Hi everyone,
I usually work with pixel perfect development in a daily basis and found difficult to start at the beginning, like training all the difeent css posibilities, curretly I'm building https://pixel-perfect.io/ where I will have over 100 exercises with good tips and examples.
This ca also be helpful to show off dev skills in your cv if the company requires pixel perfect development. So far I have 10 exercises more or less ready, I'm planning to have around 100, I think wth that can be helpful for devs that look for this kind of trainning.
If you want to contribute to the project let me now, would be nice to build this with more people, just clone it and create PRs.
Repository (has still messy parts that I need to fix): https://github.com/thiswallz/pixel-training-simulator
Tech stack: NextJS, React, Typescript, Framer motion, Supabase, SCSS modules and libs.
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