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A Journey to Become a Web Developer - When To Learn GIT

The big question: When to learn GIT? My answer is as soon as you start working on your own projects. Why? I will answer that in a bit. First I would like to talk about what GIT is.

What is GIT?

"Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency. Git is easy to learn and has a tiny footprint with lightning fast performance"

This is is taken from the GIT website. But what does it mean? Let me try and explain. GIT is a tool that you use to help manage project version control. Version control, in basic terms, is keeping track of changes to your project. Not only will it keep track of the changes you make, you can revert back to a previous state of your project (GIT has saved me a number of times with this one).

It is also a must have tool to use when working with other developers.

Why is it so important to learn early in your journey?

I have two reasons why I think it is important to get to grips with the basics of GIT early on.

  1. It helps keeps track of your projects. If you make an error or bugs appear that you can not fix, you can effectively go back in time to before the error/bugs and try again.
  2. The earlier you start the more practice you get. This is important if you plan to work with other Devs as a hobby or as a day job.

Where to Learn GIT

There are hundreds of blogs and videos on GIT and there is also the official documentation. I found a good starting place for me was this crash course on YouTube by Brad Traversy.

So that is it. My thoughts on when and why you should learn GIT. So go out there, get a handle on the GIT basics and build some simple websites with HTML, CSS and GIT, and I will see you next time. Until then, don't forget to follow me on Twitter @mikepagedev , and - keep coding!

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