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Cover image for What’s the Most Recent Project You’ve Been Working On?
Shahed Nasser for Medusa

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What’s the Most Recent Project You’ve Been Working On?

Happy Monday! Take a chance in the comments of this post to show off something cool you've been working on! Could be a personal or work project, could be programming related or not. We want to hear it all 💜

Here at Medusa, we've been preparing for a new release coming out this week! 👀 Stay tuned for our release post by following us here on DEV or by subscribing to our Newsletter!

Oldest comments (64)

murtuzaalisurti profile image
Murtuzaali Surti
shahednasser profile image
Shahed Nasser

Good job 👏🏻

apayrus profile image
Rustam Apay

I made a small project with the new stack for me: Vue (without build)
-- keyboard voicer for my 2 y.o. son. So he can:
1) press manual keyboard buttons
2) see popup key on screen
3) listen to key name
I did it with English + Russian + Arabic.
I plan to do video lessons how to do such an app. It covers topics:

  • keyboard events,
  • html5 audio
  • css animation
shahednasser profile image
Shahed Nasser

That is sooo cool 😍 I hope your son can benefit a lot from it! (Might have to show it to my nephew)

paratron profile image
Christian Engel

Thats a cool idea! My daughter always takes over my computer as well. She drives the IDEs syntax checker insane and makes me very grateful for having git 😅

joelbonetr profile image
JoelBonetR 🥇

I am loving that!! 😍😆

afheisleycook profile image

Good projevt

psypher1 profile image
James 'Dante' Midzi

Ooo, I see languages 😍

khokon profile image
Khokon M.

I've just finished publishing my Web Lock chrome extension. It's a browser extension to protect websites with a password. Just like we protect apps on mobile using app lock.
It has just reached 100 users, so I'm planning to do some upgrades to make it more useful.

shahednasser profile image
Shahed Nasser

Oh that’s a pretty cool idea. Could be helpful for parents as well

jeoxs profile image
José Aponte

Amazing! I believe this is vital for parents. I don't have kids 😅 but I imagine the situation as kids are surfing the internet at a very young age these days.

khokon profile image
Khokon M.

Thanks. Every little word is huge chunk of inspiration 🥰

paratron profile image
Christian Engel • Edited

I am working on which hopefully might be a good marketing tool for #indiegame developers, soon :)

guillermoavalos profile image
Guillermo A. • Edited
Client work, built with React/Next and Sanity as the content backend. The front-end is all Tailwind and Headless UI.

jeremyf profile image
Jeremy Friesen

Two projects: one personal and one for work. The personal project is to re-tag all of my blog posts (I have about 700+). That's moving slowly but I'm ready to pull the trigger.

The other project was related to the DEV feed:

shahednasser profile image
Shahed Nasser

That sounds pretty cool! And the tagging your posts process must be a tiring one 😅

jeremyf profile image
Jeremy Friesen

I may have a write-up on this in the works, but the gist is:

  1. Dump all tags into Sheets
  2. Write first pass of tag map (e.g. this tag goes to these two tags)
  3. Review first pass, and write second pass.
  4. Write a script to do the mapping locally
  5. Review the results and adjust

The complicating factor is that I'm also positioning to move my canonical tag map from a Hugo yaml file into my Org Roam PKM.

What this will mean is that my tags will compress from 370 tags to about 60. And from there I'll begin to add more compost / fuel to my I may have a write-up on this in the works, but the gist is:

  1. Dump all tags into Sheets
  2. Write first pass of tag map (e.g. this tag goes to these two tags)
  3. Review first pass, and write second pass.
  4. Write a script to do the mapping locally
  5. Review the results and adjust

The complicating factor is that I'm also positioning to move my canonical tag map from a Hugo yaml file into my Org Roam PKM.

Thread Thread
shahednasser profile image
Shahed Nasser

That sounds really impressive work! Good luck with it 😊

naveennamani profile image

I'm currently working on offline-docs a repo with collection of scripts to build offline documentation for tools like react, tailwind and many other open source projects.

It currently has 19 scripts but I'm aiming to reach a milestone of 50 by this week. Then I'll work on some ideas which lets everyone build the docs themselves just by forking the repo 🤗

shahednasser profile image
Shahed Nasser

Pretty cool good job! 👏🏻

realchell profile image

I'm working on a Chrome extension named Index Notch, which annotates scroll positions within web pages like bookmarks. I think its an urgent need when reading long frustrating articles ;) Still polishing it.

Screenshots & Source Code:

a_chris profile image

Interesting! Have you considered to annotate lines of text instead of the scroll positions?

realchell profile image

Thanks for your feedback! I'll add this in a future update.

a_chris profile image

A self-hosted analytics platform that I called Faenz and is open source 😄

Written with Ruby on Rails, I started working on it because Plausible is too heavy for my VPS and I needed something that could work with SQLite or MySQL and that can be hosted on Heroku or similar services, so I created it!

shahednasser profile image
Shahed Nasser

Looks cool!

badreddinezatout profile image
Badreddine Zatout

My latest project is a E-commerce platfrome using Laravel which I'm quite familiar with as a backend framework and react js which I am still learning as a frontend framework

shahednasser profile image
Shahed Nasser

Hope it turns out well!

privatenumber profile image
Hiroki Osame

I released pkgroll — a zero-config package bundler:

quantumsheep profile image
Nathanael Demacon

With a friend we are currently working on Tereus, a project aiming to automatically convert C code into Go. We will maybe work to handle COBOL to Go too.

Personally I have been working on sshs and nyaa-cli :)

ispandey81 profile image
johnmunsch profile image
John Munsch • Edited

I'm close to releasing the final version of a daily puzzle game (not word based) over at: It's inspired by Wordle but the puzzle itself is based on cards and poker hands. The folks I've had try it so far seemed to really enjoy it.

I built it with a tiny bit of Node.js + Docker to give me a deployable server and Lit based Web Components and Redux Toolkit for the front-end. I'm really pleased with how everything worked out and how much better Storybook has gotten at helping you develop Web Components :)

A finished puzzle

orbitaldev profile image
Judah Brown

Working on Solaris, a community for sharing projects made with modified versions of scratch. Mostly doing stuff for setting up CI, but I'll eventually be adding basic API functions for the backend and making a simple landing for the home page.