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codingGinja a Software Engineer in training

I am codingGinja, a nut who is transitioning careers to Software Engineering. I am 36 years old, yes, I do feel old to change my careers now, but not too old to study as I am a proud forever student, someone who believes in constant learning. To get to the Software Engineer title, I am using the self-taught route and Front-End Development as my starting point. Bouncing of my Web Design and Marketing experience I feel I can have baby steps with JavaScript. And hell, they are baby steps indeed, mainly because I have my actual baby to play with while I am trying to understand what’s the difference between == and ===, or var and let. Fun times…

How did I end up on this track? I believe that a lot of things were pointing me towards it since long ago. Since when I, as an eight-year-old, was playing with the computer at my mum’s workplace; it was unusual to have access to a computer in those days and in my country (just fresh after Soviet Occupation). Till the breakdown I had in 2020 when I realized, I don’t want another job in Marketing.

How did I end up with a life that looks like a tree branching out in different directions? Heck, do I know? Probably my ability to get interested and invested in various things. My primary teacher called me a Walking Encyclopaedia because I was always very curious, I always wanted to experience things, to know more, to research, and to understand and I used to have a good memory for that (two kids later not so much anymore).

I believe something guided me to this point, and yet I am still scared like hell of what am I getting myself into. For me, this is the road less travelled by, and I feel a lot of resistance: fears that seed doubt and amotivation, and yet the unwillingness to proceed I used to have with some of my previous career choices has gone. Inside my heart I know that this is the road for me, that the plan I have in my heart is the right one. And I have power to stand against that resistance and persevere. Me writing this is a way of fighting my demons.

I hope you can laugh at my mistakes as I go along and learn foreign concepts. If you want to read more of my stuff, please visit my blog.

thank you for reading.

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