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Relativity & Subjectivity

Here, many people consider "relative" to mean something is not true, with only one or a few things being true. However, relativity does not negate reality, as if there were contradictions or errors. It does not.

Einstein's relativity does not mean something is wrong; it emphasizes diversity due to different perspectives.

Differences in perspective are not contradictions and do not negate anything.

Being relative means it could be red, yellow, or green, or numbers or letters or anything depending on the context, and it does not mean there are only colors and no letters or that there must be letters and no numbers. Rather, there are diverse possibilities that may be present.

Something relative is not considered to negate something else contradictorily, but rather due to imperfect observation, something is seen as less than it should be or thought of as more than it is due to not aligning with calculations or not realizing there are hidden qualities.

Relative could be colors, numbers, or letters, but it does not mean one of the colors, numbers, or letters does not exist. Everything exists, but their state is relatively different from different perspectives.

Seeing the number 6 as 9 is a relative difference depending on the perspective. If the number 6 is flipped or viewed upside down, it relatively appears as the number 9, but the number itself remains absolutely present.

Perspective & Contradiction

It is different if the perspective is the same but relative, then there is a contradiction. For instance, seeing the number 6 from one direction but also claiming it is the number 9, unless there is a distinction between the reality of the number 6 and the concept of the number 9. Even though it seems like one perspective, there is actually a change in perspective towards the concept of the number 9, thus avoiding contradiction.

So, to assert that only one or a few things are true, it cannot be affirmed that there are relative things.


Similarly, subjectivity does not negate reality but is a form of subjective adaptation depending on the individual's condition.

Where subjective adaptation is an effort to choose among the diversity of relativity.

Therefore, the realm of subjectivity operates within the realm of relativity.

Only One Choice

So, to assert that there is only one choice, it is not about affirming the relativity of the state that can be right or wrong, but about affirming the limited scope of relativity or subjectivity that results in wrong choices.

The limitation of diversity does not blame the diversity. Instead, it is subjectivity that emphasizes the possibility of wrong choices because they do not meet the demands (rules) of the situation.

The dialectic is as follows... that from various relative possibilities, there is one or several that are subjectively not suitable (cannot be adapted) to our knowledge.

There may be right/wrong, but even what is right is only relatively so (there are many types of truth) or if something is wrong, it means that relatively there is something unacceptable (subjective).

The wrong state itself is not rejected, not a contradiction, because the wrong can happen, but it is rejected by the subjectivity of certain conditions.

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