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Compilation: Tech talks beyond compare in May (full list)

This month we decided to bring you a roundup of not one technology but all of the top-rated meetups selected by hand, chosen by our audience. Find out what the leading 13 was in May and dive right into it. Enjoy!

11 Crazy Things I Didn’t Know You Could Do With Java | Hanno Embregts
Hanno will take 15 minutes to go through 11 things in Java that took him 14 years to learn. Which means that you have the chance to learn these things 490896 times faster than he did!

Build A Fullstack App with Remix, Prisma & MongoDB: Referential Integrity and Image Uploads
In this video, you will learn how to build the profile settings section of your application, including an image upload component, and configure your schema to provide referential integrity in your data.

Metaverse in Blockchain | Pritam
Learn all about Metaverse and Blockchains in this talk by Pritam who is a full-stack JS developer & blockchain engineer. He works with early-stage startups and is passionate about designing & building Web3 products.

The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us | Jamie Chapman
In this talk Jamie goes over what actually drives us at work, what motivates us at work beyond money, how can you stay motivated and some hopefully useful tips.

How Code Review Works (and Doesn’t) in the Real World | Alberto Bacchelli
Alberto Bacchelli is an Associate Professor at the University of Zurich in Switzerland. His talk describes a series of studies showing that programmers don’t treat all files equally when doing code review, which can have a significant impact on their projects.
You will learn:

  • powerful new ways to test modern software
  • how to do better, smarter code reviews
  • what effective remote onboarding means during the pandemic
  • whether test-driven development actually makes you more productive
  • what “productive” really means for programmers

The End of the Data Ice Age | Hugh Mckee
Why in the third decade of the 21st century, after 80 years of writing software, data continues to live in two states, hot data in the compute space and cold data in the persistence state? Of course, data is created and manipulated while in a hot state. Ideally, all data would exist entirely in a hot state when you think about it. However, the reality is that due to the way most computers work, it is necessary to keep only the data that is actively in use in a hot state and push all inactive data out to a cold state persistence layer.

This hot and cold data perspective raises the question of why is it that at the software level, we still have to focus so much attention and effort on dealing with the movement of data between these two states.
In this talk, we will examine what has led us to this point, why we seem to be stuck here and look at some possibilities for moving forward. You also see a real example of a live hot state software approach that inspired this rant and line of thought about seeing data in a hot and cold state way and the profound impact on how we develop software.

My Learnings Creating a 2D Game: Introduction to React-three-fiber | Jose Fernando Höwer Barbosa
Jose shares a little bit of his experience creating a 2D game with Reactive Fiber. The idea of this game was not to create a game that is on the top of the best standards. It was more about exploration, trying to learn what the problems are that you will probably face if you decide to create a game on your own.

Develop from Anywhere with GitHub Codespaces | Brigit Murtaugh
Are Codespaces inside of GitHub, or is GitHub inside of Codespaces? Yes. Both of these things are true. GitHub Codespaces provides a cloud-hosted, containerized development environment powered by Visual Studio Code. In this session, we’ll show you how having an editor hosted within GitHub gives us a unique opportunity to enable rich, productive GitHub workflows without ever leaving GitHub itself.

JS: What’s Coming Next? | Alvaro Berruga
If there’s something common among (almost) all web developers, it is JavaScript. We talk about updating our libraries, breaking changes, micro frontends and regret that we still have jQuery in production but… have you ever stopped for a second to take a look at what’s coming next at the core of this? What the language looks like in 2022? Let’s spend some time catching up on what the JS community misses in this language, what ECMA has in store for us with ECMAScript 2022 and how we can start changing the way we code in JavaScript!

Challenges in Building Micro Front Ends | Vishal Kumar
Micro Front Ends come with complex architecture and many hurdles to implement. In this talk, Vishal shares his learnings and architecture patterns he developed in building micro front ends at different organizations. When to use micro front end patterns and what level of isolation to implement. How to share js and css payloads elegantly and allow for interaction between such isolated components. He will also delve into practical considerations for keeping the complex application performant and solve issues around compilation and building pipelines.

Security: From Basic Principles to PHP Specifics | Alexander Makarov
During numerous code reviews Alexander has found that many projects share alike security flaws despite being developed by experienced teams. In this talk, he covers both security basics, PHP specifics and some extras such as common errors in server configs.

Take a Walk on the Client Side | Erin Schnabel
In this talk, we’ll take a walk on the client side: we’ll explore how you can use JBang, Spring, Quarkus command-mode, client-oriented extensions, and straight-up Java goodness to create badass native command-line apps that can do all the things.

Java Meets TypeScript: Building Modern Web Apps with Full-Stack Type Safety | Marcus Hellberg
As Java developers, we know the benefits of type-safety when building apps. The problem? Usually, that type-safety ends when we leave the server. What if it didn’t have to? In this presentation, you’ll learn how to build a modern, reactive, web app in TypeScript with view-to-database type safety through live code examples. We’ll use Spring Boot on the backend and Google’s Lit library on the frontend, connecting the two with the new Hilla framework from Vaadin.

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