazza profile image
Marcelo Mazza

this is good advice, thanks. It surprises how one still finds codebases with any lack of common sense... :)

aloisseckar profile image
Alois Sečkár

Good summary. Why you shouldn't use enums in TS though...

mattlewandowski93 profile image
Matt Lewandowski

Interesting, thanks for sharing. I’ve never considered how enums were compiled.

retakenroots profile image
Rene Kootstra

Excellent points but you lost me after at point 4. Is still don't like the TS compilation step. It slows down development. For me at least.

mattlewandowski93 profile image
Matt Lewandowski

TS is just an example. The idea extends to any strongly typed programming language.

zakari714 profile image
Zakari Adamu

Awesome! Nice one bruv

krishankumarmourya profile image
Krishan Kumar Mourya

Great suggestions. I am following more than 90% of the above suggestions.