DEV Community

"git nah" and more handy Git aliases

Michael Z on December 01, 2019

A while ago I posted an article on undoing changes in Git, but some of these arguments or flags just don't want to stick in my head or, I use them ...
ironsavior profile image
Erik Elmore

git rekt

git config --global alias.rekt = "reset --hard"

diazsasak profile image
Diaz Guntur Febrian

why i got this error?

expansion of alias 'rekt' failed; '=' is not a git command

michi profile image
Michael Z

Check this comment
You must omit the equals sign.

Thread Thread
diazsasak profile image
Diaz Guntur Febrian

thank you

maxpou profile image
Maxence Poutord

oh I love this one!

thecodingalpaca profile image
Carlos Trapet

I'm stealing this one for demacia

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

I like "commit crime".

maxtruxa profile image
Max Truxa

Nice post!

Some of the examples are broken.
The = is part of the config syntax but must not be present on the command line. For example

git config --global alias.c = "commit"

should be

git config --global alias.c "commit"
michi profile image
Michael Z

Thanks for that! I corrected it

robinbastiaan profile image
Robin Bastiaan • Edited

Awsome list.

Could the last one be simplified to git config --global alias.alias '! git config --get-regexp alias'? That seems to do the trick too. I do not understand the rest of the syntax so I might be missing something.

4k1k0 profile image

$ git oops

checkout --

cyberhck profile image
Nishchal Gautam

Instead of specifying branch name develop, which might get executed on another branch out of habbit, why not get current branch first? Search for ggpull and use its implementation :)

srjturner profile image
Simon Turner • Edited

"Pushup" - to push commits from a (new) local branch to its (new) upstream:

git config --global alias.pushup "! git push --set-upstream origin \$(git branch | grep '*' | cut -d ' ' -f2)"

codebrotha profile image
Tineyi Takawira

Nice! Thanks for this post.

victoryarema profile image
Victor Yarema

It is sometimes recommended to use "pull --rebase=merges" instead of just "pull --rebase".

opshack profile image
Pooria A

This is really good stuff! I would just make sure to not use git nah if I already pushed my code to the upstream.