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Mike Varenek
Mike Varenek

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Mastering WordPress Management: A Comprehensive Guide to WP-CLI Commands

WordPress is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) powering millions of websites worldwide. It allows users to easily create, manage, and publish content without extensive coding knowledge. However, for developers and those comfortable with a command-line interface, WordPress offers an even more powerful tool: WP-CLI.

WP-CLI, or the WordPress Command-Line Interface, is a game-changer for managing your WordPress site. It lets you bypass the traditional web-based interface and interact with your site directly through text-based commands.

This opens a world of possibilities, including:

  • Efficiency: Perform repetitive tasks like installing plugins, updating themes, or managing users in seconds with a single command.
  • Automation: Script complex workflows for tasks like backups, database migrations, or deployment, saving you time and effort.
  • Headless Management: Build decoupled applications where the frontend is separate from the WordPress backend. WP-CLI empowers you to manage the headless CMS portion seamlessly.

Getting Started with WP-CLI: Dive into Command-Line WordPress Management

Before unleashing the power of WP-CLI, let's ensure your environment is ready.

System Requirements:

  • PHP: WP-CLI requires PHP version 5.6 or later. You can check your PHP version by running php -v in your terminal.
  • WordPress: WP-CLI works with WordPress versions 3.7 and above. Check your WordPress version by logging into your admin dashboard and navigating to Updates.



The most common method is using Composer, a dependency manager for PHP. Follow the official WP-CLI installation guide ( for detailed instructions.

Alternatively, you can download the phar archive and make it executable.


Use Homebrew, a popular package manager for macOS, by running the following command in your terminal:

brew install wp-cli
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Windows (Limited Support):

While WP-CLI can technically run on Windows with additional configuration, it's generally less recommended due to potential compatibility issues. Consider using a Linux virtual machine or a Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) for a smoother experience.

Basic WP-CLI Commands:

Once installed, open your terminal and type wp to see if it's working correctly. Now you can explore some basic commands:

wp help: This displays a list of all available WP-CLI commands and their basic usage.
wp version: This shows the currently installed WP-CLI version.

Core WordPress Management: Take Control with WP-CLI

WP-CLI empowers you to manage the heart of your WordPress site directly from the command line. Here's how you can tackle core tasks with ease:

User Management:

Create a New User:

wp user create username --user_pass=your_password --role=author
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This command creates a new user with the specified username, email, password, and assigns them the "author" role. You can adjust the --role flag to assign different user roles (e.g., editor, administrator).

List All Users:

wp user list
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This displays a list of all existing users on your site, including their usernames, user IDs, email addresses, and roles.

Delete a User:

wp user delete user_id
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Replace user_id with the actual ID of the user you want to remove.

Post and Content Management:

Create a New Post:

wp post create --title="My New Post" --content="This is the content of my new post." --status=publish
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This creates a new post with the specified title, content, and publishes it immediately (by setting --status=publish). You can adjust the status flag to set it as a draft or pending review.

List All Posts:

wp post list
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This displays a list of all existing posts with their titles, IDs, statuses, and authors.

Delete a Post:

wp post delete post_id
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Replace post_id with the ID of the post you want to delete.

Plugin and Theme Management:

Install a Plugin:

wp plugin install plugin-name
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Replace plugin-name with the actual name of the plugin you want to install from the WordPress repository.

Activate a Plugin:

wp plugin activate plugin-name
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This activates the specified plugin.

Deactivate a Plugin:

wp plugin deactivate plugin-name
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This deactivates the specified plugin.

Update Plugins:

wp plugin update --all
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This updates all installed plugins to their latest versions.

Database Management:

Backup Your Database:

wp db export > my_database_backup.sql
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This creates a compressed SQL file named my_database_backup.sql containing a complete backup of your WordPress database.

Import a Database Backup:

wp db import my_database_backup.sql
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This replaces your current database with the data from the specified backup file.

Export Specific Database Tables:

This exports only the wp_posts and wp_users tables to a file named specific_tables_backup.sql.

Advanced WP-CLI Techniques

We've explored the core functionalities of WP-CLI. Now, let's dive into some advanced techniques that unlock its true power:

Multisite Management:

For those managing WordPress Multisite networks, WP-CLI offers incredible control:

Add a New Site:

wp site create --title="My New Site" --user=10
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This creates a new site on your network with the specified domain name, title, and assigns it to a user with ID 10.

Remove a Site:

wp site delete site_id
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Replace site_id with the ID of the site you want to remove from the network.

Manage Network Users:

WP-CLI allows you to manage users across all sites in your network using similar commands to single-site user management.

Server Optimization:

WP-CLI can help you fine-tune your server for optimal performance:

Clear Cache:

Many caching plugins integrate with WP-CLI. Refer to your specific plugin's documentation for the exact command (e.g., wp wp-super-cache flush).

Clear Transients:

Transients are temporary data stored in the database. Use this command to clear them:

wp transient delete --all
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Search and Replace Operations:

Need to update URLs, usernames, or other data across your entire site? WP-CLI can handle it:

wp search-replace "old_string" "new_string" --all-tables
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This command searches and replaces all occurrences of "old_string" with "new_string" within all database tables. Be cautious and always back up your database before running such operations.

Development Workflow Enhancements:

For developers, WP-CLI becomes an essential tool:

Deploy Code:

Integrate WP-CLI with version control systems (like Git) to automate code deployments to your development, staging, or production environments.

Automated Testing:

Use WP-CLI to trigger automated testing frameworks like PHPUnit to ensure code quality and functionality.

Security with WP-CLI: Keeping Your Site Safe

WP-CLI empowers you to maintain a secure WordPress environment with efficient tools:

User Password Resets:

Forgot your admin password? No worries! WP-CLI can help you regain access:

wp user update user_id --user_pass=new_strong_password
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Replace user_id with your user ID and new_strong_password with a strong, unique password. Remember, it's crucial to choose a strong password and avoid using the same password for multiple accounts.

Keeping your WordPress core up-to-date is vital for maintaining security. WP-CLI automates this process:

wp core update --update_core
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This command checks for available core updates and installs them automatically. It's recommended to perform core updates in a non-production environment first to avoid any compatibility issues.

(Optional) Integration with Security Plugins:

While WP-CLI offers core security functionalities, some security plugins provide additional features accessible through WP-CLI commands. Refer to your specific plugin's documentation for available commands.

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