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Yevhenii Melnyk
Yevhenii Melnyk

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Enhancing DynamoDb client with Scala 3

After 8 years of development, Dotty is going to become Scala 3 soon. It’s the right time to try out Scala 3 and its new features. In this article, I am going to show a practical example of making DynamoDb more type-safe and convenient using macros,type class derivations, extensions methods, and a handful of implicits.

Table of Contents


To start with, let’s look at how to put and get an item from DynamoDb utilizing the plain aws-sdk client. The examples assume that there is a case class:

case class NewYear(year: Int, wish: String) {
  def gift: String = "A fairy pony"

val year = NewYear(2020, "I wish Scala 3 was released soon")

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The case class is defined in the file NewYear.scala. The instance of the case class val year=... as well as the case class itself are at the top-level as well. This is the first notable feature of Scala 3: the package objects were removed from the language. The values and methods don’t need to be defined inside an object or class anymore.

The instances of NewYear are going to be stored in the dynamo table new-years. I am omitting the code of creating the dynamo table, the whole example can be found in the github repository.

Now we know the entities that are going to be stored in the database. We can take a look at the put/get code:

      "year" -> AttributeValue.builder().n(year.year.toString).build(),
      "wish" -> AttributeValue.builder().s(year.wish).build()

val item = ddb.getItem(
      "year" -> AttributeValue.builder().n("2020").build()

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What problems can we see here?

Firstly, the AttributeValues are being built explicitly, the year of type Int is transformed into a String in order to be set as the value of the attribute. Not only we can make a mistake of choosing the DynamoDb type by confusing the .n and .s value setters on the builder, but also the code looks ugly and verbose. It’s a great use case for type classes to provide a unified way of converting scala types to the AttributeValue.

Secondly, the attribute names are passed as strings. The key of our table is year. A typo in the key of the get request can lead to no results being returned. You can argue that having constants for the attribute names is enough. However, keeping the same name of the key in the item map and the case class field is going to be crucial to write cases classes in the .item without an explicit construction of the map.

Here comes the last issue that we’ll try solving in this article. The .item ignores the instance of the class that we defined and expects a map. This case class has only 2 fields, so building a map is quite an easy task. Having 20 fields will definitely be error-prone because an additional field in the case class requires an additional line inside the .item map.

After making some improvements employing the features of Scala 3, we can get a neat code like this


val item = ddb.getItem(
    .key[NewYear](_.year, 2021)

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In the following sections, I’ll explain how to create the utilities for the code above to work.

Encoding attributes. Implicits

I’m going to introduce the improvements step by step. To start with, we’ll make the attribute building more pleasant. In order to do this, we’ll have a type class for the conversion of a scala type to the AttributeValue and back. Every type that can be converted to the AttributeValue will have an implementation of the AttributeCodec trait:

trait AttributeCodec[A] {
  def encode(a: A): AttributeValue
  def decode(a: AttributeValue): A

given AttributeCodec[String] with {
  def encode(a: String): AttributeValue = AttributeValue.builder().s(a).build()
  def decode(a: AttributeValue): String = a.s()

implicit val intCodec: AttributeCodec[Int] = new AttributeCodec[Int] {
  def encode(a: Int): AttributeValue = AttributeValue.builder().n(a.toString).build()
  def decode(a: AttributeValue): Int = a.n().toInt

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You can see that I defined two instances:

  • the instance for the String type is defined with Scala 3 syntax
  • the instance for the Int uses the old Scala 2 syntax

The Scala 3 syntax is slightly nicer, the instance names can be omitted. They are never used after all, because the instances are found in the implicit scope via summoning. In the new Scala, the method implicitlyis renamed to be summon:

summon[AttributeCodec[Int]].encode(2021) // AttributeValue.builder().n(2021.toString).build()

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We can make the encoding look even better by adding a so-called “summoner” method to the AttributeCodec. There is a new keyword using that marks the implicit function parameters. It replaces the old implicit:

object AttributeCodec {
  def apply[A](using codec: AttributeCodec[A]): AttributeCodec[A] = codec

  // The old syntax
  // def apply[A](implicit codec: AttributeCodec[A]): AttributeCodec[A] = codec

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After this first round of enhancements our application is in the following state:

      "year" -> AttributeCodec[Int].encode(year.year),
      "wish" -> AttributeCodec[String].encode(year.wish)

val item = ddb.getItem(
      "year" -> AttributeCodec[Int].encode(2021)

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Obtaining class field names. Macros

Our next step is the derivation of the attribute names based on the case class field names. When we complete implementing this macro, the code will use fields instead of strings.

      FieldName[NewYear](_.year) -> AttributeCodec[Int].encode(year.year),
      FieldName[NewYear](_.wish) -> AttributeCodec[String].encode(year.wish)

val item = ddb.getItem(
      FieldName[NewYear](_.year) -> AttributeCodec[Int].encode(2021)

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As you can see the attribute name is defined via the accessor of the field FieldName[NewYear](_.year). The automatic acquisition of the field name is performed with a macro:

inline def apply[T](inline f: T => Any): String = ${getName('f)}

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This is an apply method that is defined with the modifier inline and calls the macro implementation getName. The methods that are implemented via macros are always required to be defined with the inline modifier. The second inline modifier on the parameter is optional. Let’s look at a simple example to understand why it’s needed in this situation. The following code prints the parameter that is passed to the method:

import scala.quoted._
object InlineFunctions {
  inline def showExpr(expr: Any): String = ${showExprImpl('expr)}

  inline def showExprInlined(inline expr: Any): String = ${showExprImpl('expr)}

  private def showExprImpl(expr: Expr[Any])(using Quotes): Expr[String] =
    '{ ${Expr(} + " = " + $expr }

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The implementation of the macro is defined in the method showExprImpl. The first parameter has the type Expr. This type represents the abstract syntax tree for all the constructs that compose our code. For example, it’s subtype Literal represents a single value, and the subtype Block contains multiple statements. The ${expr} is the same as $expr. It’s called “splicing” and calculates the value of an expression. For example, the ${Expr("hello")} is just the string hello. The transformation can be reversed with the use of quotes '{expr} which is the same as 'expr. Thus '{"hello"} is equal to Expr("hello"). In essence the showExprImpl prints the string representation of the expression and its value using the splices and quotes. The Quotes context parameter contains some low-level operations and is used implicitly by these operations. I defined 2 different functions: one with the inline parameter and another one without it. Let’s call them and see the output.

import InlineFunctions._

object InlineMain extends App {
  val a = 1
  val b = 2

  println(showExprInlined(a + b)) // demo.inline.InlineMain.a.+(demo.inline.InlineMain.b) = 3
  println(showExpr(a + b)) // expr$proxy2 = 3

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The value of the sum operation is the same. The expressions that are passed to our macro are different though. The inline modifier preserves the original expression. That’s exactly what we need in order to get the field name from the function such as (w:NewYear) => w.year.

After we had a quick look at the inline modifier, splices, and quotes, it’s time to move on and implement the getName method.

private def getName[T](f: Expr[T => Any])(using Type[T], Quotes): Expr[String] = {
  import quotes.reflect._
  val acc = new TreeAccumulator[String] {
    def foldTree(names: String, tree: Tree)(owner: Symbol): String = tree match {
      case Select(_, name) => name
      case _ => foldOverTree(names, tree)(owner)
  val fieldName = acc.foldTree(null, f.asTerm)(Symbol.spliceOwner)

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In the implementation, we dived even deeper into the Scala magic by calling f.asTerm so as to get access to the AST that the compiler sees. This is so-called TASTy Reflect. It provides an even more comprehensive view of the structure of the code. The power comes with a cost. Using TASTy Reflect can break type correctness guarantees and may fail at macro expansion time. In this particular use case, we are safe because we are only interested in reading the syntax tree, not in its modification. The .asTerm call produces the Tree instance. Similarly to Expr, the Tree has multiple subclasses that together represent our code. For instance, the call FieldName[NewYear](_.year) is expanded to

Inlined(EmptyTree,List(),Block(List(DefDef($anonfun,List(),List(List(ValDef(_$1,TypeTree[TypeRef(ThisType(TypeRef(NoPrefix,module class demo)),class NewYear)],EmptyTree))),TypeTree[TypeRef(TermRef(ThisType(TypeRef(NoPrefix,module class <root>)),module scala),Any)],Select(Ident(_$1),year))),Closure(List(),Ident($anonfun),EmptyTree)))

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This AST has quite many nesting levels. That’s why we use the TreeAccumulator that traverses this tree for us. When the traversal reaches the desired Select instance, it returns the name of the field.

The NewYear has a method defined outside the constructor and in the current implementation the call FieldName[NewYear]( is perfectly valid. It returns the string gift even though the field is not defined in the primary constructor. In order to prevent any fields and methods to be passed into the getName method, we define a compile-time validation that issues a compilation error when the field is not a part of the primary constructor. Here is the final implementation of the macro including the validation:

import scala.quoted.Expr.{ofTuple, summon}
import scala.quoted._

object FieldName {
  inline def apply[T](inline f: T => Any): String = ${getName('f)}

  private def getName[T](f: Expr[T => Any])(using Type[T], Quotes): Expr[String] = {
    import quotes.reflect._
    val acc = new TreeAccumulator[String] {
      def foldTree(names: String, tree: Tree)(owner: Symbol): String = tree match {
        case Select(_, name) => name
        case _ => foldOverTree(names, tree)(owner)
    val fieldName = acc.foldTree(null, f.asTerm)(Symbol.spliceOwner)
    val primaryConstructorFields = TypeTree.of[T]
      report.error(s"The field '$fieldName' is not one of the primary constructor parameter.", f)

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Avoiding map construction. Type class derivation

Earlier in this article, I mentioned that it is crucial to know how to derive the field name and omit to have the attribute names as strings. The reason is that we will be generating the map based on the case class.

trait ItemCodec[T] {
  def encode(t: T): Map[String, AttributeValue]

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There will be an instance of the ItemCodec trait created for any case class. Unlike AttributeCodec, which had the explicitly defined instances, the type ItemCodec instances are derived automatically. In Scala 2 you would use libraries like Magnolia in order to construct the macros and generate these instances. Scala 3 introduces some convenience utilities in the language itself. One of them is the trait Mirror. The language provides an instance of Mirror.Product for every case class. For our NewYear the implementation of this trait looks like this:

class NewYearMirror extends Mirror {
  type MirroredMonoType = NewYear
  type MirroredLabel = "NewYear"
  type MirroredElemLabels = ("year", "wish")
  type MirroredElemTypes = (Int, String)

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What we need to do is go field by field, and encode every field into the format that the DynamoDb client understands:

  • for every field get the AttributeCodec. For example, for the field year we need to summon an instance AttributeCodec[Int]
  • set the encoded value in the map with the key year

NewYearMirror provides enough information to write such a type class derivation, because we have both field names and field types.

private inline def getAttributeNamesAndCodecs[N <: Tuple, T <: Tuple]: List[(String, AttributeCodec[Any])] =
  inline (erasedValue[N], erasedValue[T]) match {
    case (_: EmptyTuple, _: EmptyTuple) => Nil
    case (_: (nameHead *: nameTail), _: (typeHead *: typeTail)) =>
      val attributeLabel = constValue[nameHead].toString
      val attributeCodec = summonInline[AttributeCodec[typeHead]].asInstanceOf[AttributeCodec[Any]]
      (attributeLabel, attributeCodec) :: getAttributeNamesAndCodecs[nameTail, typeTail]

inline given derived[T <: Product](using m: Mirror.ProductOf[T]): ItemCodec[T] = {
  val namesAndCodecs = getAttributeNamesAndCodecs[m.MirroredElemLabels, m.MirroredElemTypes]
  new ItemCodec[T] {
    override def encode(t: T): Map[String, AttributeValue] = {
        .map { case ((name, codec), value) =>
          name -> codec.encode(value)

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The most interesting parts of these two methods are how to go over fields one by one, and how to transform the field type to be a value.

Let’s understand the traversal first. We have a type type MirroredElemLabels = ("year", "wish") which is a tuple. In Scala 3 there is an extractor for the tuple type *:. It works the same way as for sequences so that there are a head and a tail element. In order to pattern match the tuple, we need to have its value. The erasedValue pretends to give us the value. In fact, it would always raise a NotImplementedError exception when called. That’s why we only pattern match the types and don’t use the values of erasedValue.

The second puzzle is how it’s possible to have the type of "year" instead of a type String, and how to transform the type "year" to the value year. In Scala 3 there are singleton types that’s why the type "year" is valid. These types have only one instance, in this case, year. In order to acquire this value we call the function constValue.

Convenience operators. Extension methods

All the planned functional improvements have been implemented. We can only add some operators to the GetItemRequest and PutItemRequest as if they were natively scala. Scala 2 approach is to define the implicit classes that wrap the objects and expose additional methods on them. Scala 3 has a dedicated keyword for adding such operators. It’s called extension methods.

extension[T] (b: GetItemRequest.Builder) {
  inline def key: GetItemRequestBuilderExtension[T] =
    new GetItemRequestBuilderExtension[T](b)

class GetItemRequestBuilderExtension[T](b: GetItemRequest.Builder) {
  inline def apply[A: AttributeCodec](inline k: T => A, v: A): GetItemRequest.Builder =
      FieldName[T](k) -> AttributeCodec[A].encode(v)

extension[T: ItemCodec] (b: PutItemRequest.Builder) {
  def item(t: T): PutItemRequest.Builder =

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Here is the resulting code that uses this syntactic sugar.


val item = ddb.getItem(
    .key[NewYear](_.year, 2021)

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In this article, we got acquainted with some Scala 3 features based on a real world example of using the DynamoDb client. We also had a gentle introduction to the macros and type class derivations. If you need more information around this topic, then take a look at this arctile and the macro tutorial.

The result of the exercise that is described in this article is in github.

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