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Will, eventually, Mozilla be a Microsoft acquisition?

MDN, Rust, software patents (Mozilla Open Software Patent License (MOSPL)), open source, ...

I have this feeling that it is not so unlikely. Could even be another acquirer, but this eventuality is not so relevant at the present time.

I am interested in opinions about this topic.

Top comments (4)

maxdevjs profile image

Thank you, you brought to the surface (...) interesting nuances. I kept the title short, but in fact the range of possibilities implied is not exclusively limited to a canonical acquisition. There are several forms of participation, control, "meddling". Right?

I do not know how much and how practically the Mozilla Foundation differs from the Linux Foundation, for example...

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

We need different companies to drive the tech industry forward its not good for one company to own everything.

maxdevjs profile image


maxdevjs profile image

I do not intend to explore the conspiracy path, just to better understand the situation. Nonetheless, talking about languages, seems that Rust is nicer than other languages to them.

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