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Svelte vs React: Which framework to learn in 2023?

Mikhail Karan on December 13, 2022

In the web development world, sometimes it can feel like a new frontend framework comes out every day! Most come and go, but one thing is for sure:...
lexlohr profile image
Alex Lohr

Don't learn one framework, instead learn the concepts and patterns behind all of them – and the differences that can help you choose the right tool for the job.

No framework or library is a silver bullet. But the right choice can save you a lot of hassle.

By the way, svelte is great for smaller apps, but inexplicably doesn't scale too well. Try Solid.js.

mikehtmlallthethings profile image
Mikhail Karan

I think 1. Learn JavaScript fundamentals really well and then 2. Learn framework fundamentals (any framework)

That will make it easy to switch to whichever one is needed.

zhoorba profile image

Not the first time seeing such an answer, but it is kind of overwhelming without the right knowledge. Would be grateful if you could specify some of the core concepts and patterns that you're talking about

lexlohr profile image
Alex Lohr

You are right; I reached the same conclusion last Thursday and I'm already on it. The article is actually almost ready, but I want to proof-read it a few times after getting it out of my head, so I'll publish it next week. In it, I elaborate on state, effects, memoization, reactivity and templating.

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zhoorba profile image

Awesome! Eagerly await for the article 🔥

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lexlohr profile image
Alex Lohr
ivan_jrmc profile image
Ivan Jeremic

Finally someone giving the right answer to beginners.

slidenerd profile image

what do you mean by " svelte is great for smaller apps, but inexplicably doesn't scale too well. Try Solid.js." why does svelte fail for larger apps? what does solid have that svelte doesnt and more importantly what is your affiliation with solidJS?

lexlohr profile image
Alex Lohr • Edited

Have a look at this:

I'm not sure why this is the case - I would submit a PR to Svelte if I knew how to fix this.

Svelte outsourcers a lot of complexity into its wonderful transpiler. Solid only uses its transpilation for efficient templating and re-uses its reactive system for everything else.

And why is it important that I am part of the Solid.js community? I have merely stated an observed fact. You can test it for yourself.

dan1ve profile image

I learned Svelte before React, and now React feels unnecessarily complex every time I use it 🙈

I sort of disagree with the "React has more libraries" part by the way. You can use any JS library with Svelte.
So phrased differently, you could say "React requires libraries to be wrapped before usage"

mikehtmlallthethings profile image
Mikhail Karan

Yeah it's always tough for me to go back to a React project after working in Svelte!

jareechang profile image

The trade-off is now you need to maintain a custom svelte-react wrapper.

imo, generally, more code, more problems.

Guess what now you need documentation, tests and more!

leob profile image
leob • Edited

Great article, well-written ... of course a simple code example like this does not prove that Svelte has all of the imaginable bases (use cases) covered like React has, but I'll just assume it has.

So we can conclude that Svelte has only pros, no cons, compared to React (except that React dominates "the market", but that's not really a characteristic of React itself but more a meta-characteristic).

The only "downside" of Svelte might be - that SolidJS might be even better? :)

mikehtmlallthethings profile image
Mikhail Karan

Haha, I need to try SolidJS, been hearing great things.

leob profile image

Yeah, the real competition should be between Svelte and Solid, not between Svelte and React - but we're all "forced" to use React, even though it's inferior in almost all respects, because, well, it's the proverbial 900 pound gorilla in "the market" ... kind of saddens me, but oh well.

oshox profile image

SolidJS and/or Marko for 2023. Check out Ryan Carniato on YouTube to find out why.

mikehtmlallthethings profile image
Mikhail Karan

Interesting I'll for sure check it out!

oshox profile image

I should probably also mention that Ryan is active on

z2lai profile image

An effective way to learn something is to compare it to what you already know. Great comparison with React, it gave me a the gist of what Svelte is.

In all my time looking for jobs though, I have not seen a single job that had Svelte written anywhere (Canada). Interesting to see adoption by those big websites though. Excellent article!

mikehtmlallthethings profile image
Mikhail Karan

It's slowly becoming more propular and easier to adopt. SvelteKit (next.js equivilant) has just been fully released out of beta (v1.0.0) so that should help with adoption.

bookercodes profile image
Alex Booker

Svelte definitely looks cleaner and the idea of smaller bundles is appealing!

Great post, @mikhailkaran!

mikehtmlallthethings profile image
Mikhail Karan

Appreciate all the help from you and team on the post!

yaroslaff profile image
Yaroslav Polyakov

Pleasure, simplicity and beauty are very important.

"Pleasure" is non-technical term, not easy to measure but very important.

Almost 10 years ago I had dilemma, what next modern language to learn: Python vs Ruby.
Then I examined list of popular ruby projects and list of popular python projects. And what I've found:

  • Both languages are popular, both are "good"
  • Almost all ruby projects were related to "work"
  • Python had lot of "work" projects too, but also it had many projects which had no business value, which were written just for fun!

So, I decided Python is more fun to use. And yes, after many years with Python I still think I did right choice. It's pleasure to use Python both for work and for fun. And I work more efficiently when it's pleasure to work.

Also I think Python won this race and now much more popular. Because of "pleasure".

Now, I have little more then "hello world" experience with most popular frameworks and I'm impressed with Svelte and working with it. Clean, simple, easy. This is very important. And I think these defines future.

horstcredible profile image

This is actually a really nice comparison.
Good to see that React gets more and more competitors which begin to reach the right level of stability and reliability to be a real competition.

This will lead to massive improvements in the React.js project, too, I can imagine.
I don't think Facebook wants React to be beaten by the new kids on the block and that they will rather choose to improve React to be much better in performance.

Also I wonder what else you could use at the moment as an alternative to React and in which cases?
What's currently good for creating different sized projects?
Small ones -> Svelte, ...?
Mid sized ones?
Enterprise level big ones?

mikehtmlallthethings profile image
Mikhail Karan

Vue.js is a great alternative that has more and more usage in the real world.

The smaller ones like Solid and Astro are also creeping up.

heyhadi profile image
Munawirul Hadi

Svelte is way better than react, has less boilerplate, easier to maintain and easier to learn. If I am to build my personal project, Svelte is the way to go for me.

mikehtmlallthethings profile image
Mikhail Karan


mikehtmlallthethings profile image
Mikhail Karan

There is a mistake in the article.

When comparing Svelte vs React I mentioned Svelte has a built in router and that is not true.

Will be doing a minor rewrite of that section shortly.

Sorry everyone!

_bkeren profile image

Your Svelte code breakdown section shows react snippet. Can you fix it?

mikehtmlallthethings profile image
Mikhail Karan

Great catch, sorry about that.

Just edited it with the right sandbox.

yuridevat profile image
Julia 👩🏻‍💻 GDE

Thanks for this detailed comparison 🙏

mikehtmlallthethings profile image
Mikhail Karan

No problem!

rizmyabdulla profile image
Rizmy Abdulla 🎖️ • Edited

Hey, i'm going to take a look at svelte for my project.

What do you'll recommend for create a school website from react and svelte

mikehtmlallthethings profile image
Mikhail Karan

The svelte documentation has a great tutorial built in it!

If you need something a bit more guided I've created a Svelte for Beginners course on Udemy:

raddevus profile image

That's a great article & now that I've learned quite a bit about React I'm going to take a look at Svelte. Thanks for sharing.

purva2803 profile image
Purva Rajyaguru

Keep writing 🥳

mikehtmlallthethings profile image
Mikhail Karan

Will do! 🫡

sohrab09 profile image
Mohammad Sohrab Hossain

Great Article brother.

mikehtmlallthethings profile image
Mikhail Karan

Appreciate it Sohrab!

nafizmahmud_94 profile image
Nafiz Mahmud

Solid.js for me.

dadegi profile image

But why not Angular? Although its high learning curve, Angular is a real framework and offers all you could need in native way (expecially state management and HTTP methods). IMHO Angular is the only choose in medium/big projects.

lokaimoma profile image
Kelvin Clark • Edited

I think you're comparing react and svelte kit. Because svelte doesn't have routing baked in by default and svelte on it's own will render on client side, etc. Svelte kit is what adds most of the bells and whistles you were taking about in favor of svelte, just like NextJs for react.

brense profile image
Rense Bakker

React in the end also uses basic DOM manipulation (if you dive into the framework code). I haven't used Svelte yet, although its something I'm tracking... I'm really not a fan of this weird looking template style comments inside your HTML code... It's seems to me like a step back to the days of ugly PHP template engines. However I'm just one person and unfortunately it seems I'm incapable of convincing people that this is a bad idea :(

ndaidong profile image
Dong Nguyen

haha, as I remember, before PHP template engine as Smarty, I had to mix HTML and CSS within PHP script files, exactly as same as what React devs have to do today: write HTML and CSS with JS script 😅

brense profile image
Rense Bakker

Uhm, and with svelte you're not? The difference is, in React you're only writing JavaScript (and jsx) it all follows JavaScript rules, you dont have to learn any weird syntax logic, like with smarty or svelte.

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noahlaux profile image
Noah Laux

and with React, to handle state you need the weird hooks which comes with weird rules AND to use them properly without re-rendering mayhem you need to memorize

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brense profile image
Rense Bakker

There are a lot of different state management solutions for React. If you dont like what is currently offered, you can easily write your own, its all standard JavaScript. Yes there are some hooks you should probably learn about when you want to properly use React but there's no weird syntax, its all basic JavaScript and JSX.

laazycmd profile image
Shawn Gestupa

Great article! Svelte was the one that got me into web development, and I was able to slowly get comfortable with learning anything web dev-related because of it.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Svelte has no built-in routing functionality. Thank you for this article.

ozzythegiant profile image
Oziel Perez

Svelte. There is no other answer. Svelte returns us to plain JS where we can use any library we want and we are not locked in to whatever is available for a framework. React has to go! It's anti patterns are a cancer on web development.

biganth profile image
Anthony DeFreitas

Neither. SolidJS is the way.

olex_green profile image
Olex Tkachuk • Edited

The statment "React requirers third-party libraries and tools like Redux" - is wrong. React has built-in rich state managment - useState, useRedux. react-router and react-dom - are not exactly third-party libs.

In my opinion, Svetle is promising framework, I'd like to try it, but now I'm keen more about Flutter.

hazadus profile image

Nice article, thanks. Now I definitely want to try Svelte, sounds very promising :)

jwp profile image

Thank God, Zuckerbucks has a competitor in the rear view mirror. Not to mention Wasm. React just like the others is opinionated. Ridiculous in this day and age.

emexrevolarter profile image
Emeka Ndefo

Does Svelte have Module Federation & Library functionalities? For example, you can create functions and import them in any part of your app. Also, your app can be split in Modules that work together.

These are what may attract me to Svelte. I presently enjoy them in React.Js, although with extra customization.

dahla1973 profile image
Andreas Dahlström

We're developing an app in Sveltekit with great success and by combining with we have both Android and IOS apps using the same source code (including native features access from Javascript). Very happy so far.

kevinluo201 profile image
Kevin Luo

Svelte looks so similar to Vue.js. Just use Vue.js

mikehtmlallthethings profile image
Mikhail Karan

It has some significant benefits over Vue. I love Vue though and still use it on some projects but I pick Svelte more often now because of it's simplicity and speed.

eerk profile image

I have always wondered why React insists on using the virtual DOM. Is it really that much faster than good old direct DOM manipulation?

dbroadhurst profile image
David Broadhurst

To specifically comment on the title of this article, if you intend to get a job / better job then React will provide a lot more opportunities than Svelte.

mikehtmlallthethings profile image
Mikhail Karan

This is true. At this point it is way more in demand in the job market.

ozzythegiant profile image
Oziel Perez

Svelte. Just drop React, it's a mess! End of discussion

mariuszmalek profile image
Mariusz Malek


danielsharkov profile image
Daniel Scharkov

Svelte itself doesn't come with a build-in router, but you're propably talking here about SvelteKit.
Correct me if I'm wrong.

Great article! 😀

mikehtmlallthethings profile image
Mikhail Karan

I'll be honest...I screwed up there and confused it with Vue which has a 1st party router (not built-in) that is developed by the creators 😅

Going to post a edit to the article shortly with that.