Hi there , I'm Maxim Kurdy and I'm a web developer. I use the MERN Stack in my projects.
If you know React JS , you may have come across the concept of hooks.
If you are a beginner,hooks are an important thing to know
I use hooks all the time and even developed some of my own custom hooks , and this a GitHub repo so you can take a look at some of them .
In short here some briefing about hooks :
Hooks solve a wide variety of seemingly unconnected problems in React.
They let you organize side effects into a component by what pieces are related (such as adding and removing a subscription), rather than forcing a split based on lifecycle methods.and here are some pros of hooks :
You can write concise and clearer code.
Hooks are simpler to work with and test. Code would appear cleaner and easier to read.
A related logic could be tightly coupled inside a custom hook.
It simplifies how to make code more composable and reusable.
Some of my accounts:
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