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Cover image for Terraform for Google Cloud
Saverio Mazza
Saverio Mazza

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Terraform for Google Cloud

Just leaving the link to my Terraform repo here. It's set up for various GCP services that I'm using in a project. Might be useful for some of you.

  • VPC Configuration: A new VPC is configured with the intent to utilize all services within a single VPC.
  • Compute Engine Setup: A compute engine is set up to read the Cloud SQL via a private IP, configured in another module. A is included, which has code to establish SSH connection directly from the local machine.
  • Cloud Run Creation: A Cloud Run is created in version V2 with Direct VPC Connection to Cloud SQL.
  • Automated Cloud Build Mechanism: A mechanism is set where the cloud build is triggered automatically following the code push to the repository that builds the image.

Top comments (1)

sigje profile image
Jennifer Davis

heya @mazzasaverio this is a pretty cool project. One thing that might help your project out is to explicitly have a LICENSE file. Take a look at to help you make an informed choice. Note the messaging around "However, without a license, the default copyright laws apply, meaning that you retain all rights to your source code and no one may reproduce, distribute, or create derivative works from your work." .

If you want contributors, it's helpful to have a CONTRIBUTOR file as well.

I wrote this a while ago and while it's written from a point of helping folks find projects, it might be helpful for you in thinking about how to help folks find your project.

Good luck!