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Frontend vs Backend:

In the world of software development, a common division exists: those who craft beautiful interfaces (frontend) and those who forge the complex logic behind them (backend). But ask yourself: what good is an attractive wrapper if the contents can be easily replicated? The value of frontend is illusory: clones of popular applications are a dime a dozen.
True value lies in the functionality provided by the backend and the information stored in databases. Uber isn't valuable because of its "order a ride" button, but rather its routing algorithms and driver network. Facebook isn't about the newsfeed, it's the intricate web of user connections and preferences.

Furthermore, companies themselves, by offering API access to their services, are essentially providing developers with detailed instructions on building alternative interfaces! YouTube is flooded with "clone Instagram" tutorials, teaching users to slap pre-built frontend frameworks onto someone else's backend.
Even these simplified frontend skills are losing their value with the rise of AI, which automates 99% of the routine.
This realization is crucial for aspiring developers struggling to choose between frontend and backend. My answer? Become a full-stack developer. Don't limit yourself – learn both sides of the coin. Can you truly be content designing a button that does nothing when clicked?

Instead of dwelling on theory, jump into practice. Build your own small, yet complete, full-stack application. Theoretical knowledge, particularly in IT, depreciates quickly. It's through building real projects that you gain true understanding and value.

The future belongs to those who can create in-demand functionality, work effectively with data, and integrate AI. Frontend is becoming increasingly utilitarian, while the focus shifts towards backend – the heart of any successful project.

Here is my response to Uber, my own projects that not about taxi only but for all services. I did service to help find another services.

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