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Mayukh Pankaj
Mayukh Pankaj

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2021 Rewind

It's Rewind time ! 2021 has been such an amazing year. I learned quite a few new stuffs. Apart from academic studies, I was involved in web & app development.

here's my 2021 summarized ⏪,

January: I worked on covid-hotspots, A app that shows Covid-19 data for user's geolocation. Learned Javascript, TypeScript and API

February: Completed Python for Everybody course, learned automating stuff with python

March: Programming.

April: here's where thing got interesting, at IEEE Student Branch-BIT Mesra's Lead, Finally stopped procrastinating, made a portfolio website - with light/dark mode feature and completed other tasks.

May: Learned web scraping with BeautifulSoup, selenium, and made a Job Scraper with Flask as backend, again in IEEE lead.

June: Learned React & Node.

July: Can't remember, procrastinated.

August: participated in Major League Hacking hackathon, developed Vaccinater, app that sends Notification with vaccine availability in user's location to email & sms.

September: Data structures , Earned 4 ⭐ on Hackerrank

October: Hacktoberfest, maintained repo for IETE BIT, resolving conflicts , merging PRs, creating Issues. nice experience. learned.

Learned basics of Machine Learning at Society for Data Science BIT Mesra. Algorithms like Linear, Logistic Regression, KNN, Random forest, Decision Tree.

November: loading...

December: Learned React Native-firebase, Building an app for a Hackathon. (RN is cool)

Looking forward to another year of doing.
Thanks to Mentors like Angela Yu, Brad Traversy, NetNinja for amazing Tutorials ❤️
Thanx to my friends who were constant help ✨, You know who you are !

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Happy new year 🎉🥳

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