Many beginners ask "which framework should I learn?" and "How much JS or TS do I need to learn before a framework?" - countless opinionated articles go into promoting the advantages of the author's preferred framework or library, instead of demonstrating the readers the concepts behind them to allow for an informed decision. So let us get the second question out of the way first:
"How much JS/TS to learn before a framework?"
As much as allows you to understand the concepts they are based on. You will need knowledge of the basic data types, functions, basic operators and of the document object model (DOM), which is the representation of your HTML and CSS inside your JS. While everything beyond that will not hurt, it is not strictly required to become proficient with a framework or library.
If you are a complete beginner, JS for cats might be a good resource for your first steps. Keep going until you feel confident, then continue until you stop feeling confident again. That's when you know enough JS/TS and can move on to a framework. The rest you can learn on the go.
"Which concepts do you mean?"
- State
- Effects
- Memoization
- Templating and rendering
All modern frameworks derive their functionality from these concepts.
State is just the data powering your application. It may be on a global level, for a larger part of the application, or for a single component. Let us take a simple counter as an example. The count it keeps is the state. We can read the state and write to it to increase the count.
The simplest representation is usually a variable containing the data that our state consists of:
let count = 0;
const increment = () => { count++; };
const button = document.createElement('button');
button.textContent = count;
button.addEventListener('click', increment);
But this code has a problem: changes to count
, like those made by increment
, are not updating the text content of the button. We could manually update everything, but that doesn't scale well for more complex use cases.
The ability for count
to update its users is called reactivity. This works by subscribing and re-running the subscribed parts of your application to updates.
Almost every modern front-end framework and library has a way to manage state reactively. There are three parts to the solution, and at least one of them or a mix is employed:
- Observables / Signals
- Reconciliation of immutable updates
- Transpilation
Observables / Signals
Observables are basically structures that allow to read via a function that subscribes the readers. The subscribers are then re-run on update:
const state = (initialValue) => ({
_value: initialValue,
get: function() {
/* subscribe */;
return this._value;
set: function(value) {
this._value = value;
/* re-run subscribers */;
One of the first uses of this concept was in knockout, which used the same function with and without arguments for write/read access.
This pattern is currently seeing a revival as signals, for example in Solid.js and preact signals, but the same pattern is used under the hood of Vue and Svelte. RxJS, which powers the reactive layer of Angular, is an extension of this principle beyond simple state, but one could argue that its ability to model complexity is a whole arsenal of guns aimed at your feet. Solid.js also comes with further abstractions of these signals in the form of stores (objects that can be manipulated through a setter) and mutables (objects that can be used like normal JS objects or the state in Vue to handle nested state objects.
Reconciliation of immutable states
Immutability means that if the property of an object changes, the whole object reference must change, so a simple comparison of references can easily detect if there are changes, which is what the reconciler does.
const state1 = {
todos: [{ text: 'understand immutability', complete: false }],
currentText: ''
// updating the current text:
const state2 = {
todos: state1.todos,
currentText: 'understand reconciliation'
// adding a to-do:
const state3 = {
todos: [
{ text: 'understand reconciliation', complete: true }
currentText: ''
// this breaks immutability:
state3.currentText = 'I am not immutable!';
As you can see, references of unchanged items are re-used. If the reconciler detects different object references, it runs all components using the state (props, memos, effects, context) again. Since the read access is passive, this requires the manual specification of dependencies to reactive values.
Obviously, you are not defining state that way. You either construct it from existing properties or use a so-called reducer. A reducer is a function that takes one state and returns another one.
This pattern is used by react and preact. It lends itself to being used with a vDOM, which we will explore later when templating is described.
Not every framework uses its vDOM to make the state fully reactive. Mithril.JS, for example, updates from state changes after the events set in the component; otherwise you have to trigger m.redraw()
Transpilation is a build step that rewrites our code to make it run on older browsers or give it extra abilities; in this case, the technique is employed to change a simple variable into a part of a reactive system.
Svelte is based on a transpiler that also powers their reactive system from seemingly simple variable declaration and access.
As an aside, Solid.js uses transpilation, but not for its state, only for the templating.
In most cases, we need to do more with our reactive state than deriving from it and render it into the DOM. We have to manage side effects, which are all things that happen due to state changes beyond updates to the view (though some frameworks like Solid.js treat view changes as effects as well).
Remember the first example from state where the subscription handling was intentionally left out? Let us fill this in to handle effects as a reaction to updates:
const context = [];
const state = (initialValue) => ({
_subscribers: new Set(),
_value: initialValue,
get: function() {
const current =;
if (current) { this._subscribers.add(current); }
return this._value;
set: function(value) {
if (this._value === value) { return; }
this._value = value;
this._subscribers.forEach(sub => sub());
const effect = (fn) => {
const execute = () => {
try { fn(); } finally { context.pop(); }
This is basically a simplification of the reactive state in preact signals or Solid.js without error handling and state mutation pattern (using a function that receives the previous value and returns the next), but that would be easy to add.
It allows us to make the previous example reactive:
const count = state(0);
const increment = () => count.set(count.get() + 1);
const button = document.createElement('button');
effect(() => {
button.textContent = count.get();
button.addEventListener('click', increment);
☝ Try out the above two code blocks in an empty page using your developer tools.
In most cases, the frameworks allow for different timings to let the effects run before, during or after rendering the DOM.
Memoization means caching of values computed from state, to be updated when the state it is derived from changes. It is basically an effect that returns a derived state.
In frameworks that re-run their component functions, like react and preact, this allows to opt out parts of the components again when the state it depends on does not change.
For other frameworks, it is the opposite: it allows you to opt in parts of the component to reactive updates, while caching the previous computation.
For our simple reactive system, memo looks like this:
const memo = (fn) => {
let memoized;
effect(() => {
if (memoized) {
} else {
memoized = state(fn());
return memoized.get;
Templating and rendering
Now that we have state in pure, derived and cached form, we want to show it to the user. In our example, we used the DOM directly to add a button and update its text content.
To be more developer-friendly, almost all modern frameworks support some domain-specific language to write something similar to the desired output inside your code. Even though there are different flavors, like .jsx
, .vue
or .svelte
files, it all comes down to a representation of the DOM in code that resembles HTML, so that basically
<div>Hello, World</div>
// in your JS
// becomes in your HTML:
<div>Hello, World</div>
"Where do I put my state?" you may ask. Excellent question. In most cases, {}
are used to express dynamic content, both in attributes and around nodes.
The most used templating language extension to JS is undoubtedly JSX. For react, it is compiled to plain JavaScript in a way that allows it to create a virtual representation of the DOM, an internal view state called virtual document object model or vDOM for short.
This is based on the premise that creating objects is much, much faster than accessing the DOM, so if you can replace the latter with the current, you save time. However, if you either have numerous DOM changes in any case or create countless objects for no changes, the benefits of this solution are easily turned into a disadvantage that has to be circumvented through memoization.
// original code
<div>Hello, {name}</div>
// transpiled to js
createElement("div", null, "Hello, ", name);
// executed js
"$$typeof": Symbol(react.element),
"type": "div",
"key": null,
"ref": null,
"props": {
"children": "Hello, World"
"_owner": null
// rendered vdom
/* HTMLDivElement */<div>Hello, World</div>
JSX is not limited to react, though. Solid, for example, uses its transpiler to change the code more drastically:
// 1. original code
<div>Hello, {name()}</div>
// 2. transpiled to js
const _tmpl$ = /*#__PURE__*/_$template(`<div>Hello, </div>`, 2);
(() => {
const _el$ = _tmpl$.cloneNode(true),
_el$2 = _el$.firstChild;
_$insert(_el$, name, null);
return _el$;
// 3. executed js code
/* HTMLDivElement */<div>Hello, World</div>
While the transpiled code may look daunting at first, it is rather simple to explain what happens here. First, the template with all the static parts is created, then it is cloned to create a new instance of its contents and the dynamic parts are added and wired to update on state changes.
Svelte goes even further and transpiles not only the templates, but also the state.
// 1. original code
let name = 'World';
setTimeout(() => { name = 'you'; }, 1000);
<div>Hello, {name}</div>
// 2. transpiled to js
/* generated by Svelte v3.55.0 */
import {
} from "svelte/internal";
function create_fragment(ctx) {
let div;
let t0;
let t1;
return {
c() {
div = element("div");
t0 = text("Hello, ");
t1 = text(/*name*/ ctx[0]);
m(target, anchor) {
insert(target, div, anchor);
append(div, t0);
append(div, t1);
p(ctx, [dirty]) {
if (dirty & /*name*/ 1) set_data(t1, /*name*/ ctx[0]);
i: noop,
o: noop,
d(detaching) {
if (detaching) detach(div);
function instance($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) {
let name = 'World';
() => {
$$invalidate(0, name = 'you');
return [name];
class Component extends SvelteComponent {
constructor(options) {
init(this, options, instance, create_fragment, safe_not_equal, {});
export default Component;
// 3. executed JS code
/* HTMLDivElement */<div>Hello, World</div>
There are exceptions. In Mithril.js, for example, while it is possible to use JSX, you are encouraged to write JS:
// 1. original JS code
const Hello = {
name: 'World',
oninit: () => setTimeout(() => { = 'you';
}, 1000),
view: () => m('div', 'Hello, ' + + '!')
// 2. executed JS code
/* HTMLDivElement */<div>Hello, World</div>
While most people will find the developer experience lacking, others prefer full control over their code. Depending on which issue they aim to solve, the lack of a transpilation step might even be beneficial.
Many other frameworks allow for usage without transpilation, though it is rarely recommended like that.
"And what framework or library should I learn now?"
I have some good news and some bad news for you.
The bad news is: there is no silver bullet. No framework will be much better than all others in every single aspect. Each one of them has their advantages and compromises. React has its hook rules, Angular a lack of simple signals, Vue lacks backwards compatibility and Svelte don't scale too well, Solid.js forbids destructuring and Mithril.js is not really reactive, just to name a few.
The good news is: there is no wrong choice – at least, unless the requirements of a project are really limited, be it in terms of bundle size or performance. Every framework will do its job. Some may require working around their design decisions, which might slow you down a bit, but you should be able to get a working result in any case.
That being said, going without a framework might be a viable choice, too. Many projects are spoiled by overuse of JavaScript, when static pages with a sprinkle of interactivity would have done the job as well.
Now that you know the concepts that are applied by these frameworks and libraries, choose those which are the best fit for your current task. Do not be afraid to switch frameworks in your next project. It is not necessary to learn all of them.
If you try a new framework, one of the things I found most helpful is to connect to its community, be it on social media, discord, github or elsewhere. They can tell you which approaches are idiomatic for their framework, which will help you to get better solutions faster.
"Come on, you must have a personal preference!"
If your main goal is to become employed, I would suggest learning react. If you want a great experience of effortless performance and control, try Solid.js; you might meet me on Solid's Discord.
But please bear in mind that all other choices are equally valid. You should not choose a framework because I say so, instead use one that works best for you.
If you got through the whole text, thank you for your patience. I hope it was helpful for you. Leave a comment while you're here and have a nice day!
Top comments (61)
Can you actually back this up? I know for a fact Vue scales well and it's used in large real world applications and there hasn't been too many big projects with Svelte to even state that.
Good question. In fact, I do, thanks to the work of Ryan Carniato who took the pains to make precise measurements:
That being said, not too well doesn't mean that this would be automatically prohibitive for it's use in larger projects. As so often in development, it depends.
At 80 components Vue is in the Preact, SolidJS ballpark.
Vue simply had a higher overhead per component than those two for lower component counts.
From that perspective Vue scales as well as Preact and SolidJS for high component counts.
Vue and Preact always fare better than React while it takes at least 1080 components before React requires less code than SolidJS.
Svelte's per component overhead doesn't seem to amortize (as quickly?) at higher component counts.
Does 80 components already count as big? That's probably arguable.
As far as I understand it, in the context of the article it's 80 identical components rather than total number (though not really sure if it matters).
I think the criticism of Vue was related to the hybrid approach of mixing reactive/vDOM, locking itself out of optimal runtime scenarios for either.
The argument is that reactivity scales best when it isn't tied to components.
Components are Pure Overhead
Ryan Carniato for This is Learning ・ May 10 '21 ・ 6 min read
Yeah Vue scales well on component size. If you go far enough it will be smaller than all the others. 80 "components" is loose. That might be accurate for like SFC styles but I'd say like in React the equivalent of those 80 components is more like 200 components because they tend to come smaller. I only went that far because for a single page load that is about as far as I'd want to go. Obviously apps will be larger with code splitting.
So any concern I had with Vue scaling would be on reactivity + VDOM overhead, but I haven't actually benchmarked Vue that way to an extreme so I can't speak to it.
Another concern with Vue is backwards compatibility, something react is surprisingly good with. There are many Vue 2 apps without a strategy to move forward.
React may still support class components but in the case of Etsy:
was enough to tip the scale towards migrating to Preact v10.x instead.
So even with React there is continual pressure to modernise the code base just to be able to stay on a supported version.
I remember a similar migration, but we had only three instances of changed behavior, which were fixed in a few hours. It probably depends how much you rely on internal workings of the framework/library.
Still, with Vue 2, migration to v3 basically means a rewrite of the whole state and logic.
I will disagree with this, Alex
Vue 3 supports Options API fully (which is what Vue 2 is based on). The only major things that change are how the app is instantiated and how global configs and plugins are set into the parent Vue object instance.
There's a handy @vue/compat package that detects where critical changes need to be made to make this migration process easier
Oh... wow, I've never seen such a great overview of the technical concepts of all these frontend frameworks! Thank you so much, Alex!
Same here
Are you saying that it's all you need to master to become efficient with lib or fw?
What about the fundamental JavaScript concepts eg. Call Stack and Event Loop?
Asynchronous Communication?
OOP and functional prgramming in JS?
Scope, closure?
Error handling?
I don't think that you will stop feeling confident until you started to understand these at least partially.
Usually, you start with ignorance about a topic, then you gain a sufficient superficial understanding to feel confident, then after some time you learn about the concepts you didn't know that you didn't know and your confidence is replaced by more understanding.
I can only say that this basic knowledge is a must for working with frameworks. I should add design patterns too. Sadly, none of this was mentioned in your article.
One should learn the underlying technology before using tools built with this technology. My takaway after 12 years in FE.
25 years of FE taught me that most people are using only about ½ of the underlying technology most of the time anyways – but depending on your use cases, these might be different parts.
Also, I wanted to keep the part intentionally short and encouraging, that's why I remarked on overcoming your initial confidence instead of mentioning a discouragingly long list explicit skills.
Lastly, a lot of people use their favorite patterns like a hammer, even if their task is to fix some screws. Yes, learning patterns can help, but every framework usually already comes with its own set of idiomatic patterns that are more important than learning about a factory pattern that you're never going to use with that framework.
That makes me even more sad. You're set for disaster if you don't know JavaScript being a FE dev.
Not using is not the same as not knowing about what is actually happening under the hood. We don't use frameworks because we need shortcuts.
Do you know 100% of JavaScript? You can answer every question of correct without thinking twice? I can't do that, and I'm longer in that game than you. I'm still confident that I can solve every front-end problem even without a framework.
To start with a framework, you don't need 100%. Getting over your initial confidence means you are usually somewhere around 50-60% of the language and its concepts and the rest that is important to work with the framework, you can pick up on the go.
We don't need gatekeepers for frameworks. Our community should be inclusive, not exklusive. In due time, every front-end developer should master their tools, but I don't expect anybody from waiting to use a framework before they mastered JS.
And weren't you basically saying the same?
You're comparing apples and oranges.
Firstly, I am not talking about your knowledge and experience. I am talking about a mere fact that this article is not mentioning important JS fundamentals and encourages devs to jump on FW unprepared. It's a huge red flag for any developer.
*Facebook hires devs without React knowledge but with JS knowledge because they believe if you know JS, you will figure out React. But not the other way around. *
I only know that I know very little, but I do know JS fundamentals and this knowledge has helped me countless times with being efficient with any JS based tool.
There is no way to be proficient with a framework if you don't know the fundamentals of a language, be it JS or any other language.
You're still not getting the point. If you overcome your initial confidence, by then you will have learned, yet not mastered JS. That's how learning works: 1. You get an initial understanding and feel confident, 2. You actually learn and lose previous confidence and 3. You master it and become confident again.
By including a long checklist, I would have increased the length of this already long article and would have discouraged beginners. Do you really think that's worth it? You call yourself a mentor, don't you?
No need to include long lists - only include what really matters. Fundamentals do matter.
A beginner/junior with solid knowledge of fundamentals but without a framework knowledge is on his/her path to success.
Beginners are discouraged when they grab a framework and struggle with it all the time because they think they know it but they lack understanding of language fundamentals which are a prerequisite for using a framework.
Let me give you an example:
Hooks embrace JavaScript closures and avoid introducing React-specific APIs where JavaScript already provides a solution.
It's a clear example where knowing JS closures helps with understanding how hooks work in React.
Notice "React-specific APIs"... All frameworks and libs have a lot of specific stuff that is not directly transferable from frameworks to framework. So imagine a beginner using hooks in React and then switching to another framework and using a similar solution that is abstracted away in a different way. Same stuff but named and approached differently. But a beginner will have no clue because of lack of understanding of JavaScript closures...
You get the idea.
Yes, I am a mentor. And I speak from experience.
And if you tell you've mentored hundreds of juniors successfully, I will not doubt it even for a second because I am 100% sure that you mentored them explaining what really matters, even if subconsciously.
The docs for react have been rewritten from scratch exactly for that reason: that they implied too much prior knowledge to be inclusive for beginners.
I'm not saying "fundamentals don't matter", I'm asserting that you should have learned most of them by the point you overcame your initial confidence.
The junior devs I have mentored learned about closures as a part of the way functions work before they lost their confidence in their initial knowledge. How do you teach functions (one of the basic data types I explicitly mentioned in the article) without explaining scope and closures?
Interesting read. Thanks.
I've been using React & React Native for some years now & I think it's a great tool. That being said, I have experienced the pain of things being re-rendered unexpectedly (usually down to using context or useEffect wrong) and have decided to try SolidJs recently.
It has a very familiar feel, I think that mostly comes from the React side of things, but I also spent years with Knockout too. I remember disliking the latter because it got a bit obscure what was causing a state change in a complex system.
Not sure why I'm sharing this, other than to say to someone new that they're pretty similar. Once you've learnt one, the skills are mostly transferrable to another & as long as you have several ideas, it becomes quicker each time to prototype with a new/different library/framework.
Go for the one that looks the most fun.
While react and Solid.js look superficially similar, under the hood, they are polar opposites.
React uses reconciliation of immutable state, effects, refs and memos opt out of its reactivity and it re-runs components to fill it's vDOM. Solid uses signals, effects, memos, variable props and JSX expressions opt into its reactivity and components are rendered once without a vDOM.
Don't be afraid of choosing a new framework. You might find new patterns that work well even in other frameworks.
I like how the one solid's compromise you decided to point out was that it "forbids destructuring". Point to voby I guess :D
That's the point we get most complaints about, I guess.
You should mentioned the understructure plugins :p that's our usual response to the complaints, heh.
This is a great article, and a good summary of some stuff I didn't know (will have to check out Mithril).
We avoid React because the build step and abstraction buy-in just isn't worth it. Instead, we use smaller modules (RequireJS-based, but migrating to ES6) with Handlebars-based templating. There's also a singular-CSS assertion. Event bindings map pretty well but the property listeners leave something to be desired.
Thank you for your feedback.
While I've included Mithril solely to show the opposite of the reactive spectrum, I'm sure it'll do its job – especially if most of your interaction is based on events anyways. I only ever played around with it, but it is actively used, so I guess it can't be too bad.
If no-compilation remains a hard requirement and you want to try something really reactive, Solid.js has you covered, too.
In any case, good luck!
Of course! Ymmv, and every project works under different constraints that lead to different choices of technology.
This is one of the most important and useful posts in 2022
I created a JavaScript framework that solved all the problems popular frameworks and libraries are unable to address,
I couldn't contribute to these popular frameworks due to the Codebase age and what I want to work on are really deep.
So I made my framework solved major problems.
Oh well I haven't published it, don't know how those part works, specifically setting up a community.
The site below is been built by a developer who loves the tool, do check out the site, observe the great performance and maybe help project cradova
Cradova is the best solution for pwa due to it exceptional speed and easy of use.
Here's the project public repo, it hasn't been updated for time, but it has been on active development on the private repository.
After my exams I will update the public repo.

As I already remarked, no framework is a silver bullet. I'm pretty sure yours is no exception. There were others before you claiming to have found the ultimate solution (the last one I remember was the guy who wrote fre – not that it's bad, but it's no silver bullet either) and there will be more after you. Still, you may have chosen other great compromises that could benefit your users.
The first step to get this into everybody's hand is to finalize your repo, add sufficient documentation and learning materials and announce your framework everywhere, here, on Twitter, YouTube, whatever. The second step is listen to the community, but find a balance between accepting criticism and not changing features on a whim. The third step is a lot of patience.
Yeah that's true, cradova is fast and easy to use, that's it's whins, a few Compromise.
Hy Alex,
before mentioning any framework, we should ask for the task you need to solve. I suppose, it depends much on the kind and size of your application, if a framework plays well or not. For a large scale app with millions of users, the perfect tooling might be different than for a private homepage.
So, possibly we should first ask for the task before recommending something.
It gets even more interesting if you go another step back and ask which properties of the large-scale app or the private homepage are significant factors for the choice?
Then you find that the number of concurrent views, the complexity of interactions, the amount of changes at the same time and the performance of the clients you expect become very interesting.
For example, a shopping homepage will be much faster if it shuns MVC frameworks and instead start out as MPA with only the minimal required interactions. A conference app on the other hand wouldn't work as anything but an SPA.
But is there any real measure? How much performance do you really need?
Most people will not have so many friends that the number of concurrent views really matters. And if their hompage is boring slow, this will possibly not a result of the wrong framework but of the wrong provider.
Your initial question was: Many beginners ask "which framework should I learn?"
My first questions would be:
a) What do you want to do
b) How much time do you have to learn
I assume, there is also a big difference in the performance, how long it takes to get a "beginner" up and running. Maybe he or she can do the job in Svelte after 2 weeks, but doing the same in React will take 2 month, which is the better choice?
a) might not be a coherent answer like "I want to build my own homepage". I would expect it to be much more complex, for example "I want to build my own homepage that serves as example for my skills if I apply for a job that requires me to build much more complex, performant, scalable apps, since those pay better."
Also, if you need much longer to learn react than svelte, there's something wrong with your learning material. The way those frameworks handle their tasks are extremely different, but the tasks (receiving interactions, managing state, rendering view) are very much the same.
Awesome, thanks 👍 that’s what I always try to explain to dev folks but cannot find proper words for