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How to connect to a EC2 instance having only private IP using a jump server.

The following article explains how to connect to an ECS instance using only a private IP address.
The first thing I would like to do is introduce some key terminologies, where we will first try to understand a few things, and then move on to the implementation.

Key terminologies:

  • ec2 instances: EC2 instance is like a computer or laptop where you can run your os like Linux, windows, etc.
  • AMI(Amazon Machine Image): It contains the operating system like windows ,amazonLinux, sushelinux which we use to launch our ec2 instance.
  • vpc(virtual private cloud): vpc is an isolated network within aws where we deploy our resources so that they can communicate with each other.
  • Private IP: Using private IP we can not connect to the internet directly.
  • Public IP: Using public IP we can connect to the internet directly.
  • Key pair: A key pair has a public key and a private key. So basically this is a set of security credentials that we use to prove our identity while connecting to an ec2 instance.
  • Bastion host: The ec2 instance which is having a public IP from which we try to connect to an instance present in a private subnet is called a Bastion host.

EC2 Instance Connect allows you to connect to EC2 instances using three different methods:

  • A browser-based client accessible via the AWS Management Console.
  • Your own key and SSH client.
  • EC2 Instance Connect command line interface (CLI).

In this article we only discuss about connecting ec2 instance using key and SSH client.

Step 1:

  • Start by creating an EC2 instance that has a low configuration. Ensure that this EC2 instance and the instance with the private IP are in the same VPC. And this instance must have a public IP.
  • Connect the instance by giving key pair to SSH client. And connect to the root.
sudo su
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Now try to connect to the private EC2 instance. You will notice it is not connecting because the private key pair is not there.

step 2:

  • Now login to vi editors with a file name the same name as the private key pair file. In my case, the key name is example.pem.
vi example.pem
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  • Copy-paste the key into the editor. Save and exit to the editor.

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  • Now give permission to the owner by using the following command.
chmod 600 example.pem
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You are good to go.

Now trying to connect to the ec2 instance having private IP. It will be connected.

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