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Michael Eustace
Michael Eustace

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Xperience by Kentico: 5 useful developer resources for getting started with XbyK

Have you tried Xperience by Kentico yet? 🤔

If not, it’s this easy to get started. 🙌 Here’s 5 useful resources to get you going:

📖 1. Read this blog post on the Kentico Community forum

It that will inform you where the documentation lives, how to access tutorials and quick-start guides

✉ 2. Sign-up to the Kentico Community Portal newsletter

As a developer, it’s one of the best methods for staying informed on the latest releases, useful articles and guides

📽 3. Watch these brilliant technical spotlight videos by Kentico’s Lead Product Evangelist, @seangwright

We used these recently at our in-house agency hackathon to get developers, who were new to Xperience by Kentico, up-to-speed in minutes with setting up local environments (on Windows/Mac/Linux), creating content types, page templates, widgets, and using continuous integration

📄 4. Get to know the developer documentation

Kentico’s documentation is second-to-none and it’s one of the many reasons why I’ve been able to successfully build and deliver solutions for our clients, quickly and efficiently, as every aspect of the product is immaculately documented in a format that is easy to read, understand, and action.

📢 5. If you get stuck, you’re not alone...

Ask a question on the Kentico Community Portal Q&A forum. Other developers and Kentico MVPs, even Kentico employees, will be on-hand to help

Become Kentico Developer Certified?

Once you're up-and-running, and have accrued some experience with...Xperience, why not consider becoming a Kentico Certified Developer? The Xperience by Kentico Certified Developer exam is not currently available, but will be released sometime mid-2024, but in the meantime, you can draw some learnings for the equivalent Kentico Xperience 13 developer exam in my post: 5 tips on how to ace the Kentico Certified Developer exam 😉

Good luck 👍

Top comments (1)

ugrprmk profile image

Nice overview. Thanks