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Sushmita  - aka meowy
Sushmita - aka meowy

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Web3, Community & Education

I'm part of the RAD(Rapid Application Development) Contracted Team, where I mainly focus on building full-stack web3 applications, use cases, and content using all the Consensys products available. I work primarily with Nextjs, TypeScript, React, and Solidity. I have over two years of experience in building web3 applications. I am passionate about learning new technologies and always look for new opportunities to learn and grow.

I have also worked on Udacity's Blockchain Nanodegree program.

I have been involved with a web3 DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) where I founded and led two teams. One team worked on an education platform, while the other focused on inclusivity and diversity. I led the education team in launching an education website and developing resources. My responsibilities included creating the website and writing content on Solidity Smart Contracts.

In this section, you can find all my blog articles, videos, podcasts, and workshops spanning from 2021 to 2024.

Here's my resume:

My Blog:

Udacity Course:

Udacity Course Materials:

Open Source Contributions:

Metamask/Consensys Blogs/Articles:

Rad Team Works:

Full-Stack web3 DApps:


Community Call with Developer DAO:


Hackathon Projects:

Other Articles:

You can reach out to me here:


Top comments (1)

jess profile image
Jess Lee

Cool, you are welcome to cross-post your web3 blog posts directly to DEV via our RSS import: