This is a submission for the KendoReact Free Components Challenge.
What I Built
My project is a productivity app that integrates a calendar, a customizable Pomodoro timer, and a Kanban board. This way, it provides a set of tools to help you focus on your work all in one place. (Although, to be honest, it could include a couple more features, but due to personal and time constraints, I think it's a solid first version).
Pomodoro timer
The Pomodoro timer contains the following elements from Kendoreact:
-'Popover' and 'PopoverActionsBar' for the configuration section.
-'Button' and 'ButtonGroup' for work status indicators and general buttons.
-'Card', 'CardBody', 'CardHeader', and 'CardTitle' for the internal structure of the configuration Popover.
-'Slider', 'SliderLabel', and 'NumericTextBox' for configuration inputs.
-'Progressbar' indicates the elapsed time.
I have to be honest, I added a calendar that only shows the current date because it seemed quite attractive for the page, but then (with no time left, haha) I realized it could be useful for adding events or important dates.
So, the only element used in this part is Calendar
Kanban Board
The elements used in the Kanban Board are:
-"ListBox" and "ListBoxToolbar" to build the Kanban board with its items.
-"TextBox" and "Button" to add new tasks.
KendoReact Experience
Honestly, it was quite a challenging experience, but every challenge that is overcome is very rewarding. I learned a lot, and it gave me a chance to refresh topics I had somewhat forgotten. But this experience was really enjoyable and fun thanks to the variety of free components you can use at will, allowing you to create great ideas in a relatively short period of time. For example, if I were to rely solely on my skills and experience, it would take me at least 3 to 4 weeks to create an app of this caliber (dedicating myself fully to it). But guess what? With KendoReact, I was able to create this project in just 5 days, accelerating the process 4 times faster. Honestly, it really surprised me, and without a doubt, KendoReact will be a resource I’ll use in the future.
Thanks for reading, greetings.
Top comments (2)
Nice work
Thank you 😊