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Alexey Melezhik
Alexey Melezhik

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Simple linter for yaml files modified in git

Yaml is fragile

If you edit yaml files often enough you might know that YAML syntax is way too fragile and accidental errors easy creep in and break your code.

Here is yaml-lint Sparrow6 plugin to the rescue.

Whenever you change your yaml files in git, lint them through yaml python module.

Yaml-lint picks up all the git A or M files and run yaml linter for them.

Install plugin

$ tom --profile yaml
install yaml@yaml-lint ...
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Use plugin

Just edit whatever file you want to edit:

$ nano main.yml # already added to git modified file - `M`
$ nano foo.yml   
$ git add foo.yml # newly added to git file - `A`

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And run linter before commit:

$ tom yaml-lint

gimy@77b3f88acea1:~/projects/LFA-Applications$ tom yaml-lint
19:41:47 03/13/2019 [repository] index updated from file:///home/melezhik/projects/repo/api/v1/index
19:41:48 03/13/2019 [lint modified files] python -c 'import yaml,sys;yaml.safe_load(sys.stdin)' < main.yml
19:41:48 03/13/2019 [lint modified files] python -c 'import yaml,sys;yaml.safe_load(sys.stdin)' < foo.yml
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Now you're good to commit:

git commit -a -m "we have a good yaml"
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