Why I created Aero
Before I started this project, I was using WordPress or programming in PHP, using HTML and CSS to create a website. I loved WordPress, but it was slow for me because of plugins. You need lots of plugins for additional features, and most plugins had a premium where you need to pay for them to get the full version. There were many problems with WordPress that I experienced such as slow page speeds and low SEO ranking. There are good things about WordPress too, but with site vulnerability and every time you have a plugin that is not functioning with your current PHP version, your site shuts down. These problems with WordPress led me to create a Content Management system that would solve most of these problems.
Introducing Aero
Aero is a simple and easy to use CMS that would let you create fast and powerful web applications. Aero can be used as a blogging engine as well as many other things. The SEO is decent or not too bad according to IONOS.com.
Aero also has a clean user interface for the Admin Panel and the front end site.
Aero uses Bootstrap which makes the website friendly on all devices which includes, computers, tablets, phones and other devices that you can name that has the ability to surf the internet. The Admin panel and the front end website comes from a bootstrap template. The website search engine also works. To search you need to type in one of the keywords / tags labeled on the post.
The Admin Panel
The Admin Panel includes a dashboard which shows you all of the users you have on your website, who is online, how many posts, categories and more! It even has a post editor using TinyCloud's html text editor.
In the posts section, you can clone a post, make a post public or a draft and delete them. You can also clone or delete posts in bulk. You can even create a post too.
In the users section, you can clone users, create a user, set the users avatar, username, name and more! Like the posts section you can also clone or delete users in bulk. Also, there is an option to give the user a role. The default sign up role is Subscriber. You can change their role and give them Admin permissions.
In the categories section, you can create or edit an existing categories name. Or even delete a category too. The Categories appear up in the front end part of the website. Appearing at the top of the navigation or on the right side.
In the comments section, you can see the post that the user commented on, as well as approve or unapprove or delete their post. When the user submits a comment it is automatically marked as unapprove until the admin approves it.
Lastly, is the profile section, this section is created so you can edit your profile name, picture, avatar and much more. You can even change your role to a subscriber, but you can't change it back. To change it you need to go to phpmyadmin and set it to Admin again.
Known Issues and solutions
- You can't change your password which is a security risk for the admin. You need to create a new admin account and delete the old account.
- Draft pages show. The draft pages show but if you click on it as a non admin, it will say page not found. If you search up the draft post, it will show the text and content that you typed up.
Features coming soon
- Ability to change password
- A settings page
- Ability to change website name, site widget, copyright
- Probably admin panel and front end themes :)
Github Repo
Thank you for reading this post, if you want to support me or the project. Please star or contribute to the repo. Let me know if there are bugs or you need help in the issues tab of the github repository.
Aero is a simple and easy to use CMS (Content Management System) designed to create fast and powerful web applications!
This project is not maintained anymore, I have been involved in other projects and forgot about this. I don't have plans coming back to this project currently, however I may do so in the future.
Aero / AeroCMS is a simple and easy to use CMS (Content Management System) designed to create fast and powerful web applications. Aero is built with OOP (Object Oriented Programming) PHP which is known for fast website loading speeds.
System Requirements
- PHP 5.6 - PHP 7.4
- MySQL or MariaDB Database
- Apache2 Server
- If you have an XAMPP server, you have all of these requirements already.
LAMP Installation
You can run Aero on any operating system or architecture if it runs linux. You can do it on armhf (arm32), arm64 (aarch64), x86 (i386), or x86_64 (amd64). We recommend Debian or Ubuntu Linux since that is what we ran AeroCMS on. XAMPP also works too, it…
Top comments (2)
The main thing is to start, congratulations!
Are you sure you are filtering your variables?
Anyway, I wish you good luck!
Thank you for the feedback. I need to check back about the variables. Anyway, thank you! Good luck to you too! :)